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I am getting fed up now (vent)

I will still play the game, cuz I payed good money. But every single game out of the 30+ games I've done solo queue, everyone keeps tunneling and camping. Every. Single. Game. Only one game I didn't get tunneled/camped cuz the killer pitied me and the other Meg cuz two people D/Ced cuz she had Iri-Head.

I try to play other games but I get bored so easily. I don't know which platform it is, but it sure as hell isn't Xbox. I am not disabling cross-play cuz I don't need hour long queue times. Why is this considered a strategy. I literally get face camped, I just wanted to complete a ######### challenge and I can't do that.

It just keeps happening, over, and over, and over again. Why!? Why do people have to ruin another person's experience. Then I get stuck with potato teammates who can't run a killer for 10 seconds and let people get to second phase/die on first hook.

If you read this, thank you, probably gonna take a break from the game and cool my head a bit.

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  • Member Posts: 1,241

    What can i say, bad luck? I'm not getting tunneled thaaat much, but it's a thing.

    I'm taking 2 days straight a week off to keep my sanity. Do the same.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Swf gives reliable teammates, good strategies to counter camping and tunnelling and is overall more fun.

    I don't mind getting camped or tunnelled if I'm having a good conversation with my mates at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Well maybe try and make more friends on dbd. If you play well enough in a game and send them a friend request they'll probably accept. I'd suggest maybe turning off crossplay so you'll get people from your own side and be able to chat with them.

    After a week you should have at least 5 or more new friends who you can squad up with.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I have issues with making new friends and I think the reason why I haven't left them yet is because I have separation anxiety and don't have the heart to do it, I do plan to take a break though

  • Member Posts: 78

    Maybe give killer a try? I play mostly killer but survivor occasionally and boy does it get frustrating. Killer can be frustrating too, but you can at least outplay annoying survivors, unlike survivor where you individually can’t really outplay a camping killer (your team can, but that’s not very satisfying when you spend all game on hook).

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    iri heads and infantry belt shouldnt be allowed. Iri on its own is fine but getting more hatchets with that addon is just busted...

  • Member Posts: 942

    I do play killer once in awhile, lots of Smurf accounts, had a Meg teabag on hatch, hooked her and tea-bagged her before closing hatch (played Ghostface)

  • Member Posts: 942

    I don't care if it's not bannable, I just think that survivors shouldn't be punished because a killer wants to play crappy. Notice it mostly in purple/red ranks (surprisingly)

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Actually SWF CAUSES all those problems. Killers are tunneling more because of SWF. They want to reduce the 4v1 to a 3v1 as rapidly as possible.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Yeah, jus chillax a bit til the frustration subsides.

    I’m solo surviving in red ranks (2 currently) an get matches with red rank experienced killers an combos of green/ purple survivors (they seem to have very little DBD common sense) who are downed fairly quickly, then proceed to immediately race for the unhook w/o BT right in front of the killer. DCs, quick 4K matches resulting in neg-pips. Not fun.

    I’ve also, lately, (in the past 2 days) experienced a trend of red rank killers who are tunneling right off the hook. Not sure if they picked this “strategy” up from other streamers or from the recent tournie, but this usually doesn’t happen amongst red ranks killers, especially where they tunnel after the BT. Killers often go into matches expecting a team of aggressive SWFs, all on the same page, who play offensively and are linked with coms to benefit them even more. They’re so experienced from learning to deal w SFS that when they get a team of solo’s w/o the 5th perk of coms, it can be a complete slaughter fest!

    I’ve heard a good majority of players voicing their opinions on experiencing the same.

    So you’re certainly not alone in this.

    Certainly never any harm in some good, healthy, non-violent venting.

    Take a rest, regain your peace/sanity an have another go.

    When you return tho, remember to be focused an fully aware that it could (probably will) happen again; that’s half the battle. Choosing then to respond to the circumstances calmly, letting all the nonsensicalities fall to your feet an disintegrate, is a great way to patiently tolerate the DBD dysfunction.

    Too much anxiety otherwise, imo.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I know, but the Killers don't know who is in a SWF and who isn't. That is why I think Solo Que and Group/Team Que should be separated.

