Devs- If you're going to change keys and/or moris, please DO NOT announce it.

If any nerfs or changes are announced beforehand, then the game will become miserable until they go live. People will spam them in every match. It happened with the instaheal nerf and the toolbox rework as well.
I know there are some people who are nice and won't take advantage of it, but you just know that the majority of players are gonna scramble to use every key/mori they have. Please, just surprise us with it.
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I honestly hope they announce it and give us enough time to get rid off it before it is changed into something utterly lackluster where we wasted alot of bloodpoints on.
Just imagine every game is going to be completely nuts, everybody playin the killer they have the most moris on which should be their main (if the killer wasn't the latest release) clashing against 4 keys everygame. For once, death will not be an escape. Pure glory awaits!
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same with iri head
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they already are, or it could just be a console thing since they usually seem to have a key.
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I agree with this. Don't want every single game till the mid chapter/next chapter being only keys and moris.