Iron Will after 4.2.1

Dizo Member Posts: 5

Anyone else experiencing Iron Will not suppressing Grunts by 100%? I heard my character grunting when injured and have tier 3 Iron Will.

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  • Dizo
    Dizo Member Posts: 5

    Playing as Claudette on Steam.

  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 63

    I get that too.

    I get that when they have Stridor (so pretty normal, even thought I do not know why I encounter so many of them just now) but also sometimes even when they do not.

    Always with Jake, on PC.

  • Ferixstar
    Ferixstar Member Posts: 48

    Yep. It’s happened to me as Kate and my boyfriend as Lourie. Sometimes they were quiet when injured, other times they weren’t. It just switched back and forth throughout each match.