

Killers, what perks you use to counter gen rush ?

Member Posts: 331

So far I been using Pop and Corrupt and debating if its worth the time to get Ruin and Undying or should I just go for something new entirely. 🤔

Killers, what perks you use to counter gen rush ? 52 votes

Pop and Corrupt
25 votes
Ruin and Undying
10 votes
NOED/Endgame perks
4 votes
Other (Please Specify)
11 votes
2 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,060
    edited September 2020
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    corrupt with ruin and HG to cover it

  • Member Posts: 784
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    Pop and Ruin if I'm feeling really tilted. You can also run Thrilling/Surge, though I don't.

  • Member Posts: 543
    edited September 2020
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    For Ghostface: First order of business is to hit someone so Thanatophobia lights off and they take a penalty. Then I try to down them. If they're obsession then they don't get a healing boost and if it's anyone else then they get another debuff based on Dying Light. Those tokens keep accruing unless the obsession is constantly getting in the way or a Decisive Strike changes my obsession. Every hook grants an activation of Pop Goes the Weasel. And finally I run Overcharge, that way I get an alarm and a debuff on the occasional generator and it makes it worthwhile to bump a generator even if I do not have Pop active.

    For Myers: Use Iron Grasp and Agitation to get someone to the basement. Agitation is nice with Myers along with Monitor and Abuse because the terror radius is constantly oscillating for chases, pick ups, and tier changes. Makes him wildly unpredictable. Lastly I use Pop. The goal is to let survivors funnel into the basement when that activates and try to hit tier 3 when they come out or catch them downstairs. By having to make a lengthy and careful basement run it acts as a debuff to their victory timer, but it can backfire if they are coordinated.

  • Member Posts: 2,416
    Ruin and Undying

    Depends on the killer, for Trapper and Hag I would recommend Pop and Corrupt but for Oni and Blight I'd recommend Ruin and Undying.

  • Member Posts: 231
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    Most important info perk in the game!

    Keep everyone busy, healing, unhooking and if someone doesn't want to play with you then Tinkerer gives you a hint and you can shush him away. Give him a slap or whatever. Kick gens that are almost done with pop and keep them busy. Depending on the map you can also control which 3 gens you do not want to pop and use tinkerer for that.

    In my personal opinion corrupt intervention is one of the most overrated perks in this game. Who has issues finding survivors at the start? Just run for the gens that are furthes away from you and listen for gen noise from a distance. Every single match it takes me between 10-20 seconds before im in a chase. This is also about the time rushers are prevented from going onto gens. If the other perks would block gens for longer then just 16 seconds i could imagine that a gen-block build could somewhat work but until now blocking gens has never bothered me at all.

    HEX perks can be very good. CAN. If you fight a good group or even SWF then your totems will be gone in no time anyway. Bad luck is always a thing with HEX. But still, it's pretty good. Just not as reliable.

    NOED can be quite brutal. I had a lot of matches especially against trapper that don't do anything during the match but as soon as the gates are open everything goes downhill. Very good tactic. But again it relies on luck.

  • Member Posts: 192
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    Just pop or nothing.

  • Member Posts: 968
    Ruin and Undying

    Ruin and Undying has been giving me more value than pop lately, especially if you force them to one side of the map Gen wise. Ofc it's all rng based in terms of hex totem spawns but it performs well when it works and when you pressure. Overcharge i like to use on my doctor with the addition of lullaby,distressing and unnerving presence. 8 times out of 10 it performs well if lullaby stays up a considerable amount of time, as well as forcing a 3-gen strat if things start to go south.

  • Member Posts: 735
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    Pop and Thanatophobia are the ones I run the most frequently. Ruin if I don't have any of those perks in the killer I'm currently playing. And although it does not directly affect gen speed, Sloppy Butcher, so that they have to spend more time on healing (time that they would otherwise spend on doing gens).

  • Member Posts: 231
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    Thana doesn't do anything. The only scenario where it is used is on a forever freddy. I would change it to litteraly anything else.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
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    I do have an anti-gen build I run specifically on Ghostface that I think is very oppressive and probably annoying to go up against.

