NGL if i knew you was using selfcare id dodge.

i dunno what it is about crossplay or which platform is using it, while i know all platforms have people that use it its been so very common since being matched with PC,PS4 and switch and quite often it results in them just selfcaring most of the game even if sloppy/thana is a thing. most games im being 2/1 hooked because players are hiding and healing themselves... im not being funny im a rank 1 versing rank 1 killers, hows this so common? Honestly these sort of games are very boring and annoying, can we maybe remove selfcare awarding BP etc. to try discourage it? i wouldnt normally mind people using different perks but this one is just halting games to where half the team isnt doing anything to progress the game and makes the game itself pretty pointless loading into.


  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Self-Care is totally fine if you have Botany Knowledge or Desperate Measures. As long as you camp the nearest pallet and try to waste as little time getting the heal off as possible.

    But yeah self-care without a combo perk and hiding to use it blows.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    the hate comes from when everyone is doing it, i wouldnt normally mind but against high rank killers you cant hide in a corner and heal for 60+seconds while someone is dying on the hook. like i said i dont normally mind different perks being used but being left for dead isnt good, often the people selfcaring dont get much done but heal themselves so thats why...

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Selfcaring takes exactly as much time if you view the survivors as a team. Either 2 Survivors are occupied 16 seconds each (=32 seconds) or 1 survivor is occupied for 32 seconds.

    If you find someone to heal you faster than 16 seconds, go for it. If not, SC is actually faster.

    I don´t get the hate.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I have Resilience too, so if I can 99 it, then I will. Also with the math provided by @Slashstreetboy above, I'm now technically faster with resilience!

    My post "Confessions of a Self-Care User" cover why I personally use it, but basically it comes down to me not being able to rely on teammates.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I liked that post of yours, the title still makes me chuckle^^

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    Self Care isn't bad.

    The Blendette who ran to the furthest corner of the map to Self Care against a Sloppy Butcher Legion while another Survivor is currently hooked and another is being chased is bad.

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2020

    Every time I see you post and realize how much we agree on I like you a little more.

    EDIT: Do you use Self Care/Botany/Desperate/Resilience?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You don't want them Botany heals? Fine by me. I'll just go ahead and keep me and my team healthy all trial, you can go be injured Nancy.

    Also, you really cannot blame someone for not going for the unhook while 1-shot, not unless someone else is clearly getting chased. That's like saying "why don't you die with me?" I'm not a fan of SC-In-The-Corner but I'm also not irrational.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    Self Care and healing normally take the same amount of time. With Botany, Desperate Measures, or Resilience, it's actually faster. Playing with Botany pretty much removes the healing nerf from 2.3.0. The problem with SC isn't the perk itself, it's the usage.

    Also teammates aren't reliable.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I actually hate it when people equate times like this. Sure, it makes sense at face value, but if you think about it for a few seconds, you can see why this line of thinking just doesn't work.

    You doing nothing for 32 seconds, depending on what's going on in the match, is often going to be more detrimental than someone else healing you. The reason is pressure. All time isn't equal, and sometimes two survivors doing something more quickly than one survivor is better. 32 seconds is a lot of time, and if you get caught out (hiding places aren't perfect, there's a million ways you could be found including the killer just walking into you on accident) then all that time is wasted.

    Another way to think of this is "X survivors in action, doing something valuable." With you self-caring in a corner, with 3 people alive, one on the hook, that goes from "2 survivors in action, doing something valuable" down to 1, assuming the one not on the hook is either going for a save or is working on a gen. The rest of the team is experiencing more pressure for longer because of your 32 second self-heal. If you let the other guy heal you, one of you can be rescuing and one can be repairing sooner, or if it's a face camper you can do a two-man distraction rescue.

    You can spread out the time and multiply it by survivors being occupied if you like, but time is ticking for the entire team at the same rate the entire match. Things need to get done, and as any killer can tell you, as soon as one survivor is actually dead, the match becomes 10 times easier for the killer. Self-caring is basically you opting out of the match for quite a while.

