the challenge saving ur teammate who saved u before

Crisbrain Member Posts: 11
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a solo player, this challenge is so boring ,

first, u have to give killer a hook to guarantee ur teammate not die before u getting hooked,

2nd, u need ur teammate who saved u get hooked,

third, u will wish the playstyle of ur teammate not stealth or good looper

final,the killer must good to get hook and do not tunnel u

these all are depend on others but urself, pls dont do it again.


  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Unfortunately, not everything is designed for solo play. That said, unhooking someone that has unhooked you really isn't too difficult if you just pay attention to names before the match starts (barring clone Survs) and play a little more cautiously to make sure you're alive when they get themselves hooked (if they do).

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 247

    I did this as solo, it's not really that difficult and difficulty isn't that is bothering me, but the actual fact that you HAVE to get caught to complete this challenge is something that pisses me off and can possibly ruin the whole match for you or others.

  • jackal470
    jackal470 Member Posts: 122

    I got it as a solo running aftercare and empathy with a fleshlight...get the killers attention force a chase and watch for the saver to get caught. Takes time but it's better than some of the other challenges like hook 4 in the basement in 1 match cause people just d/c, so I'll take this one anyday....btw it took me 3 matches so I'm not saying I'm a great survivor or anything