    It consists of Ruin, Surveillance, Discordance, and Thrilling Tremors. (I think, it's been awhile since I've run it tbh)

    Although Thrilling Tremors (and / or discordance if you really feel) can be swapped out for literally any other slowdown. So Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes the Weasel, Overcharge, etc. (Although the latter two I wouldn't run because they conflict with Ruin, and I try to keep ruin up as long as possible but if you're certain it's going to be cleansed you can run these just in case).

    What this does (the original build I presented) is constantly at almost all times feed me information about which generators are being worked on so I'm always able to be in the right place at the right time. It works specifically well (for Ghostface of course) in indoor maps where survivors might spend a bit more time looking for generators than working on them. It's really easy for me to fake leaving a generator and hang around behind a wall after activating night shroud to see if they come back and work on it. In a way it's more of a tracking build than a traditional slowdown build but trust me, it definitely slows them down constantly being able to pressure them off any generators that they try and work on.

    I suspect a build like this would also be decently effective on any killer with high mobility and can super quickly move from gen to gen and pressure the right ones immediately rather than sneaking up on them as I do with ghostface. So Hillbilly, Freddy, Oni, I suppose Nurse, Spirit, the most recently introduced Blight, etc. Although I've never used this build on anyone aside from Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 331

    I actually played against that build last night. I was the black hair Cheryll if that happened to be you.

    That build I'd say varies a lot on skill checks. I use DS all the time so they weren't to difficult. I often hit great skill checks regularly but people who don't definitely struggle.

    Assuming you get a 3 gen and the survivors suck at skill checks I will admit that it was a toxic monster 😂

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    If you get to keep your hex, Huntress Lullaby + Dying Light can be a good combo. Every time you get a hook, it gets a little harder to do a gen.

    I also like Discordance + Tinkerer in that it lets me chase people off the most dangerous gens -- ie, gens that more than one person is working on, or that are almost finished.

    I used to run Surveillance a lot, but I found that it encouraged me to be Gen Protector Killer and I got less kills.

  • Member Posts: 31
    Pop and Corrupt

    Pop + Corrupt + Thrilling, that's what I use.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    I focus on chase+tracking.

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    It's Pop and Corrupt on set up killers like Myers and Trapper. Pop is pretty much on every killer except for the few using the build below.

    Ruin and Undying on Blight, Doctor and Legion. This combination works extremely well. I also use tinkerer on Blight.

    Discordance on Freddy. I find it works extremely well on him.

  • Member Posts: 1,448
    NOED/Endgame perks

    I depends, but i rarely equip any slowing down gen perk exept Corrupt on low mobility killers ^^

  • Member Posts: 331

    If you run that with Surge I think you'd have the strongest anti gen rush combo. That or some thing like Devour Hope or NOED to get survivors worried about totems.

  • Member Posts: 251
    Ruin and Undying

    All those perks are good but clearly not enough to prevent gen rush. I got gen rushed with undying/ruin on some maps (4 gens in 3 minutes done)...

    The only way to prevent gen rush is to lower the size of the maps.

    I mean, all new maps are ok, they are not too big, you can patrol the gens easily and survivors can't gen rush them but some older maps that are 10000m² are way too big, you loose too much time between gens or even between chases.

    Devs need to make all maps under 10k m². It's the only way.

    But well, as almost every killer is a noob that tunnel and camp, it won't fix the game state anyway...

  • Member Posts: 735
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    Have you ever played against a Plague running Thanatophobia?

  • Member Posts: 231
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    Plague? The Killer nobody plays?

    Out of 100 matches i see maybe 3 plagues. MAX. I wonder why lol

    Im just scrolling throu the list. There is not a single killer i see as rarely as the plague.

    I have played plague myself but that was before i have lerned how to loop. One of the worst killers. You can spot her easely across the entire map thanks to the smoke and her size. Just stay away from her and pop gens somewhere else and don't cleanse unless you realy have to. Easy strat.

  • Member Posts: 231
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    OH i forgot. Do you know what survivors don't do when playing against Plague?

    Healing! When everyone is sick, nobody thinks about healing. Thus giving so much more time doing gens or bones.

  • Member Posts: 44

    Dont own anything on my mains and i dont need it

  • Member Posts: 543
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    Dying Light + Thanatophobia + Overcharge + Pop on Ghostface.

    On Myers, just Pop and a basement build to force survivors to come to me.

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