I tried making myself a survivor, so here it is.

So we won’t talk about backstory (mainly privacy reason) but the more important stuff is I have asthma and I also train for flexibility in any situation (this is outside of DBD not joking) and I also like to be able to accomplish stuff.
So I’ll probably have a bit of backstory when explains perks and also the balances in the perks. So let’s get started.
Determination (Uncommon/Uncommon\Rare)
You go above and beyond to help yourself and anyone you can. Survivors auras are revealed to you within a 16 meter radius. For every survivor aura you see gain a 3% haste status effect. Whenever you see the killers aura gain a 3%/4%/5% haste status effect.
-While determination is activate, effects from the hindered status effect are moderately decreased.
So this is for because I do like helping everyone I can and I try to help myself more. I made it 16 meters 1. Because if it was greater it would be better than bond (but they do stack) and 2. Because when I want to help people it’s usually whoever is closest to me whether that’s family or people that are literally closest to me, so this fits.
Balances: I thought of making the killer haste 7%, but that would be too fast if you somehow were able to see everyone else’s aura as well. I didn’t want it to be higher than 15% (but it is close at its highest be 14% which is 2 hopes combined). Also I thought it could be just anybody in your field of view, but then I realized how pointless that is. Anyways, next perk!
Acrobatics (Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare)
You move hastily making it so nobody can catch you. While you are injured and you can perform a fast vault, press the active ability button instead to do a somersault instead through the window. During the vault you vault 15% faster and you gain invincibility. Gain 60/50/40 seconds of exhaustion.
-Acrobatics cannot be used while exhausted.
Okay so, I was chased by my sister and still kinda to this day actually even though we are a lot older than me, it’s kinda funny because she’s older than men but I’m always able to run away and it’s mostly on trails which is what this perk is about. Just think of it as a dead hard through a window which could be useful if they think you have dead hard so they bait it. Oh yeah, that practice I talked about was so that if somebody brought a knife I could try and dodge so it would make sense.
(Also not for balance, but the speed increase was so that it would be more realistic because if it was a regular slow fast vault, then they would get you and it wouldn’t make sense.
Balance: I had it so I could do it while doing a medium vault which would be impossible and also unfair so it has to be a fast vault. Next perk!
Energy Boost (Rare/Very Rare/Very Rare)
You gain more willpower as you push yourself beyond your limits. Getting chased by the killer for 40 seconds activates Energy Boost. The next time you use a perk that would exhaust you, gain 3 seconds afterward running 150% your normal running speed. Gain 20 more seconds of exhaustion. After Energy Boost is used you gain 2.5x/2.25x/2x the amount of time you had haste, but have a 7% hindered status effect.
-Energy Boost has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
-Energy boost cannot be used if you were exhausted previously before you use another perk that gives you exhaustion.
So this one I’m going to have to explain because it’s long.
getting chased by the killer for 40 seconds activates this perk.
When using an exhaustion perk say sprint burst, you gain 3 additional seconds of speed. So 6 seconds of speed.
you will then gain either 2 times, 1.75 times, or 2 times the amount of time you did sprinting, but become hindered afterward.
so assuming you have this at tier 3 and you had 6 seconds of sprinting, 2 * 6 is 12 so after sprinting you gain 7% hindered status effect.
You then have 20 additional seconds of exhaustion.
so the max amount of time hindered you could have is 20 seconds (having adrenaline and then energy boost at tier 1)
No time to talk about why I made this. I have asthma, but I usually try to push myself, when I start running I would start having asthma, but I would push myself to do more. So thus I made this a perk.
Balance: had to change the amount of time gained hindered because you could just be able to get away without the hindered status effect being a problem. I also had to change the property on determination (moderately is 2% decreased hindered by the way) because it used to almost get rid of the hindered completely (making you only have 1% hindered)
Determination - Way too powerful. Imagine a SWF lobby with someone running OoO, Empathy/Aftercare, Kindred, and Determination. Then add a Skeleton Key with addons that track other survivors and extend range. Imagine switching out Kindred for Hope and wanting to chase them during endgame. You'd be uncatchable if you played well. It also shouldn't affect the Hindered status at all. Highly abusable. Speed gain perks are rare and hard to benefit from for a reason.
Acrobatics - Actually seems okay to me.
Energy Boost - There's a lot to this perk, so hard to imagine how it would play out, but I feel it needs bigger drawbacks in exchange for the ability to tell the killer to ######### off for a while. Either more additional exhaustion time, or a longer time spent Hindered.