Tome 4 level 4

I just saw the new level! survivors have the easy road! killers are forced through challenges that are hard to make it to the end. first killer challenge is 3 matches of devout iridescent quality.... that is 3 if you're lucky! survivors get to get 3 benevelent iridescent quality. killer is 3 or MORE, survivor really is just 3, REAL easy to get. then killer must get 4 gold emblems in one match survivors just follow the regular challenges to the epilogue on their end. sure it LOOKS the same but the killers don't have the easy route like the survivors do. takes 7 challenges to go directly to the epilogue, and survivor 6. GREAT work! (/sarcasm)
I can't wait to do the near miss challenge. 🙄
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Yeah. Either hoping for a Potato-Killer or praying to all the Gods you know that Dead Hard is actually working.
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Exactly. Also how close exactly do you need to be for it to count as a near miss? Only time I see a "near miss" pop up is with Deathslinger miss with his gun. The obnoxious thing is where it's located on the web, as a survivor you can't skip over it to do it later.
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Then play the survivor route? I'm not sure what the issue is here. Personally, I do all challenges for both sides?
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Just do bones,
I mean play survivor.
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Im pretty sure you can do both survivor and killer or just whichever side you want. I don't think anyone is locked in to a specific role for the tome.
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Yeah but if you play solo survivor any that involve escaping are normally the hardest challenges to get.
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Extinction of Hope is Yikes.
Obsessive will take around 10 games to complete unless you have an obsession changing perk.
Can we get a Wraith challenge that isn't "Hit from uncloaking x# times in one trial!" please?
Devout Iri emblems are pretty rough to get. Prepare to face some killers ready to slug for the 4K.
On the survivor side...
Stun the killer 10 times... what is it with stunning the killer that the devs are obsessed with? I kind of wish they'd come up with some new challenges.
Avoid 5 basic attacks isn't too bad, you just have to get the killer to whiff.
I feel the devs have lost all creativity when it comes to challenges. Most of these are been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Others are slight modifications of old challenges.
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I play both sides (get all the rift shards from the tome itself) the killers are forced to go through a master challenge where survivors are not. survivors can take multiple matches to complete each and every challenge, in the path to the epilogue, in multiple matches. Killer will be stuck till they get 4 gold emblems. This should be an optional thing and they should be allowed to just go straight through. hell even the near miss can be done in multiple matches. killers are blocked at 4 gold emblems in ONE match.
none of the challenges, all standard, for the survivor require escaping the match for the path to the epilogue. your argument is invalid, I was never talking about doing the whole tome just the path to epilogue.
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?????? 4 gold emblems is not that hard????
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I suggest waiting for someone getting carried to a hook and using sprint burst or breakout to bait swings. I wouldn't try it with dead hard, because if you actually get hit then you're essentially throwing the game. For the same reason, I suggest bringing some means to self heal, so you can go for this only when full health.
I remember there was a similar challenge in another tome that I completed without exactly realizing how. I have a suspicion that hits landed on you teammates while you're nearby count as well, but don't quote me on that.
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Seems like every killer swings through pallets nowadays so that one might not be so bad.
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4 gold emblems as killer is not easy for some to get ... for others sure if you're a killer main it won't be hard to get. I'm going to have to do it as survivor in a 4 man swf and even then it's not that even a guaranteed. :)
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I play both killer and survivor and it's not really that hard on either of them. It's probably easier on killer than survivor because survivor is so team dependent.
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Asymmetrical challenges in an asymmetrical game? I’m shocked.
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not true if people don't rescue, if they dont' engage, or are a swf to keep away from the killer you won't get the emblem progress you want for that match. it isn't as easy for someone that isn't always playing or playing killer to have the higher skills. gold is much easier than iri I agree, but that's 4 in ONE match, you have to get chaser, gatekeeper, devout AND malicious that's not easy
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You and me both.
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I was trying to have respect for creators and do the challanges to read the story pieces and the final cutscene, but with this 4th tome I guess I'll just go watch one of those videos summing them up on Youtube. Otherwise I'll never know the end of Wraith's story. Earning even 1 Devout Irridescent emblem is unobtainable for me. Description says it's 9 or more hook actions per match. I'm lucky if I hook all the survs 1x per match. And that's only 1st challange on the killer path.
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Just do all challenges on both sides like I've done for every tome. Then you won't care as much :)
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?? If you don't play a lot of killer then your rank is probably like 20 - 16, where even a newbie killer can get 4 golds. You to have to be playing with your bellybutton to not get good emblems at that rank.
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For Extinction of Hope any expose + kill counts as long as you have DH equipped whether the hex gets broken or not.
Just play Ghostface or Meyers - get 5 hooks, and Green Mori one person. Done in one match
Could also go the fun path of Hex: DH, Hex: Haunted Grounds, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Hex: Retribution... but that's up to you
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Its Funny because legion still exist and getting any iridescents is a cake walk you don't even need to win.
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Yeah, I know any expose counts. But that's assuming you have Devour Hope on Myers or Ghostface.
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my first match this morning was two silvers, one gold and one bronze, my next match was two iris and two gold, but no iri in devout. so i am not the best of either side, but for people that are you expect everyone to be able to do what you did without a problem.... think about it , 4K plus double pip and not an iri in devout. anyways it may be easy to you but not to everyone.
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I can already sense the level of toxicity these will elevate over the standard toxicity issues of DBD - killers will be frustrated for fearing they wont get enough score for irridescent, survs will be fed up with being targeted, tunelled and maniacally hooked.
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About the obsession challenge, in the previous iterations I used Nemesis+Furtive Chase+MakeYourChoice to great effect. Nemesis for getting initial obsession switch at a pallet, hook the obsession and then wait for the unhook far enough away to trigger make your choice. Come back to down / hook the unhooker. Due to furtive chase, the unhooker will become the obsession, and due to nemesis, you will see his aura and he will be oblivious. A really nasty combo, but great way for farming obsession hooks.
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I can't even get past the first challengs of either side. Can't get Devout because I keep getting super Altruistic survivors, and can't get survivors because killers are going crazy tunnel-vision on everyone. Fun times lie ahead!
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Tip: Empathy + We'll Make It + Kindred. Go for unhooks, take protection hits, and play Nurse (Nurse as in healing, not as in the killer, though blinking would be useful)
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Honestly glad you meant healing, because I absolutly suck as Nurse. I'm worse than a potato with her. I usually run Kindred and a healing perk but I'll try that combo. I just want to get these challenges done for the rift so I may have to throw a few games for it, so if anyone get's matched with me, I apologise in advance for it!
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Just pray you don't get matched up with a Plague like I just did. They're terrible for getting Benevolent points. (And I always seem to get teammates who cleanse every time they get sick)
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Have You tried playing legion
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I think Survivors might be trying to deny Killers the Devout challenge. Today, I’ve had three games back to back where the Survivors are hyper focused on gens and just trying to escape. My fourth game finally had Survivors that weren’t super sweat 9000s. Although that does seem counterintuitive to their own challenge, because if Killers don’t hook Survivors can’t get their Benevolent Emblems.
Also the kill 10 Obsession challenge seems like a really bad idea because it encourages tunneling (keep tunneling after your first Obsession is dead in hopes you’ll get DS’d and have a new Obsession) if you don’t have any Obsession perks.