Legion Change Idea
So, I had an idea. In the current state of DbD, I think Legion and Wraith are the two weakest Killers in the game. I thought of a way to make Legion a bit more competent and wanted to know what anybody else thought about it. The way Legion works right now is to hunt and stall the game, but that doesn't make him strong, it just makes the game take longer than necessary. My friend told me that the first Survivor to get hit with Feral Frenzy always gets off easy, and the last person is always targeted, which sparked my idea.
Since the dev's motive for Legion was to make him a Killer that excels at map pressure, why not make his power more efficient in doing so? Here's my idea: since your goal is to get all four Survivors into the Deep Wound state, what if your fourth hit counted as a normal one, so they still got the speedboost, but you would not get extra fatigue? This would make it to where -- while the other Survivors are mending -- you'll have time to chase down that fourth Survivor and hopefully down them before more gens get popped.
What do you think of this change? If you don't agree, what would YOU change about Legion?
I would be completely satisfied if the Devs merely did some QoL changes to Legion, then we could see where they were.
For example,
Reduce the fatigue time. There is no reason that Legion needs a longer cooldown than Nurse.
Get rid of the power drain on basic attack. This is left over from his previous state.
Remove the screen darkening on Fatigue, it is already difficult enough to catch Survivors and it gives me a headache.
Allow Legion to see scratchmarks until he hits a Survivor with FF, it is incredibly easy to juke a Legion while he is in FF.
Remove full cancel on miss, instead have it drain 50% of the bar, then have it cancel the power if you miss again.
Fix Frank's Mixtape, you have to throw the game to make it work.
Fix Stab Wound Study, it doesn't do anything.
Rework the Killer Instinct add-ons, they do almost nothing and I haven't seen anyone run them.
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These would be nice changes, too. I made my idea because if their motive was to make a Killer specifically for map pressure, why not make him more competent in doing so? Your ideas work, too. I don't think there's anything wrong with having strong Killers. Counterplay is okay, but making them extremely weak to the point where they're useless? I don't think it's fun for anybody.
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Legion is still frustrating to go against, and I would say even more frustrating to play. I had a rework thread a while back that I posted, where I completely re-designed their power. You can check it out if you like. It is kinda similar to yours.
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I like seeing some other ideas, so I definitely will. I'm sure my idea wasn't the most original idea in the world, but playing Killer a lot lately in my streams, I can't help but think from time-to-time about changes I would make to weak Killers. I have NO clue how I would change Wraith, but I think he needs love, too.
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Just increasing his frenzy speed would do a lot, its way too easy to outrun a frenzy by just running straight if you have just a little distance on him. He also needs another add-on pass, 2 of his purple add-ons do next to nothing, and his range add-ons don't really help since you can't reach everyone in your default range, why make it bigger? Not to mention the pins not working on your first target, which is the one you want to stall the most since they will be mending the soonest.
Reducing the fatigue could also be an option as frenzying when no one else is around (which you might not know until after you frenzy) hurts you rather then helps. You could also give frenzy an effect at base for hitting someone in DW to help that issue.
Honestly Legion has so many issues there's a lot of avenues to take.
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All I care about with Legion is that if I miss an attack, it won't completely deplete my power. I'm fine with it being deactivated, but having to build the power back up from scratch on a missed attack for a power that doesn't down survivors is a bit much.