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Why am I not losing rank?

Lice Member Posts: 1
edited September 2020 in Ask the Community

When I play as killer and since reset I get like 7/10 games entity displeased with 4 survivors escaped. I keep tracking my progression and I dont go worse than rank 9. I had a horrible game where I collected 5000 points at the end and and didnt lose anything. Sometimes all escape and I still get progression. #########?

I check people's profiles and they have 1-4000 hours on record and doing insane loops. I am a new player. And when I see 4 gens done by first hook is just depressing. Yea sure, I tried switcing survivors during a chase if I see someone being good at looping but I just get another insane looper. I ask at the end what is their usual rank and its rank 1.

What is this matchmaking? Am I not losing rank because the game is looking at the hidden MMR? Probably I should just quit this game for a week until all these players go back to rank 1

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