Freezing - Stuttering - Fps Drop

As title since the alchemist update the game is unplayable, at least for me. I know I have an old hardware setup but before the update the game was running perfectly without any problem. After alchemist patch I suffer of continuous freezing every second, game getting stucked almost can't move and start a chase or be chased from the killer. ######### is going on?


  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    I have this too when i'm playing killer.

    For example: My FPS drops to 20-25 when kicking a gen/pallet, using oni's power, right before i shoot with deathslinger and so on.

    And i have a pretty good PC (rtx 2060, i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, 1T SSD)

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    Same problem here. For me as killer I was constantly put on mothers dwelling and lagged, freezes and stuttered 24/7. And today after the hotfix/update yesterday, nothing has changed, except a little for survivor. And it stopped putting me on dwelling. But still laggy, stuttering and freezing. Some FPS fix.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Hawkins became massively laggy for me; dropped from a solid 60 to around 30 FPS. Before this, the rework of Lery's caused a similar issue which simply has not been addressed by the devs, at all. It's actually disheartening.

    Kicking gens also does it to me now. As does being hit if the killer has Sloppy Butcher; in fact, if I'm in a game and the killer applies sloppy to someone else, I will lag out. LMAO.