Decisive strike for Ps4 players.

Hello everyone, I'm here for a reason, in the game for PS4, maybe other console platforms too, there is an inequality in getting Laurie Strode's ability, decisive strike , this we must unlock by buying the character with auric cells, being the only individual anti-tunneling ability seems to me that this character should be pay per game with iridescent fragments instead of auric cells, it seems to me a low morale tactic to spend in the game, knowing that this ability for the players is essential to avoid dying in the entity 5 minutes after the game.
She is licensed which is why she can’t be bought with iridescent shards, the only other way you can get DS is if it comes up in the shrine, purchasable with shards.
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It can be bought in the shrine for Iri Shards when it comes up. As long as there's an obsession in the trial though, most killers will assume you have it and that does the job.
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Just spend the 8 dollars and buy the chapter