The Scientist and semi-Popular girl

Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

CHAPTER: An Experiment Gone Wrong


The Scientist

Name: Madison Reed



Madison ever since she was little was fascinated with how chemicals interacted the human body. Especially one’s made by plants. She would poison animals and observe the effects of each chemical given to them. From then on, Madison continue her “experiments” figuring out first hand the effects of bleach, alcohol, gasoline, and more. However, knowing of her unusual interests and her budding intellect, Madison began her work to become someone. Someone who could use poisons and such without suspicion and she did. She became a botanical biologist specializing in pharmaceutical applications for toxins, poisons, and plant-based irritants. Everyday, Madison was able to satisfy her desire to “experiment” with almost unlimited subjects. She soon excelled in her field and pioneer many popular drugs that treated ailments from the common cold to cancer. However, Madison began to grow tired of lab rats and testing dummies. She craved human subjects that can scream, ache, and moan from her deeds. Eventually, she began abducting. Starting with those who are vulnerable and alone, but grew to riskier more healthy subjects. Madison delighted in her new lab subjects. Until she botched a job; allowing one of her victims to escape. All of which led to her arrest and execution. Before she drifted into her sleep, Madison saw a dark mist fill her execution room. 


Power: Experiment 027 sample

A set of syringes that contain a mysterious mixture of various chemicals, it radiates dark power and agony.

+At the start of a match, 5-8 lab stations will be place around the map. When you run out of syringes, you must restock at these stations. Survivors can either sabotage these stations or use them to remove the effects of Experiment 027 sample. When a station is sabotaged, neither survivors nor The Scientist can use it for 30 seconds and the first set of syringes made from it after will provide 1 extra syringe.

+This ability will have a base amount of 5 syringes. After pressing the ability button, your next melee attack will apply the poisoned status effect. This is a constant effect that can only be removed through the lab stations (when applied in this method). Poisoned comes in three stages that progresses at a base rate of 30 seconds:

-Stage one: The survivor is given the broken status effect and has a moderate (10%) decrease to all action speeds.

-Stage two: The survivor will occasionally, when moving, (once every 30 seconds when walking and once every 15 seconds when running) trip and will fall stopping any sprint, action, and/or ability.

-Stage three: The survivor will be put into the dying state and have their aura reveal until they are healed, anyone who heals this survivor will have their aura revealed instead persisting for 5 seconds.

~If a survivor is attacked with this ability again after already being poisoned, the survivor will also receive the hindered status effect for 45 seconds and have the poisoned effect progression hastened by 10 seconds.



A Rusty Syringe

A syringe that has seen use more than it should, it has rusted from all its puncturing and unsafe injections. It could likely give you a disease on its own.


Teachable Perks:

+Toxic Presence=Any survivor that enters your terror radius is inflicted with a status effect depending on their health state:

•Healthy~Hindered (5%) that lasts 20/30/40 seconds after leaving your terror radius.

•Injured~Hindered (5%) and Hemorrhage that lasts 20/30/40 seconds after leaving your terror radius.

•Dying/Hooked~Hindered (10%), Hemorrhage, and Poisoned (tier two) that lasts 20/30/40 seconds after leaving your terror radius.

-You begin surrounding yourself in toxic chemicals that harm those around you, especially those who are more vulnerable.

-“The best defense is one of poison, only those who suspect will be prepared.”-Madison Reed

+Lure and Bait=Any survivor that unhooks another survivor is revealed to you for 10/15/20 seconds (this effect will persist even within lockers). The survivor also is inflicted with the oblivious status effect for 45 seconds.

-Your experience when it comes to abduction is almost unmatched, especially when it comes to tracking them down.

-“The art comes into play when the victim, is unaware of their impending doom.”-Madison Reed

+Loose Satchel=When you are stunned, inflict all survivors within a 10/20/30 meter area with the poisoned (tier 2) status effect for 45 seconds.



+Rope [common]

-Any survivor poisoned, suffers an extra 3% movement speed decrease.

+Ducky Face Mask [uncommon]

-Any survivor poisoned, suffers an extra 15% action speed decrease.

+Faux Leather Satchel [uncommon]

-increases amount of syringes carried by 1.

+Cow Leather Satchel [rare]

-increases amount of syringes carried by 2.

+Horse Leather Satchel [very rare]

-increases the amount of syringes carried by 4.

+Human Leather Satchel [ultra-rare]

-increases the amount of syringes carried by 4.

-slightly (5%) increase the speed of refilling syringes.

Small Test Tube [uncommon]

-increase the amount of syringes given after using a recently renewed lab station by 1.

Medium Test Tube [rare]

-increase the amount of syringes given after using a recently renewed lab station by 2.

Large Test Tube [very rare]

-increase the amount of syringes given after using a recently renewed lab station by 3.

-increase syringe restocking duration by 2 seconds.

+Cracked Beaker [common]

-slightly (10%) increases the speed of the poisoned progression.

+Cheap Beaker [uncommon]

-moderately (15%) increases the speed of the poisoned progression.

+1L Beaker [rare]

-considerably (20%) increases the speed of the poisoned progression.

+Metal flask [rare]

-Considerably (50%) increases the speed of refilling syringes.

+A long needle [uncommon]

-slightly (9%) increase of the lunge range when using The Experiment 027 sample.

+A dirty needle [rare]

-After successfully melee attacking a survivor, that survivor will receive the hemorrhage and mangled status effect until healed.

