What's your favorite scary movie?

Read the title.
Mine is Scream. Considering my pfp and name, and the title of this thread, I know how much of a shock that is.
For anyone who's wondering, I think Billy and Stu are the best Ghostface, and you can't change my mind.
Halloween by far.
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Not sure if this counts but Joker really f*cked with me. It was the only movie I've ever seen in which my subconscious told me to leave the theater lmao.
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I can see why you'd say Joker, it counts.
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Im a fan of Halloween and the original Chainsaw Massacre.
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Great picks, but I think the reboots for both are trash.
Idk why, but I only like the originals.
Just my opinion that you didn't ask for :-)
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Little mermaid (answered like the Dwight lol)
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I agree. I don't like a lot of modern horror movies. The originals know how to have tension without relying on jumpscares.
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That vid is fun to watch for me bc it was made before Ghost Face was added.
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evil dead 1.
The first time I saw the movie I felt very desperate for the situation that Ash was in.
(ash is my main btw)
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Silent Hill *the first one
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Dawn of the Dead 2004
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This would be my pick also. I recall sitting in the cinema watching it and being astounded by every part of it. I was never that much of a fan of the games, but after seeing that film I feel in love with that universe. Apparently there is another movie in the works.
This Halloween I'm going to rewatch it with a few others mentioned in this thread.
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Dude are you for real, I hope it's the story from SH2 so Pyramid Head can get mad screen time.
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That article also mentions the new game in the works.
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Thanks for the link ,noted they said games possible remakes.
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I'd go for Jacob's Ladder as, not only my favourite horror, but also my favourite movie of all time. It's got a powerful emotional punch to it.
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Tough call. I don't think I have just one because there are so many sub-groupings. In recent years, I think Oculus and The Descent are damn good scary films. Jaws, Watership Down (I know... weird choice right), and Halloween are up there too.
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I take it back Silent Hill Revelations is the #########
*That means Ilike it BTW
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Jaws. It's always been my favourite film. Halloween is a close second.
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Its gotta be between Nightmare on Elmstreet or Leprechaun.
I actually really like the scary movies that arent afraid to be silly. For example there are so many jokes in Evil Dead that Im surprised how many people dont catch on to them.