  • Member Posts: 942

    Thanks, I wish there was more people like you, this eases my anxiety a bit. It sounds pathetic, but it got to the point I felt like crying cuz I played the game for nearly 6 hours today and it was just all tunneling/camping

    It just sucks cuz the devs encourage it, I just wish people were punished for it. Had a Laurie farm me off hook, and not take a hit. It doesn't happen on Xbox though so I can't pinpoint which platform it is mostly coming from.

    I don't think it's PC cuz all the PC players I know are sweethearts and so nice to me. So I can only guess PS4, Stadia, or Switch. But like I said, I don't know for sure.

  • Member Posts: 742

    It's because DBD is not about fun anymore since years. There are a lot of sweaty tryhards nowadays that are so much obsessed with this game and take everything seriously instead of getting a life and chill. Big reason are also most of the streamers and youtubers that made this game literally a sweatfest. It's a neverending war between two roles/sides that keep the hypocrisy and double standards alive. This forum is and will always be the best proof.

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    I hardly get tunneled cause I avoid the Killer as much as possible. I work gens \totems and try and move away if I sense the Killer or stay if I think he won't see me. I don't go for a hook save unless I see nobody else seems to be going for it. I just want to do my objective of gens\totems then exit gate or hatch. I ain't about to be chased. M an, sometimes I finish a match and I never even knew what Killer was playing. Had to look on the tally screen at the end, lol.☺

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    This is confirmation bias but every time I play immersed the killer finds me and beats me over the head with a shoe.

    Every time I want to get in a chase, I'm begging the killer like I'm a muffin begging for death and the killer won't give me the time of day.

    Be bold, and crossplay. Us PC players will protect and cherish you.

  • Member Posts: 742

    That's totally biased and not the one and only reason. Killers dodge SWF by cherrypicking lobbies until they know they have mainly a solo queue lobby so they can noob stomp them, at least on PC. Worst part is tho, they even tunnel and camp the solos because I experience that for the most part when I solo qeue. The majority of SWF are not the sweaty ones but only players that wanna play together. But always blaming SWF for ALL the problems is just the easiest way, isn't it. The usual obsessed and disctracted killer main brain.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I cherish PC players, I don't like the console vs. PC war qwq

    I love PC players, all of them are sweethearts, I've had PS4 players tell me that most of em are toxic so I get so giddy when I am with PC players cuz they are nice. I will admit I am not great at the game, but I can run a killer for 3 gens when they are not trying to destroy me in game and irl. Sometimes they act like they haven't eaten for days and that survivor is their first meal.

    Thank you for being one of the few players with good sportsman ship. It makes me happy

  • Member Posts: 942

    I just don't wanna get bullied for not being the ultra chad at the game. I am not great but not terrible. Mediocre at best, and when I solo queue it gives me people below my skill level that play like someone who's only had the game for 2 days and thinks tunneling/camping is a God strat. But I will try that suggestion, thank you qwq

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Because killers get annoying sweaty swfs all the time so they start playing like jack a$$es to even the playing field. Blame SWF not killers

  • Member Posts: 942

    Not all SWFs are bad, only sweat squads. Most I meet when playing killer are nice to me (I turn off cross-play as killer)

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    If you are gonna complain about swf dont play it. Although you said it yourself terrible randoms encourage swf.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Playing with friends doesnt warrant toxic behaviour. If you feel like that let's remove swf and kill the the survivor playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    I've been playing with my friend because usually I solo, but it's nice to play with him, plus we haven't played together for a while now, but every match has been the same tonight. Tunnel or camping every single hook. It's getting to the point we both don't want to play anymore, which sucks since this is the only game we play together when we get the chance. I get some SWF will make the killers life hell, but this is getting beyond stupid now. I shouldn't have to constantly run DS because of this. I hate the perk so much, but killers are forcing people to need it. Yet they wonder why it's so 'overused'

  • Member Posts: 942

    Same for when they slug to avoid DS instead of eating it and taking the 3 second stun and whine when unbreakable is ran

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Wrong answer. I don't dodge SWF unless I'm exhausted. If I recognize them I Mori one immediately. Since I play Mikey that is easier for me than for some. I want people to be able to play with their friends. I just think they belong in their own que, so Solo doesn't keep paying the price for us doing what we gotta do to level the playing field. I believe there should be two Ques.

