Survivor Meta Change When?



  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited September 2020

    That is not true at all. I have no idea where you are getting any of this info, because that certainly has not been my experience.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Holdup those are the perks that scare you? And doctor and plague?

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209
  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    So, 3 people? I'm not kidding, I have never come across this with any form of consistency and nor have any for the streamers I watch who play survivor.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Thats my favourite combo of perks and killers to annoy and 4k survivors. I forgot to include Infectious Fright for Plague. If you are a noob who cant play them, Im sorry to hear that. Dont worry, you'll eventually git gud. The game is easy compared to Rainbow 6 Siege or other competitive games. Often, I go perkless Legion and survivors still cant escape. :c

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
    edited September 2020

    Everybody latches on to one line from the ruin change, instead of bothering to cite other reasons. Primary reason was to be less punishing to new players. But that doesn’t fit the narrative you like to hear

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    You must be at rank 20 if bitter murmur is scaring anyone

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    And why do y’all latch to that as an excuse not to fix the survivor meta and agree that 16 crutches is very punishing to the new player base you see it all over the forums people try to play this game get wiped by a bunch of crutch perks and quit playing

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Its 35s of unavoidable wallhacks and 10 of it is at the end, when everyone hope to escape. For me its an extra kill, an extra bucket of salt. :^)

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Behavior has created a time crunch on both sides. Killers need to rush kills, survivors need to rush gens and try to prevent rushing of kills. Until the game is lengthened both sides will always use what can extend the game.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Yeah but that can include more then 5 perks being used

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    And you are free to use any perks you want. That is the beauty

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Tell that to everyone running 4 stacks of



    Exhaustion Perk

    BT Camaraderie Adrenaline IW

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    Let me replace the only 4-5 good perks with Boil Over and Visionary. That will surely make for an entertaining game experience.

    On that same note, when are we going to change the meta for killers? Oh I forgot that's only an issue if it's on the survivor side.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    "Crutch" perks except dead hard that's insanely crutch but even then dont make you magically good or fix your looping. You will still go down quickly and still 4k.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Also didnt that one huntress streamer destroy you and your team when you were running DS I'm jsut saying bring you didnt get magically good with the "crutch" you seemed pretty bad no offense.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Never said I was perfect we all have bad games especially on stuff we dont play that much I’m a lot better on survivor after practice now at the time was pretty much a killer main only

    yeah I use ds ub sb bt all my games swapping bt if I need to cuz that’s all survivor really has

    I didn’t make the post to tell survivors to change builds I simply made it to brings some light to the fact survivor meta has stayed the same for years now and no game keeps the meta for that long

    And lastly I made that reply to be sarcastic cuz the guy said survivors can run any perk but we all bring the same like 10 perks at most and stack them with our teams

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    They just did change the killer meta even if it is back to being ruin

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ahh I see, the meta wont change for two reasons though. There arent better perks and also killers play in a way that force us to use the same meta.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Trust me I know lol my other comment I said to you explains what I mean by the post

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    See the not better perks I understand. My opinion on the other part of how killers play doesn’t seem too valid to me because no matter how they play (excluding spirit and maybe good nurse players) you can outplay them or have your team stop them. The other reason I say this is why do killers need punished for just playing the game?

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I think your issue is mixing up what YOU want people to use and what is practical. If you choose to run sub-optimal with the state the game is in go for it.

    as I stated before: with the current time crunch, survivors and killers will run optimal, play optimal.

    just play the game any way you like and don’t fret over what other people do

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You can say survivors are punished for playing the game when they are tunneled end game. My point is if you are hit by DS you werent mindful of the recently unhooked survivors.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    If i remember right they changed ruin because it was always used in most matches by killers. So, they wanted to change it to shift its usage.

    I think every match i see at least 1 if not 2 DS UB or DH. Now if they changed ruin because it was so overused why do they not change those perks for the same reason?

    I would really like to see stats from all games what percentage used those meta perks.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    It wasn’t the over used aspect on why it got changed

    it was because low ranks were basically unable to play with ruin in play while high ranks never saw any use out of ruin

    Now it’s actually much better effects all players equally if it lasts which is easier now with undying

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    doubt it’ll ever happen, no matter what the meta for survivor will be second chance perks

  • Zokuno
    Zokuno Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2020

    I love how survivors are like "well the killer is playing like this", so we have to.

    If you play no slow-down perks at all, which I like, you get gen rushed to the ground. From survivor players who would be 10 ranks below where they are if you took swf rank sessions away. But this is not a discussion about how 4 people in voice is the equivalent of cheating. Unintended 3rd party software giving players an advantage which the game itself isn't intended to. Much like a permanent wallhack in FPS games, which in every game is a no go. It's literally cheating, and it's okay in DbD.