    I wish I had the vocabulary to express this better. Let me just say it like this: As a killer, if I know every other time I hit this dude he's gonna be out of the game for the better part of a minute (remember: getting to and from your hiding spot, which has to be good for you to basically AFK for half a minute, takes time too!) then I'm very happy, because it means he's just completely out of action and I can put even more pressure on the rest of the team.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Nope. Lately I've been running Lithe/Self-Care/Spine Chill then Resilience until tunnelling happens then back to DS.

    It's all about self-sufficiency. Spine Chill acts as another set of eyes to go with my headset, Lithe is just a useful Exhaustion perk that actually works when it's needed, Resilience because if I'm not getting hit, something wrong and you can 99 it but it isn't a huge bonus. Self-Care because reliability and less restrictions on it's use.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    im running bond and when i see random getting unhooked running to dead zone (far map corner) to selfcare i want to die on 1st hook (and if thats vs Legion im doing that)

    im running bond, small game, inner str, plunderers

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    I almost always run self-care. If there's someone around who wants to heal me, I let them heal me, but there isn't always someone there and I don't want to lug a medkit into every game.

    I think the issue is less that there's something wrong with the perk and more that priorities can shift at different times in a match, and it can be frustrating to feel like your teammates aren't prioritizing what you want them to. I mean, I've chased people half way around the map before saying, "Let me heal you, Dwight. Why do you want to die, Dwight? Let me heal you," before watching them get downed again. And I've also watched someone sit on a gen while I went to stage two, and only start running when it was too late to save me. Watching them self-care at a moment I wanted them to do something else can also be frustrating, but we all get to make our own choices.

  • APopp
    APopp Member Posts: 22

    I mean, I'm on PS4 and using Self-Care... but also I've been using Desperate Measures and Botany Knowledge with it... and I try to find a medkit in chests in the trial, so... Am I a problem?

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    well this is my point, like i said in the post i dont mind people using different perks etc. But quite often i will be on a hook or downed and i shall see survivors miles out the way just healing with selfcare, even if sloppy and thana is a thing thats an awful long time just to heal and a rank 1 killer is likely to have 1 person on hook and chasing another, which leaves two people and if theyre selfcaring youre going to your next phase let alone the very limited amount of gen progress being done. i guess my biggest issue with seeing the perk so much is people that use it often arent doing good chases, gens and will heal before saving even though they know others are being chased.

    Once again i dont mind people using different perks, but having players let you skip hook phases, and not doing gens is an issue at high rank play. Like i said though if thana and sloppy is a thing when people just use selfcare they arent really progressing the game, i would say your build is a little overkill in healing, but at least it makes some sense. im mainly on about those people that only use selfcare and will not do gens or save others until they finish healing themselves against sloppy etc. so as long as you dont do that and try play as a team you can use whatever you like mate

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    People who cant play a game while injured need to be kicked to greens

    its at this point a necessity to be able to do it, you are wasting sooo much time if you keep healing

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    The worse part is that as solo players, they should be using bond. NOBODY USES BOND and it drives me crazy to watch them run around like headless chickens while i know what gens they were on, for how long and if i should abandon mine to finish theirs or find someone for heals and see each other for hook saves. but nah.... lets run swf loadouts and fail to use them or sit in a corner scared.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    dont forget, math is hard. Especially if what a lot of what folks say is just a regurgitation of some strimmer

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    I use self-care with desperate measures and botany knowledge.

    Having a peak of 75% extra healing makes self-care extremely powerful.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    You are trading health states for pallets and not doing any gens in the process, when you run self care whoever is running the killer long enough for a self-care through sloppy butcher is carrying you, there are soooo many more efficient ways to heal, self care kills the squad and killers will just smack you once they realize you have it so you'll go hide and heal for an eternity while they pressure the other survivors meanwhile the pallets are getting used and generators not being completed

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Yeah some people seem to have a hard time understanding this. It depends on the situation of course but there IS value in using self care if used right.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Desperate Measures, Botany, We'll Make It, Self Care. Pretty solid healing build, even for yourself....and pretty fast, too...but eh, 4 perks just for healing?