    Solo Que: Up to two people can join these Lobbies together, so limited Friends. No Identity information should be shown until after the match ends to prevent setting up Comms on the fly.

    Group/Team Que: Groups of 3 or 4 may join these Lobbies. Groups must turn on one additional Generator to open the gates, i.e. a 3-Person SWF must activate five Generators, and a 4-Person SWF must turn on six. The Killer also gets a 5th Perk unlocked. Killers will be happy to fight these challenges on a level playing field.

    *This method allows the DEV to balance for the Group/Team Que without punishing the Solos in the process. The suggestions I make for balance can be increased or decreased as necessary.

  • Member Posts: 942

    Hopefully my post doesn't get closed cuz of this comment. But I have a feeling the game will die because it's riddled with bugs, since the tournament every game has been tunneling and camping/face camping. Farming off hook, ect. It's bullshit.

    I don't wanna bash the devs because it takes time and effort to make a game, but damn.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I agree with the idea, but with Xbox/PS4 you can check recent players and do that. With Xbox it's bugged though, but either way.

  • Member Posts: 942

    Thanks, I try to be nice because I do art and it takes me hours just to make one piece, and if someone said it was garbage I'd be sad. And the devs put years into the game and yes it's kinda broken and unbalanced. But I still play it, because it has characters I enjoy. I plan to make a post with a list of bugs, minor and major, along with ideas to balance the game. Things will be a tad bit easier.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    play Hardcore (life regeneration off too) Minecraft or play Civ VI (or Don't Starve). Why beat yourself up over this game?

  • If a killer is tunneling you, this is a good thing - keep it distracted while your team mates disable the generators

    If a killer is camping, this is a good thing - means you can be disabling the generators the killer is NOT camping at.

    If I've misunderstood these two gripes then just ignore my post entirely and accept my apologies my friend lol.

    Playing survivors is a team game. I play killer all the time, and I know immediately if I'm gonna win via 4 hooked survivors (or 3 hooks and 1 hatch) if I see survivors not working together. Even if you are not communicating with your other players the above scenarios should still apply. If you want to play solo I highly suggest joining us killers. There are similar gripes I have with some survivors like looping mind you, but I know to just walk away as they're distracting me from my objectives - I'll get them eventually later on *shakes fist menacingly*

  • Member Posts: 4,759
    edited September 2020

    The only way this will change is if the dev's fix gen times.

    Look at any match from the tournament and see how fast gens get done compared to what the killer can get done. it is literally throwing the game to 12 hook all survivors and leave all 4 in the game till the end with how few tasks survivors have and the resources at their disposal.

    Add coms into the mix and you can't even "pressure gens" because survivors stick to them like glue because they know who is doing what.

    It's a weird situation because if you remove the hook timer then survivors have no reason to leave their gen before completing it before they save, but if you increase gen times you can literally sit at every hook and get a 4k..

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Sweat squads are way more common that people like to pretend they are. Sure they might not be that .0001% that never loses ever, but they can easily make a match extremely unfun and it happens all the time. You won't see if it you don't play like that but that doesn't mean it isn't a common issue. I experience sweat squads more often than solo ques, by a long shot. Perhaps I'm just unlucky I couldn't say, but the I find playing as killer I meet toxic survivors a lot more than toxic killers when I'm playing survivor.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I understand where you are coming from and I thank you for giving me a laugh. (Not condescending I promise qwq) But the thing is, the thing that annoys me this never happens on the rare occasion I turn cross-play off, and this all started after the Hexy Tournament. It just sucks because my challenge is to escape two chases as Meg, while escaping the trial.

    I can't do that when every killer tunnels and face camps and I get stuck with potato teammates who don't do gens and try to be altruistic getting me thrown out quicker.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I understand where you are coming from, whenever I play killer I turn cross-play off, so everyone is on Xbox. If it's a SWF they all message me a little GG and the ones who play killer tell me where I can improve. The solo people are more toxic/cocky for me lol.

