Am I a tryhard?

I've been playing for a little over a month, I'm a rank 14 killer and survivor. Last night I played and one player DC'd and I caught another player pretty quick, who then DC'd. The last players were tricky but I eventually got them. One of them decided they'd message me saying "bruh, you're a tryhard, two DCs and you still struggled".

Well of course I struggled, turns out the last two players were rank 4 and 6.

Am I a tryhard for carrying on with the game and doing exactly what a killer would do? I.e., kill.


  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    No, you're not a try hard - you just tried to complete the game.

    When you have players DC like that, you have to make the choice to either finish the match quickly or farm with the remaining players. It's your choice, it's not your fault they Dc'd. When it happens to me, I usually go easy on them, even farm with them for a bit long as they haven't been toxic up till then - it's not their fault either.

    But to message you and complain when they are so many levels ahead of you, that's just salt on their side - ignore them.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Are you really asking if it's "tryhard" to give everything you got with 2 disconnects in a 4 v 1 game? I think you know the answer.

    That being said being a tryhard doesn't make you a bad person. It's a game so do whatever you think is fun.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Shrug it off, many survivors expect you to play friendly and let them farm in such a situation. If you do not oblige to this rule, they will shame / trash talk you about it. Just bc you did not want to give in makes you the try-hard, sure thing. Funny that the survivors are never considered try-hard when they still want to get out in such a situation :P.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378


  • ramvayne
    ramvayne Member Posts: 21

    In which case I would say no I am not a "tryhard", I've been playing for just a little over a month and I'm a rank 14 killer facing off against rank 4 and 5 survivors who were being incredibly annoying (I believe the term is "tea bagging"). The two DCs were because I caught up to them pretty quick. Should I just lose a game to let rank 4 and 5 survivors win?

  • ramvayne
    ramvayne Member Posts: 21

    Yep on the console. I think I'll just disable messaging as it's just disheartening to get messages like this. Thanks, hope you keep enjoying the game too :)