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W10 - Lag since 4.2.0

Hello DBD community
I'm pretty sure that this is a bug, i've seen some players with the same issue as me, and the issue here is "lagback" or "rubber banding" as some people may recognize it, before explaining it yes, i have a decent internet connection, 40 mbps, i've been experiencing lag spikes (not fps) while walking on both sides (killer and survivor) delay on skillchecks, delay while moving my camera, delay on every action i do, without mentioning the hook problem, if it isn't a game bug and it's just me i'd like to get a solution but it's just something i cannot understand, i've been playing since 2017 and never had these issues before, it started to happen since the update 4.2.0 came out, i've sent a mail to the tech support and they said that they're going to look at it but i just want to make sure again, hope that someone can confirm this because as i said i'm not the only one.