lunumbra Member Posts: 23

HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO THIS AT RED RANKS AS KILLER. ARE YOU SERIOUS GAME DEVS? I have had to literally be a horrible toxic killer to get this done, and it didn't feel good or fun for me or the survivors. Why does DE encourage killers to absolutely ruin games to get these challenges done?


    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Its simple. Lose enough matches to the point where your rank 20, profit.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    I actually did it, its a 9-12 hook game 4k/dcs, reccomend just use a strong killer with decent or better addons, personally I did mine with huntress, deathslinger, and blight

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,112

    It can't be impossible if you already have 2 of the three required! May take longer, but not impossible.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I think I needed 5 attempts. Why should this be impossible? Simply 4k. Unless you use moris or people insta DC or selfkill, most of 4k games have at least 9 hooks. If you are at red ranks and think 4k is impossible, I wonder how you got there...

    And if you just talk about the endgame slug to deny the last one the hatch... well, not sure if this is such a game ruining thing. You have a normal game until then, and then just have maybe a minute of lame searching.

  • Lofepramine
    Lofepramine Member Posts: 174

    I had no trouble getting it one after another with Doc (i have the best results with him). I'm currently rank 6, but I've been facing red ranks since I was rank 13, so no difference.