    Just run detectives hunch and inner strength lol. Detectives Hunch is ENDLESSLY valuable as survivor with Undying being a thing.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Expect a lot more Detectives and Inner Strength with the shifting Meta. I´m kinda happy though that totems actually become a thing now.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Let's be real about it though, people who run self care refuse to stay injured to do any objectives that's why they run the perk at all , while I can agree certain builds make it useful if you aren't running a trio of support perks you're literally wasting time self caring and for those who say "it's basic math that self care is more efficient" they aren't adding in thanatophobia or sloppy butcher and they aren't doing a gen before they try to heal so objectives aren't getting done, pallets are being used and the self care user is healing for an eternity any time they're injured instead of helping the team try and escape, the gens can all be done in 3-4 minutes if survivors actually do them instead of BS'ing for half the match

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yep couldnt of said it better, i feel since the ruin change and rank reset changes have happened alot of people have gotten much higher in ranks and seem to think that because of it they know about efficiency etc. But honestly the fact a yellow medkit with 8 charges is two health states should be enough to last the game for solo heals, but lets be real most selfcare users arent running all those perks just to heal so they waste time with sloppy etc. if gens are 80 seconds solo but youd rather spend that time selfcaring through thana and sloppy theres probably no hope for you lol.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    There are people, that even selfcare against legion all the time. Just don't play solo survivor or survivor at all if you want not lose your mind with those people.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    Had to google NGL. For anyone else who hasn't seen it before it stands for "not gonna lie". Which when you think about it has the exact same amount of meaning as just not saying it at all. If you just erase those 3 letters from the topic absolutely no meaning is lost. Why even use it?

  • AestheticCharms
    AestheticCharms Member Posts: 136

    Finally A survivor with a brain. Self care is trash and if you use it you're even more trash than the perk itself. I don't understand why people glorify that perk

  • AestheticCharms
    AestheticCharms Member Posts: 136

    There's literally a post of a bunch of r-tards glorifying self care. I was shocked at how people choose to self care instead of doing gens

  • CE83
    CE83 Member Posts: 2

    Learn how to write.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Solo queue player here. I once was in a match against a Legion on Lerry's. He was using thana and dying light. The obsession was a bunny Feng who every time she got feral frenzy'd, she'd self care. The only generator that was completed was mine after I hook suicided because it was about 7 minutes and no one else was doing anything. Constant hooks from Legion to get more stacks of dying light. They'd all try and heal and Legion would come to feral frenzy them in a matter of seconds.

    I counted how many times this Feng self cared. Over 10 times. Ridiculous.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    clearly someone needs to abuse sc, botany and desperate measures - the sheer amount of hits you can take to reduce bloodlust or pick people up/unhook faster is pretty nutty.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    thats the thing its the people who use the perk, not the perk itself. For example if im running self care botany dead bt, then i could easily go for a save and heal that person very quickly and we can do a gen until we get chased, due to me being injured, killer chases me and i heal up mid chase, to either make healing faster for when im out of chase or give myself another health state to keep running a killer

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Yea coupled with botany , you have to waste extra perk slots and a good killer isn't gonna allow you to get healed in front of them like that, if you can self-care and fully heal mid chase on a killer that man is super boosted no if ands or buts about that

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Idk man I just described what I did to a rank 1 pyramid head so take that as you will

  • jackal470
    jackal470 Member Posts: 122

    I see SC about 1 in 5 matches (ps4) I only used it for claudette's adept years ago but sometimes people only care about there hatch escape and to be fair some people know how to use it effectively. So the good survivors know how to use it with a med kit or 99 themselves to use with resilience