This may be a very bad idea....

I might not be the first person to ask this but:
If you were to be the person in charge of reworking keys, what you change about them (without removing them entirely from the game)?
Please don’t start a full scale war down in the comments.
Remove they're ability to open hatch, I really don't like that. Keys now spawn a special locker that can only be opened with a key and gives one of for items.
Flare gun: Shooting one in a killers face blinds them instantly, only has one shot.
Generator Bomb: Attaching this to a generator will trap it. When a killer kicks the gen they will be stunned and the gen will progress 10%.
Cloak: A black cloak that can be activated at any time. Doing so will hide the survivors scratch mark and have them make significantly less noise.
Mask: A mask of some kind. Reveals all auras to everyone for 30 seconds, killers can see survivors, survivors can see killers, All gens, lockers, and exit gates. This is then followed by all survivor auras being hidden for 30 seconds.
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okay fair enough, do they keep their aura sensing abilities? And if not then, there would be no use any other kind of key to exist, right. Broken keys would be a waste of space and both the dull key and skeleton key would function the same with no difference to justify being two separate and differently priced items. Also I assume that they special lockers (these could be called weapon lockers) would just exist in every map even if no one brought a key, right? Out of all you items, I think the flare gun is the best one, the others one would need some major adjustments because they’re kinda op. The generator bomb should regress the generator some percentage but stun the killer longer (by an extra 2 seconds). The cloak would be so strong on blendettes and other already stealthy survivors, also how many charges does it have (duration)? Finally, the mask is what stumps me the most. It’s weird, it’s not horrible but I don’t feel like it belongs. It’s basically a map that tracks everything even both the killer and survivors. The cloak and mask feel like perks made into items: cloak (iron will and light weight) and mask (object of obsession, bond, detective’s hunch, visionary, distortion/off the record). Thanks for your response and being elaborate with your processes, ideas, reasoning.
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Essentially yes, these lockers do spawn around map and keys do keep they're aura reading abilities, since these items can only be found in matches they don't have addons and as such all key addons carry over. Cloak lasts around a minute. I did actually intend to have the bomb regress lol, I misspelled it. I made the mask to be different from everything else, thats kinda the point lol, its supposed to take control of the entire game. I feel like they have enough differences to warrant being different stuff.
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Okay, well the only thing left to clear up is the milky glass. Will that be repurposed to be make the key gain a second use, being able to open two locker, open one locker and keep your key, or will it just be removed?
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That would be reworked into giving the items extra effects. Flare gun blinds longer. Gen bomb stuns more. Cloak and mask last longer.
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That’s different. So the milky glass will increase the effectiveness or strength of anything you find in the locker? Cool. Then will you also be changing the key ring? The one that prevents the lost of the key from death.
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I'll check all the unusable key stuff and rework them in a minute.
Edit: Turns out the only one that needs to be reworked is weaved ring. The change is that it allows items to be taken across games regardless of death.