Bloodweb at its all time lowest.....

I have 2K hours in this game and for the past 5-8 months the blood web has been a monstrous grind for the most awful and useless items I have seen since I started playing. I didn't play this game for the first year or so, but I cannot imagine it being worse than what it is now. 2.7 million souls spent on my prestige 3 Feng in the past week and 2 Bloody Party Streamers and about 2-3 purple boxes, 2-3 green med kits and the rest nothing but garbage map and key add ons.


  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited September 2020

    In regards to survivor blood webs - remove all brown add-ons and then bring all add-ons down a tier for rarity.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    They were removed not for balance, but because for them to work they needed to create a map for every light level which is way too much work.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It was for both. There's no way to make maps that are neither too light nor too dark with every combination of those offerings, that's just a fact. And maps that are too light or too dark are unbalanced.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    There needs to be a shop system added to the game now. Bloodweb is cheap but random, shop is expensive but you know what you're getting.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I guess you never played against 4 Blendettes with the darkest moonlight and more fog on macmillan?

    No thanks,i'd rather not

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I wish we can literally combine Brown Items to make them into Yellow, and Yellow into Green.

    Bloodpoint Offerings, Fog Offerings.

    Combine the 4 different Green Bloodpoint Offerings into a escape cake or a survivor pudding.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited September 2020

    I really wish they wouldn't, I wish they'd just rework luck to be an actually useful status effect that had an impact on the match.

    I feel like there's so much potential for Luck to be a really cool mechanic that could do lots of different things and really spice up the game but it just seems they haven't taken the time or effort to really look into it.

    As far as I'm aware luck only affects 2 things in the game and it's absolutely ridiculous, I think the chance to escape from hooks and the chance to escape from beartraps. That's it. Not even chests, you'd think it would affect the rarity of what item you pull out but the gamepedia page specifically calls this out as not true.

    Luck is clearly one of the rare few facets of the game that have been left virtually untouched since launch in 2016 with hardly any new perks that expand upon it or utilize it. I don't think that means it's bad necessarily I just think that means it's been repeatedly passed over and ignored for changes so many times it may as well be rendered completely obsolete. That's not the fault of the concept, that's the fault of the devs who failed to actually do something interesting or significant with the mechanic.

    Which is really weird considering that an entire character's personality is based around Luck as his core defining characteristic (Ace Visconti). So to see luck go away would not only just be greatly disappointing considering the loss of opportunity, but also a huge disservice to that character who's now only Lucky in bio and lore rather than in game.

  • Cerebral_Harlot
    Cerebral_Harlot Member Posts: 280

    Finally! A use for cypress mori's. (But sincerely that'd be neat.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    It's just a high risk to little to no reward feature. They just need to scrap it.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Breh. I don't believe that.

    I once posted a comment or a thread or something a long time ago focusing entirely on luck and different changes I would create for it, though I think it might have been left unfinished. Unfortunately I can't find it so I'm going off memory here

    "Lucky Streak"

    I faintly remember this idea of creating a mechanic called a "lucky streak" where if you successfully completed actions affected by luck not only would the frequency of "lucky actions" increase but your luck itself would also gradually increase each time and accumulate until you used it on an action or something like a self-unhook or something. If you made a mistake along the way, obviously the streak would end and reset (there would also be a hidden cooldown timer until you can get another lucky streak). This is a base mechanic has the potential to activate any time you use an offering or perk related to luck, lucky streaks would be rare though it is possible that multiple could occur in one match they'd be hard capped at three streaks per match. (But again, you might not even see one lucky streak in a match at all).


    Another idea I remember was directly related to Keys due to the surge of threads about how OP keys and moris are. The idea being that full unbroken keys should not be able to be found in chests, the killer losing straight up because of chest RNG is so dumb it blows my mind, and this happens far more frequently than you'd think so don't even try the "it rarely happens anyway". To combat this I created three changes: 1. unbroken Keys can no longer be found in chests through normal means. Instead now you can still find them in chests but only through the means of two ways: 1. Buff to Ace in the Hole which provides you X% chance to pull a key from a chest 2. Keys can be found in chests if you are affected by a perk or offering that increases luck. Obviously the chance increases depending on the rarity of the offering or tier of your perk.