  • Member Posts: 806

    Randoms are the worst, but funny enough being a solo player is how I still find Dead by Daylight "fun" and challenging. I have more luck as a solo player then as a SWF group, lmao.

  • Member Posts: 942

    Before the Hexy's Tournament and Rank Reset, I would get out of every match as a solo in red ranks. After the tournament and rank reset every teammate needs to get beat over the head with a shoe before understanding. Not including a few.

    Killer before hand were genuinely good sports, I would give tips on how to fix the perk builds from what I've seen from people who main said killer. The minority tunneled and camped. Now, everyone tunnels/camps, runs garbage perk builds that are fixed with OP add-ons, most are toxic. And the majority tunnels/camps and now including, slugging. For no other reason than 'they can'.

  • Member Posts: 806

    I mean, they always could do those things and they were always a "strategy" that's not "punishable" for some reason, so I guess fair play to them. If the developers said it's not a bad thing, then I guess it's not a bad thing, although I think they should really listen to what brings actual fun to the players instead of despair.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    The problem is 100% created by the ever-increasing power and population of the SWF. Tunneling and the Mori have always been around. Killers could always use them. They didn't, on average, because there wasn't a need. Now there is a need, created by a changing META. Killers have attempted all sorts of ways to deal with the increasing commonality and potency of the SWF, but none of them are as effective as removing a person from the carefully coordinated COMMS.

    Removing 1 person from a SWF slows down the Gen-Rush, reduces the amount of information they share by 25%, and gives all the others pause (puts the fear of the Mori in them) and makes it easier to run them off Generators. Do you see where I'm going with this? Killers aren't shifting strategy because they love the Mori (we earn fewer points overall) but because to salvage our games at all we have to reduce that advantage. Balance that advantage and level the playing field, say by putting Group/Team in their OWN Que where extra requirements can be added to them (say extra Generator and giving the Killer a 5th Perk) and the problem would take care of itself.

    Again, Killers (and I so play one) would rather go for more Hooks, have more time to play the game as it used to be played, and earn more points and Emblems overall. But until we have ANOTHER option that actually works against the SWF issue (without all of us somehow turning into Otz, Monto, etc.) we do what we gotta do.

  • Member Posts: 806
    edited September 2020

    You know what? You're actually right. Yesterday I've started to notice something wrong, not only on the Survivor side, but on the Killer side as well. It's as if literally the entire playerbase of this damn game has changed their playstyle from regular to uber toxic. Is this the influence of that Hexy's Tournament everyone keeps mentioning? I seriously know nothing about it, but I've been noticing an increasing amount in camping, tunneling, slugging, t-bagging, flashlight clicking, gen-rushing and even DCing, from both sides. I started seeing these signs around yesterday or before, while I was trying to do my Daily Rituals and the Killer challenges in the Level 4 of Tome: Conviction.

    I know those things have existed in the game before, but not on the level it currently is. As Killer, I was Rank 3 and had at least FIVE "Entity Displeased" results in a row as I was trying to do my SIMPLE challenges. I can assure you that it can't be because of my skill level, since even I can play moderately well, above average, I would say. I know how to mindgame, I know how to play Killer in general, so what the hell is going on?

    As Survivor, teammates keep DCing and the Killer camps, tunnels and slugs. Oh, there's also not a single Killer without NOED. So, what's going on??? Again, these things existed before this tournament, but NOT on the same level as currently.

    0_o Y'all good??

  • Member Posts: 1,652


    small game

    empathy\Bond (either)

    calm Spirit

    I use Premonition to see which direction killer is coming so I can go opposite direction.

    small game to find totems and avoid killer traps.

    empathy or bond (which ever I unlocked) to keep an eye on teammates and see if they are being chased. If they are I can see how far Killer is and keep working safely on gen.

    I use Calm Spirit to completely avoid Doctor making me scream and clown and any perk or killer than wants me to scream. Also if I have to haul booty away crows don't make any sound as I run by.

    this is my awesome cowards run! Yay for me! ☺

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