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[PS4] - HORRIBLE Bug on The Plague (Unplayable)

xQueenlyMajesty Member Posts: 18
edited September 2020 in Bug Reporting

When using her power Vile and Corrupt Purge, She teleports back and to the side (depending on the direction that is being looked) causing you to lose chases and making her power unusable. This needs to be fixed ASAP!

Post edited by xQueenlyMajesty on
12 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    Came here to say this. Between this and the other bugs, I'm just going to put the game down for a few months and check back later to see if things are ironed out. This is 10x more frustrating than fun to play right now

    Video attached to show what's happening. Internet speed is testing at 84 Mbps download/ 12 Mbps upload a few minutes after this happened, so it's not my internet causing the problem

  • xQueenlyMajesty
    xQueenlyMajesty Member Posts: 18

    Omg Yes!!! Same dam thing happens to me, it’s so frustrating they need to fix this NOW.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Its not just on console i have the same issue on pc its literally unplayable.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Your's does not look as bad as mine i was teleporting every second almost.

  • Cutiaddu
    Cutiaddu Member Posts: 402

    I think that this is caused by the fact that servers are very laggy right now. Micro teleports and big teleports happen quite frequently

  • Youko
    Youko Member Posts: 187

    Glad to see this reported. It is definitely a Plague specific issue. I have played other killers before and after my Plague matches that run smoothly.

    The teleports seem to place you back at where you started to charge up your vomit as you complete your attack. I also experienxed sound and visuals cutting out as I got too close to a survivor (though that may be a Midwich map problem, not sure).

    It feels like it might be tied to the hit validation system, as if it's registering the charge of the vomit at the beginning of the swing of an attack, but that's more of a gut feeling based on the behavior of the bug.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Huh. It's not just Plague specific for me. All killers have been doing this since the update (PC).

    This video shows off a bunch of different bugs tbh, but the teleportation one is where I've paused it. The framerate is abysmal because of the patch but also because the recording software was behaving strangely. The fps counter usually in the top right should read around 15 fps with the newest patch.

  • Hopeless_Wound
    Hopeless_Wound Member Posts: 2

    I just played on round by using The Plague, that bug makes her unplayable! I can just use basic attack and gg no re :)

  • Mystaria13
    Mystaria13 Member Posts: 495

    I played plague yesterday and got Hawkins and at first the match was fine but about halfway through she started teleporting back and putting me inside rooms giving the survivor time to cleanse. It was even stuck several times inside stuff till it teleported me out of it. Why are y’all leaving these game breaking bugs in the game? Stun bug hook bug plague bug and regardless what you play you’re affected.

  • taimea
    taimea Member Posts: 84

    i thouth it was my net going to bad