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Lagswitching is not a permanent bannable offense?



  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I'm not convinced that most of these lagswitching claims are even legit.

    Back before MLGA started adding it's more robust blocking features, I ran it for the ping indicator. And I would watch when some of these killers would lag. And a lot of times, it had nothing to do with the chase. I'd watch as my ping shot up anytime the killer got near - but they clearly weren't seeing anybody or chasing anybody. And said ping would normalize as they got further away from me.

    I wish I knew more about how to trace packets and how the Unreal Local Host networking worked (so I can confirm my suspicions), but it's almost as if the Host starts sending more frequent updates to the Clients the closer in proximity the Killer gets to the survivor.

    In a sense, anybody who has a weak network or machine may be fine as the host as long as they aren't near anybody as the updates sent are infrequent. However, once the Host gets close, the increased traffic bottlenecks the host and causes all the issues we're seeing. Of course it's natural to assume that this is a lagswitch as it seems fishy - but I'm not so sure.

    So it's probably for the best they aren't perma-banning.

  • paramourn
    paramourn Member Posts: 8

    If you're continuing to play killer with horrid internet or sisters who keep downloading movies while you're trying to play, you should probably switch to survivor, or another game entirely. While it may not be fair for you to be banned for having "bad internet", it isn't fair for the other 4 people that are playing with you, to have an unfair game because you are hosting and they are being rubber banded all over the place. It's essentially handing you a win in most situations.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697
    paramourn said:

    If you're continuing to play killer with horrid internet or sisters who keep downloading movies while you're trying to play, you should probably switch to survivor, or another game entirely. While it may not be fair for you to be banned for having "bad internet", it isn't fair for the other 4 people that are playing with you, to have an unfair game because you are hosting and they are being rubber banded all over the place. It's essentially handing you a win in most situations.

    Il be honest. Survivor is horribly boring. Playing killer is more exciting and rewarding.
    Also why do I care about players that will flame me no matter what. I don't care about their match experience lol. Just as they don't care about mine.
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Well, you should know...

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    Well, one of the primary problems of p2p is when the host's system or internet connection isn't adequate enough to be the host, where acting as the host requires more of the system and the internet connection, whics leads to various issues that is a detriment to the overall gameplay experience.


    One who has a system that can just barely run the game (meeting minimum requirements), will have very poor performance ingame, even with setting the game's graphic settings to the absolute minimum. Now say this player decides to play killer, not only will this player have an even worse performance as killer, but this will also affect the system's performance and thus also negatively affect the network performance which will undoubtedly will cause issues in the game, which will be experienced as rubberbanding. P2P is not a good solution, especially not when it's competitive game.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Lag switching should totally be ban-worthy. There is a guy on Xbox I've played multiple times that I swear lag switches, because if you shine a flashlight in his face the connection will conveniently spike the next time he chases you. You will see everyone running into walls for about 10 seconds, then you will teleport to a hook. Me and a friend have had him do it to us and when I said something to him he made a comment along the lines of "I wanted to do it the easy way but you had to shine a flashlight in my face" inferring that he did indeed do something. I've reported him multiple times on Xbox but the devs are the ones that have to do something here because this is pretty much the only game aside from fighters where lagswitching is even a thing. MS stopped caring about it when their main IP's went to dedicated servers.