    I admit I'm new, I'm lvl 24 and got rank 6 as a killer yesterday, and I'm literally hating my life atm. The game starts, I find a survivor, hook him with the entire process being super quick, like really, no looping or long chase at all. What happens? The game just fking started and 1 gen is already done. There are YouTube Videos of survivors destroying 5 gens in 5 minutes.

    I have no ruin, no undying, no pop, nothing. I can't slow down the stupid game and it pisses me off that I have to, it's so mandatory because of how scummy survivors play. I didn't understand why, why do I have good games and somehow I only get to kill 2 ppl max? In good games, I get barely looped, I end my chases fast in a successfil hook and somehow the gens are getting eaten alive. 1 hook, 1 is being chased, 1 is freeing the hooked guy. No tunneling or camping. How the ######### are the gens being destroyed while 3 ppl are doing something else.

    You wanna know what happened after I tried to get some idea how I'm playing well and the game isn't rewarding me for it anymore? I was able to get the information I needed: I HAVE to slow down the game.

    I was going to quit the game, even though I just started. How am I not being rewarded for having a good game? I wanted to try Deathslinger, I just liked shooting, and realized pretty fast I should go back to Meyers. Why? Because I had a game where I literally hit every shot, and those shots ended up in me also finishing the reeling in with M1. I didn't get looped, or had to chase people. (I did my rank with Meyers, I just wanted to have fun with DS...) I don't have enough time to get them all. It's always the same, I get most of them hooked twice and simply need more time to get the last hook.

    How did I play or how do I play? I hook a guy, and go and get my next kill. BBQ usually shows me the next guy. Allowing the survivors to unhook the guy. I feel like I get punished for not tunneling or camping people, but I want them points to unlock perks. It is mind boggling to me, how chasing someone in a game which is intended to do that, is a bad play. Everything in this game feels like I have to rush. Get the survivor FAST, don't play cat and mouse, you don't have time to do that, the gens are being destroyed in seconds. Why is this rush gameplay a thing in a game like this?

    Garbage tier survivors, who have every perk in the game, know every pallet out of their head but still can't get R1, all of a sudden start to taunt you, be toxic and act like they are good at the game. Most of them are also always playing as survivor friends with stuff like teamspeak. You can tell, even as a new player. Most games I get are with survivor friends, it's unfair, and having these shits also act like dicks while not deserving the game pisses me off.

    You then have to read stuff like how good they are, and how they feel like they "outplayed" you. In a game, where all of them got hooked twice, and 1 guy dies. Without tunneling them. Not many players like to leave a game being the much better player, but not having the tools to prolong the game to get these last hooks.

    I have 1 decision to make, I either quit the game, or I start playing the op perks just like they do "every game".

    I bought every killer who has these abilites, and I am rushing bloodpoints now, I don't care about anything else. Where am I going to? No Gen Freddy is what I will do. Ruin, undying, surveillance, and perk4 will be pop or whatever I can google to give me the time to get these last hooks I deserve but don't have the time to in some games.

    I came into this game as a pretty friendly killer, I even allowed some people to walk because I made enough points. And I'm in a place, where I want to Mori every group I see. As far as I can tell, running that build with freddy will ruin their lifes, and I am good enough to capitalize the entire group for that even if they swf.

    So please, don't be like oh the killer is making us poor survivors do stuff. You WANT this to be done to you.

  • Zokuno
    Zokuno Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2020

    The gens are being done way too fast.

    (Is this normal, to not edit a post, but delete a lengthy one straight up? I'm not going to write it again, that is really poor moderating bro.)

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I mean, the thing is, most of the perks outside of the Survivor meta have little to no impact on gameplay in the same way that the meta does, nor do they gurantee their usefulness like the meta does.

    For example, I love running Flip-Flop. It's a really fun perk when you get it to work. The problem? If I'm sitting on the ground long enough to get that far for full Flip-Flop value, I will probably be picked up by a teammate, or, I won't have time to crawl away from hooks to ensure I can wiggle off because it doesn't give you enough progression towards the wiggle bar at tier 3. Compare this to Unbreakable, where if I was running that instead, I not only heal faster, but can also 99 my heals and pick myself up, and Unbreakable is just the better perk to run. It gurantees value when you get slugged. Flip-Flop either requires too much luck, or another perk (Tenacity) to be effective.

    Another combo I love running is Chest Build, for the random nature- it makes games fun and exciting for me, since my recieved items change my playstyle- but it also doesn't gurantee value. Some games I can get three keys, other games I will get only grey toolboxes with sabo add-ons.

    My point is, there's only so many perks on Survivor's side you can get guranteed value out of. If you don't run those, your build ends up being a liability- and as someone who plays exclusively at Rank 1, there are a lot of games where liability equals death if you're not in an optimal death squad.