Bloodlust and Pyramid head Changes.


So, I decided to write another post in here. This time, I want to make some proposals for balancing. 3 months ago, we got the Silent Hill Chapter with Pyramid Head and Cheryl. In this post, I want to talk about some things that should get changed in my opinion. Pyramid Head, Bloodlust and all Killers with 4.6m/s. Pyramid Head is a strong Killer. Not for Map control but for chases. He isn't easy to loop, because he can just close loops with his rails or uses his range attack to make a survivor waste a pallet, he'll get him with the range attack or the surv doesn't use the pallet. The Killer will get a hit in like 90% of the cases. Because of that, Pyramid Head shouldn't be a Killer that has 4.6m/s. The range attack is very strong and can be used on almost every map very good. Even on very strong loops, a good Pyramid Head can kill a Survivor easily with his range attack - just like the Huntress or the Deathslinger.

What also should get changed, not every Killer should be able to get on Boodlust level 3. Killers that aren't walking with 4.6m/s, (Huntress, Deathslinger, Hag, Nurse Spirit) should be able to get on Bloodlust level 3. But every Killer that walks with 4.6m/s, shouldn't be able to get Bloodlust level 3. Because they are fast anyways, a Trapper should get to Bloodlust Level 1 and 2, because Bloodlust 3 gives the Killer a massive boost. That is good for Killers like Huntress etc. but a Killer that is already very fast, will just abuse Bloodlust to get on Bloodlust level 3 so he doesn't have to destroy Pallets for getting a Survivor down. And Killers like Leatherface, should only get Bloodlust level 1 because the Chainsaw is very strong since they changed it. Billy also should get only to Bloodlust 1. I think it's understandable that fast Killers shouldn't get the Level 3 boost and Pyramid Head shouldn't walk with 4.6m/s.
