Killer Concept: The Reaper (power, add-ons, weapon, perks, mori, and map)

vfxswagg Member Posts: 4
edited November 2018 in Creations

RANDOM KILLER CONCEPT!!! (yes that's Ermac concept art from MKX below)

NAME: The Reaper

LORE: I'm not the best at making stories, so excuse my lack of interesting filler details or ways to make this sound immersive..... Fergus McLoughlin was an Irish farmer in the early 1700s. He and his wife Nora - pregnant with their 7 month old baby - were on their way home from the market one night, but when they entered their residence, they were met by 3 men who did not hesitate to attack them in the darkness. Fergus tried desperately to fight back, but was knocked unconscious by a blunt object to the back of his head. All was a blur as he last saw his wife being dragged out of the front door screaming for her husband. Dawn was approaching and Fergus awakened into the silence. He stumbled to his feet as he noticed a dark trail of blood that led outside. Horrified, he rushed out of the door in search of his wife. He spotted the local authorities placing a bloody cloth that appeared to conceal a human-like figure in their wagon for transport as they mumbled something about a mortuary on the other side of town. They turned to see Fergus, tattered and bloody, running towards them. To his surprise, they swiftly apprehended him, arresting him as the suspected murderer with no regard to his side of the story. Shackled and on his way to prison, he overheard the guard in front of him scold his partner for killing the woman. The plan was only to grab valuables around the house. The third guard rebutted by telling him what's done is done, and that no one will know what happened as long as the husband is brought in. He will be executed anyway. Fergus, realizing his grim future, managed to throw himself off of the moving wagon and ran into the woods as the guards scrambled to find him. Filled with rage and disbelief in the loss of his 2 beloved family members, Fergus knew he would not get justice as a man wanted for homicide. He was as good as dead if he was found in public. The moon loomed in the air that night as he grabbed his cloak and scythe from his shed. Villagers spoke of a hooded figure that was seen dragging 3 brutally maimed bodies into Old Oak Mortuary, but never returned.

WEAPON: Scythe

PLAYSTYLE: The Reaper is a high-pressure killer, able to keep the survivors on their toes and shorten chases with Death's Touch. His personal perks (Wither, Impending Doom, & The Entity's Will) allow him to secure his kills and keep momentum on his side. He is all about keeping the pressure. This will make it harder for survivors to rush and make easy moves.

STATS: 110% walking speed (Hag speed), 126% levitation speed (cloaked Wraith speed), 24m terror radius (like Hag) when walking, 32m terror radius (normal) when levitating, all other stats average

PRIMARY POWER: "Death's Touch"... Charges a forward lunge (tier 3 Myers lunge) for 3 seconds and touches the survivor to give them the "Cursed" effect with a 25 second countdown to lose 1 health state while in terror radius. Countdown is canceled when survivor is struck by scythe, or out of terror radius. 110% movement speed (levitating or walking) while charging. Failed attempt cooldown is 2 seconds. Successful attempt cooldown is 3 seconds with 90% movement speed. Can be executed directly from levitation. 2nd successful Death's Touch has no effect when survivor is already cursed. Does not interrupt actions. Can be applied to multiple survivors at once. Movement speed on charge is 100% for 2 seconds.

SECONDARY POWER: The Reaper is able to levitate eerily across the playing field (similar to Nurse) at an increased 126% movement speed (cloaked Wraith speed). While levitating, the terror radius is increased to 32m. Scythe cannot be used while levitating. Cannot levitate with survivor on shoulder. Transition into levitation is 3 seconds while you must stop completely to transition. Death's Touch, vaulting, kicking generators, and checking lockers cancels levitation. FOV is slightly wider during levitation. Bloodlust not available during levitation.

ADD-ON OPTIONS: reduced charge time for Death's Touch (down to 1 second) and levitation transition (down to 1 second), faster levitation speeds (up to 150% equivalent to exhaustion perks), blindness while cursed, hindered for 12 seconds and extra BP in Deviousness w/o "cursed" injury effect & increased 115% movement speed (hard mode perk), mangled for 120 seconds when cursed, decreased repair speed for 120 seconds when cursed, exhaustion while cursed, aura reveal (up to 9 seconds) on cursed survivor, faster countdown time (down to 15 seconds), Death's Touch straight into dying state (ultra rare) with 4 second charge time.

PERK #1: "Wither"... Survivors have 20% / 30% / 40% slower recovery progress (36 / 39 / 42 seconds) & movement speed in dying state (14% / 12.25% / 10.5%).

PERK #2: "Impending Doom"... While in the killer's terror radius, skill checks have a 30% / 40% / 50% chance of being reversed.

PERK #3: "The Entity's Will"... For each time your obsession is put into dying state, a token is gained increasing the unhook time by 1 second when the killer is 40m away. Maximum of 1 / 2 / 3 tokens. Remains when obsession is killed. Unhook debuff is cancelled when killer enters within 32m during unhook process. Gain an auditory notification (similar to the Territorial Imperative sound) when a survivor is within meters of the victim (no notifications with no stacks). Notification happens regardless of distance to hooked victim. 60 second cooldown for notification. Obsession is immune to this perk while also not notifying when they make a save. Perk appears in survivor HUD when saving obsession.

MORI: The survivor frantically crawls backwards in fear from the Reaper as he overhead swings his scythe straight down into their stomach and yanks the survivor back toward him with his sycthe. He then reaches his hand down to fully grasp the survivor's face as they desperately try to fend the Reaper off. Their eyes roll back, complexion turns pale, and body becomes limp as their life is drained.

REALM & MAP: Old Oak Mortuary at Crotus Prenn Asylum (underground catacombs, a morgue, a chapel, a crematorium, & a graveyard with a twisted old oak tree... half of the map is inside, half is outside, catacombs connect inside to outside)

KILLER STRATEGY: Use Levitate to keep map pressure and close in on unsuspecting survivors to get a successful Death's Touch strike with the increased movement speed. Perks that increase terror radius compliment the power's effective range. Levitation's increased terror radius can help keep the curse's effect within range. After Death's Touch injures the survivor, immediately follow up with a scythe swing to eliminate a second chase. Death's Touch is used for pressure. Your scythe is still your most reliable weapon. Feel free to cancel the curse with a melee swing. Do NOT lose the survivor after Death's Touch.

SURVIVOR STRATEGY: Look for visual cue of Death's Touch being charged (one hand open and pulled back before it reaches forward during the lunge) and try to time the dodges. If struck, do everything you can to escape the terror radius.
The Reaper
Death's Touch
Default Sycthe

Post edited by vfxswagg on


  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 333

    This sounds really interesting but I have been wanting a cemetery map in gothic German Architecture tHis would be the perfect killEr for it. Btw has anyone else been having issues with the forums on mobile?