    Luck Overhaul

    Another change was something along the lines of widely expanding the number objects / actions that are affected by luck called luck-related-effects or something. Most obviously chests are now affected by luck and the odds of pulling an item of a high rarity is increased if your luck is increased. Other things include the frequency of skillchecks, the difficulty of skillchecks, as well as many different kinds of bonus mini-effects, for example the chance to suppress a scream, receive a small boost to generator repair or heal speeds for a short 5 or 10 second duration, reveal your aura to other survivors, reveal the auras of other survivors, the killer, the killers belongings in a close proximity (Beartraps, Phantasm Traps, Portals, etc.), totems, pallets / windows during a chase, generators, etc. (you get the point). EDIT: All for a short duration of course, we're talking about revealing an aura for maybe 5 seconds or less so you do have to be attentive.

    Now I understand that last one might sound broken but keep in mind all of these are affected by the rarity of the offering / perk you use, and you won't be getting all of these at once it's all RNG related, so the smaller effects are prioritized and more likely to happen (with something like revealing the killer's aura being least likely to occur). The frequency of how often you get these mini-bonuses would also be dependent on the rarity of the offering / item being used, something like the chalk pouch you might see one luck-related-event every sixty seconds or something. The better the offering / perk the more likely you'll be to see the "stronger" luck-events and much more frequently, perhaps back to back. And obviously these luck-related events would only appear for those actually running the offerings / perks.

    NOTE: All values described herein are relative, we're not talking about insane luck-related-events cropping up on a near constant basis at all times, whatever you imagine is reasonable, that's probably what it would be. Obviously however, this encourages luck-based builds and stacking luck offerings and perks together to get more reward out of it.

    NOTE 2: This changes also imply some reworking of how current offerings work, for example the number of luck offerings that "affect all survivors" will be reduced, and those that remain will have their luck increasing effects nerfed to be less effective and to encourage using the ones that affect individual luck. It's possible only certain offerings can produce certain luck-related effects, the common ones being the most restricted and then being more effective / less restricted all the way up the chain of rarity. Perks that affect luck would probably be the best, but are also subject to these kinds of reworks.

    Luck Items

    People talk about and ask whether or not we'll see any new items and I think this could be a solid idea in relation to some of my other ideas about luck. We could see items like a "lucky rabbits foot" which you can rub in your hands and your luck will increase for a specific duration or cause certain luck-related-events to occur. Obviously this idea is more heavily reliant on the aforementioned three ideas to work, but it's a very open-ended one that could see a lot of variance.

    Wrapping up.

    Even if you don't like any of my ideas and think they're all terrible, at the very, very, very least I've proven one thing: that there is some serious opportunity and potential in luck as an interesting mechanic. It just requires the tiniest modicum of thought on the part of the devs and the community, rather than blowing it off "eh let's just scrap it, the game doesn't need anything new like this to keep it fresh".

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Getting fed up of constantly getting red forest, yamaoka and the game offerings come up. I like Haddonfield and ColdWind yet those never appear in my bloodweb.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    U're big brain. But I rather to make it more simple, only based on type & color, not the effect.

    Brown = 1 ; Yellow = 2 ; Green = 3 ; Purple = 4 ; (no Red)

    For items:

    • 2 Brown medkit = Yellow medkit (1 + 1 = 2, same type)
    • 1 Brown medkit + 1 Brown Toolbox = either Yellow medkit or toolbox
    • 2 Green key = 1 Red key
    • Green key + Brown medkit = Either Purple key or medkit (3 + 1 = 4, get random type of 2)

    For add-on: samething

    • 2 Brown medkit add-on = Yellow medkit add-on
    • 1 Brown medkit add-on + 1 Brown Toolbox add-on = either Yellow medkit or toolbox add-on

    For add-on: Killer

    • 2 any Brown = 1 random Yellow
    • 2 any Yellow = 1 random Purple

    Offering: no type

    • 2 any Brown = 1 random Yellow
    • 2 any Yellow = 1 random Purple

    Red item/addon/offering arent counted to prevent easily getting powerful stuffs.

  • deeziebaby
    deeziebaby Member Posts: 31

    No that is not what we signed up for there are multiple games that are grindy that once you have everything you still want to play.. if this game the only reason you want to play is to keep grinding forever there is something deeply wrong with you. For all of us with ocd at least this grinds our gears to the fullest extent