+Cheap Bunsen Burner [very rare]

-When a survivor is sabotaging a lab station, if they fail one skill check they will be inflicted with the poisoned status effect at the first stage. If they fail two, they will have their location revealed for 5 seconds.

+Industrial Bunsen Burner [ultra-rare]

-When a survivor is sabotaging a lab station, if they fail one skill check they will be inflicted with the poisoned status effect at the second stage. If they fail two, they will have their location revealed for 10 seconds.

+Diluted Antidote [very rare]

-Any survivor that tries to heal their poisoned status effect from lab stations must complete 3 difficult skill checks, if any are failed the survivor must retry at another station.

+Fake Antidote [ultra-rare]

-Any survivor that tries to heal their poisoned status effect from lab stations must complete 5 difficult skill checks, if any are failed the survivor must retry at another station.

+Backup Ingredients [ultra-rare]

-Sabotaged lab stations become useable by the Scientist 20 seconds before the survivors, any survivors within a 20 meter radius a station when the Scientist restocks is automatically poisoned.

+Fragile Syringes [ultra-rare]

-decrease the amount of syringes by 3.

-any object interacted with by the Scientist (kicking, vaulting, opening, etc) when they have Experiment 027 sample active will lose that poison but the object will poison any survivor that later uses it within the next 30 seconds. If the survivor is already poisoned, progression is dramatically (50%) faster when interacting with poisoned objects.

Rare Flora [ultra-rare]

-When a survivor is inflicted by Experiment 027 sample, they additionally gain the disoriented status effect and become deafened getting worse at higher stages poisoning.

-The disoriented status effect will mess with the camera, sensitivity, and controls of the survivor. They experience random tremors of the camera angle, sudden shifts in the sensitivity of their mouse/controller, have key binds for actions be changed (however when the button prompt for action appears, the correct button to press with show), and more. While one disturbance in effect (ie. wonky camera), another effect (ie. key bind change) will not be active.

-All effects are removed after curing one’s self at a lab station.


Other stats:

Height: Short

Speed: 115 | 4.6m/s

Race/Ethnicity: Black, Jamaican

Terror Radius: 15 meters



A short, young girl that wears a lab coat, face mask, and scrubs. Her hair is long and pure white. 

Basic=messy lab coat, messy face mask, and dull blue scrub bottoms.

Prestige=bloodied lab coat, bloodied face mask, and torn scrub bottoms




Name: Jessica Wheatley



A normal high school senior that is among the most popular girls at her school. Well, distant friends with some of them. Jessica longed to be important and popular but that dream has yet to flourish. She now carries the orders of those above her in the food chain. She is not prey for them, but neither is she the predator. Jessica grew up with the illusion of high school success, parties, and tons of drama. Though all she only got was weekends spent alone at home watching movies and eating junk food, while the popular people went out. After a gruesome unfriending by the school’s queen bee, Jessica was cast down into being prey. Since then, she was bullied and pushed around just like all those she once pitied. She couldn’t take anymore and wanted what she had back. Pleading and bargaining with all who stood above her, gave Jessica a chance. Enter the woods just out of town and scratch her initials on the lone hanging tree that stood in its center. That very night, she took a flashlight, a knife, and a map to the woods in search of the tree. However, Jessica would not leave those woods and was reported missing the very next day. Her phone found at the tree with a unfinished text that read: “I did it. Soph-“. To this day, Jessica Wheatley’s case remains unsolved.


Teachable Perks:

+Popular by association= This perk will activate if there is a survivor who is the obsession besides the user. Whenever the obsession is picked up by the killer this perk will gain a token, to a maximum of 4 tokens.

•1 token~The killer is revealed every 45/40/35 seconds to one random survivor that is not the obsession that are outside the killer’s terror radius.

•2 tokens~The killer is revealed every 45/40/35 seconds to two random survivor s that is not the obsession that are outside the killer’s terror radius.

•3 tokens~The killer is revealed every 45/40/35 seconds to all survivors besides the obsession that are outside the killer’s terror radius.

•4 tokens~The killer is revealed every 45/40/35 seconds to all survivors outside the killer’s terror radius.

When the obsession is hooked lose 2 tokens. If the obsession is not killed on hook, instead gain enough tokens to achieve max tokens.

-You’re used to being second rate to those who are more powerful than yourself but you know how to still be useful.

-“Being second rate has its perks!”-Jessica Wheatley

+Pity Laugh=If the killer successfully melee attacks another survivor, the user will have their location revealed with an audible laugh. This sequence will interrupt any long action and decrease skill check success sizes by 99% for 20 seconds. However, the killer will be significantly (25%) hindered for 8/10/12 seconds.

-Being able to belittle and taunt is your speciality. Who knew it would be useful now?

-“Wait these guys have feelings?”-Jessica Wheatley

+Desperate=Every time you are downed by the killer, receive a 1/2/3% increase to action speed. If hooked, receive a stackable 5% increase to movement speed after being unhooked. 

-You need to survive, any obstacle only makes you stronger.

-“The pain is only temporary, as soon as I leave those gates.”-Jessica Wheatley



Basic: Favorite T, Black Scrunchie, Ice cream PJ bottoms

Prestige: Bloodied T, Stained Scrunchie, Bloodied PJ bottoms




  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited September 2020

    Yes I take criticism. Yes I know some of the perks are op. Thus, please instead of tell me what’s wrong, tell me why it’s wrong and how would you change/fix it.