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What if we can have an another limited game mode. Double the map, 2 killers and 8 survivors?

Is it gonna be awesome?

Best Answers

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790
    edited September 2020 Answer ✓

    In order for that to make sense everything would need to be increased proportionally, and even then it would probably be very unbalanced. For example you'd probably need to have a larger map with 10 generators on it instead of the existing maps. Killers would probably get absolutely massacred on a standard 5-gen map.

    Even then, the game really just isn't balanced for 2 killers and 8 survivors. Can you imagine two Bubbas playing together with a basement build, for example? It would be disgusting.

    I would like to try this out as like an April Fools thing or something, though. It'd be hilarious in the short term.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    Answer ✓

    I think the only way to have an alternate game mode would be to have a heathstone style "tavern brawl" where there's a rotating game mode where balance isn't really a concern and it's just different but wacky fun.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    edited September 2020 Answer ✓

    *laughs in IdentityV's duo hunter mode*

    You should check out the rules for that. Highlights are 3 health for survivors, 7 gens to do, a 30+ seconds immunity phase when getting hooked ( sacrifice doesnt start for 30 seconds after being hooked, but you also cant be saved during that time)


    We definitely would need a certain minimum size and generator count for 2v8 maps, and maybe more gens ( IdentityV uses 7/11 instead of 5/7 gens in that mode). But camping or 2 killers focusing 1 survivor isnt really an issue, as that'll leave every else free to rush the gens. As for identical killers, IdV did force different killers, so I dont know if thast would really be a big difference. IdV had giant maps for that mode and they even spawned 2 basements.

    From personal experience in IdV , 7 generators can grt don quite fast even with a permanent -30% action speed penalty.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    Answer ✓

    Fun ? Yes, but impossible to balance.


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    the way around basement builds would be a simple to code thing that a lot of people are asking for:

    teleport the hook, or in this case killer, if they loiter around the hook for too long. It's ingame in the form of PH's cages, the afk crows show it's possible to recognize a player's time on a certain tile etc.

    (the obstacle is that the devs more and more don't seem interested in doing anything that would make the game more enjoyable).

    But yeah, it'd need bigger maps, or more objectives to be done in general to open the gates. We already have a perk that slows the gate opening time down, so adding a factor (how many totems do stand, or maybe finding new items) that slows the gate opening down if its not fulfilled should be as simple.

    (problem is the same as above, though)