Reworks and buffs for almost all the bad survivor perks in the game

Lightweight: reduces in 100% the noise of the footsteps.
Premonition: reduce the cooldown from 30 seconds to 24 and make that the perk doesn't activates if you are in a persecution.
Combine (Resilience + This is not hapening): because both perks are available for all the survivors and both are very similar, it's completely logical.
Hope: change it, every time a generator is completed you gain a token, each token grants a +1% of movement speed. (5 tokens = 5%)
Small game: change it, now you can see the auras of totems in a radius of 10 meters, you gain a speed bonus of 6%/8%/10% when you clean totems.
Dark sense: increase the base duration by 7 seconds and the last one by 12.
Deja vu: increase the number of generators that you can see by 4.
Autodidact: change it, you starts the trial with a -5% skillcheck penalty progression, when you hit a skillcheck you gain a token up to maximum of 3, every skillcheck grants a +15% bonus progression. (3 tokens = 40%)
Diversion: reduce the time that you have to be in the killer terror radius by 35 seconds.
Boil over: increase the radius from 14 meters to 20.
Dance with me: reduce the cooldown from 40 seconds to 30.
Oportunities: increase the radius by 25 meters and reduce the cooldown by 15 seconds.
Vigil: increase the recovery speed from 20% to 25%.
Pharmacy: change it, now you get a Renger med-kit (purple) and the sounds are 100% less noisy, also eliminates the 80% action speed.
Wake up: increase the speed bonus opening exit gates from 15% to 25% and you can't suffer the Blindness status effect during all the match.
Stake out: you gain a +10% of triggering skillchecks while outside of the killer terror radius.
Distortion: increase the amount of tokens from 3 to 5.
Breakdown: the first two hooks are permanently broken, but when you are sacrificed the two hooks are operational again.
Flip flop: increase the recovery progression that is converted into wiggle progression by 75%.
Mettle of man: reduce the protection hits you have to get to activate the perk by 2.
Buckle up: when you completely heal another survivor from the dying state, that survivor gains a +150% movement speed bonus for 3 seconds.
Leader: increase the radius from 8 meters to 16.
Streetwise: increase the radius by 12 meters and the duration by 30 seconds.
No mither: increase the reduction of grants of pain in 100% and gain 50% more of bloodpoints in the survival category.
Open handed: increase the radius from 8 meters to 12.
Up the ante: increase the luck bonus from 3% to 4% for each survivor alive in the trial. ( all alive = +12% of luck)
Poised: change it, every time a generator is completed you gain a token, each token makes +12% less visible the scratchmarks. (5 tokens = 60%)
Solidarity: increase the progression in your own healing, from 50% to 75% and you gain +100% more of bloodpoints in the altruism category.
Sole survivor: add +3% of bonus speed in every action (repair, heal, clean totems, unlock chests, vault, sabotage and open exit gates) for each dead teammate.
Technician: reduce in 75% the sound of the repairing action and eliminate the +3% penalty for failing a skillcheck.
Fixated: the perk still works if you are injured.
Better together: increase the distance from 32 meters to 36, and the duration from 10 seconds to 15.
Second chance: reduce the time of activation from 30 seconds to 20.
Camaderie: change it, when you are going to be hooked, if there is no teammate in a radius of 50/44/36 meters, the Entity progrees speed is decreased in a 30% until the next phase. The perk works in the two phases.
Babysitter: increase the duration from 8 seconds to 12.
Any means necesary: reduce the time to pick up the pallet from 4 second to 3.
Breakout: increase the distance from 6 meters to 10.
Lucky break: change it so whenever you are in the injured state, the perk always activates permanently and you can't suffer the Mangled status effect.
Sabotage: the hooks are broken 10 seconds longer.
Calm spirit: add a effect that gives you +6% of speed bonus, repairing, healing, cleansing totems, searching on chests and opening exit gates when you are in the killer terror radius.
Red herring: add when you finish repairing a generator, the notification and the icon on the screen towards the killer takes 30 seconds more to appear.
Blood pact: if you are the obsession or there is no obsession, the perk chooses a random teammate to apply the effects.
Repressed alliance: reduce the time to activate the perk by 45 seconds.
Visionary: add you can know how much progress has a generator by the color of his aura.
Most of these are downright broken.
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Glad you are not on the balance team
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So many of these perks just completely counter certain builds or are much more effective against select killers, which is exactly why perks like Slippery Meat are so lame in the first place. Also maybe think of some effects other than "Go faster for x seconds".
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Give a gun to each survivors and now they can shoot the killer
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Well, neither of you use those perks all the time, I am right?
You only use the meta perks, because you are so boring. XD
38 perks of this list they are never played. And you really prefer the developers updates and chapters with this ######### perks?
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Most of these are way overbuffed
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Perks on your list that I use or used to use quite extensively:
- Premonition
- Poised
- Fixated
- Saboteur
- Calm Spirit
Perks on your list that I never see used:
- Wake Up!
Meta perks I use:
- [ERROR 404]
Even if none of this were true, it wouldn't change the fact: your reworks are broken and would tilt the game toward the survivor side even more.
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And do you really think that I'm not going to do a another post, for killer perks.
The only thing that I just want is some variety, something that the developers cant do.
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that doesn't matter creating more broken things on both sides creates more chaos
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Do you want to say that dead by daylight can't never have a good balance on the perks?
What a pessimistic person you are.
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No, we're saying that your suggestions are unbalanced. That's literally what we wrote.