Why is nurse so good?

Ok so I just recently hit rank 4 on killer (super happy xD) but I get a lot of messages from survivors saying I’m just lucky I got to this far by play doc, legion and deathslinger (the main people I play) I keep seeing and getting told spirit and nurse are so good and I honestly can’t see why. I’ve tried a few matches as them, at least got them some decent perks and I just don’t get it. I don’t have the same success as I usually do. Can someone fill in the gaps for me as to why nurse and spirit are so strong?
Nurse because she literraly teleport and pass to everthing that you have to defend you self ( but at least she is hard as ######### to play)
Ans spirit she is good because you can bait and teleport and the survival dont know what the 2 you are doing ( and is kinda of ez to play with her if you have some hours with survival and killer and if you have an microfone)
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Nurse should be the only killer that is S tier, spirit takes no skill and is uncounterable.
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Nurse ignores almost every mechanic survivors have, and spirit doesn't have any of the visual or auditory cues survivors have to counter a killer whilst she's in her power, and frankly couldn't care less about what the survivor is currently doing. Both are pretty self-explanatory.
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Nurse has no counterplay, the fastest chase time, and decent mobility. Spirit is a close second, in all of the above however she is easier to play, and Stridor Spirit is almost completely mindless.
I also have no idea why people think you have to play strong killers to rank up. All the ones you listed get pips left and right regardless of how well you do.
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Maybe I'm biased because I main her but Nurse is hands down the best killer in the game it's not even close either , she's the only killer that can shutdown even the strongest loop in a matter of seconds and a slugging infectious fright nurse is an absolute nightmare for any swf because everything they have "fun" doing to other killers isn't gonna work on the nurse, I'll never forget I used to think the nurse was terrible when she first came out but then I started playing people who got good with her and I immediately fell in love
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Nurse in particular is considered that good because her power allows her to bypass the usual gameplay loop (pun intended).
In the higher skill bracket balance is in favor of survivors in the sense that M1 Killers can´t do much against a good looper.
I recommend you watch a tournament or two to if you want some examples of this.
Completely mindless is a bit harsh...I´m constantly rank 1-4 and I main Myers, Trapper, Clown and Oni. However if I try spirit I get rekt really hard even using stridor and a 110 Euro headset -.-
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"Almost completely mindless."
You do still have to remember how to use her power (in short bursts and only at loops or for mobility between chases), but other than that Stridor just takes away any guessing and tells you exactly what you need to know because you can just hear survivors breathing. No mindgames, no prediction, just phase to the right side of the pallet/window and slappity slap.
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In my case it´s highly likely that it boils down to lack of practice and most notably lack of talent playing spirit. Seriously, I´d rank her as the hardest Killer to play, but that´s just me xD
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Spirit is a guessing game all the time and i can not play her. I need to see where survivors are not to guess and i don't want to use a headset.
Nurse is just too hard to play. You have to play hundreds of games until you can say you are good or above average and i don't endure this. Just pick Freddy and be happy.
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You have obv not gone against a good Nurse (because since the devs made her significantly less fun to play, she's practically an extinct species). You would understand if you had the experience. It would become crystal clear very quickly.
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Just go on YouTube and search for dbd God nurse videos here is a good one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=THnVphXVx4Q
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Nurse is by far the hardest killer to learn to play, but for the relative handful of players that do play her really well and who can hit with her Blink attacks consistently she is extremely powerful because she completely counters almost all the loops in the game. You can't stop a Nurse by just dropping a pallet or vaulting through a Window, she'll just teleport straight over it and hit you. And if you aren't paying attention to where she is for even a moment while you're in her terror radius she can Blink right next to you and hit you before you react. There are some juking strategies you can use to try to increase the chances of the Nurse not teleporting to the right location while attacking you, but they're not guaranteed to work against a smart Nurse so there's always a strong possibility of getting hit by a skilled Nurse no matter how good a runner you are as survivor. And because her attacks are instantaneous her "chase" times are insignificant, if it wasn't for her having to move at very slow speed while searching for targets she'd be pretty much unstoppable in the hands of a great Nurse player.
If she has one weakness it is, in fact, simply that she's not the strongest at map mobility. Her teleport can help at times, but if she just wants to get from Point A to Point B in a relatively flat outdoor map she is usually better off walking simply because her Blink fatigue negates the time saved by teleporting in terms of long range travel. (With some specific range enhancing add-ons Blinking becomes better than walking for travel, but not by a huge amount.) So like most killers the best strategy is spread out to force the Nurse to travel between chases and, when she does seem to be coming your way, use cover and try not to be seen since you simply can't loop her like you would almost any other killer.
P.S. Nurse is also my least favorite killer to play. Being stunned staring at the ground 1/3 of the game is super annoying. I totally get that her potential for greatness is really high, I just have zero interest in playing her either way. She could really use a revamp to make her a little more fun to play. (Not a buff, she's already powerful enough, just something that, say, lets you look around while stunned and to compensate her teleport refresh is slowed down a bit. And honestly Plaid Flannel should probably just be part of the ability so new Nurse players don't have to sacrifice an add-on slot just to see where they're teleport.)
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Nurse main here, 1k hours.
Nurse is the only killer in the game that can not only completely ignore looping, but she also is able to end chases quickly. A good nurse will be able to hit a survivor, chase them, and down them within 10-15 seconds. Every blink/chain blink in a chase should result in a hit. Most killers it will take at least 30 and often times a minute or more. But with nurse you can end chases such a short time. On top of that, unlike clown for example who can also end chases quickly, you can't just throw pallets down early to stop her like you can clown. She also has pretty good map mobility with her power.
Her main weakness is when survivors play immersed. Her movement speed is slower than a running a survivor, so using LoS blockers can really be a pain. The "problem" with that though, is that a good nurse can usually deal with that through sheer map knowledge and conditioning the survivors. The other thing is that the current meta of powering through gens as fast as possible is really bad against her. Because you need to play stealthy and immersed, and survivors want to pound the gens as fast as they can so they can't exploit her weakness. Because she can end chases so quickly she doesn't even need to spend her perk slots on gen slowdown, she can use 4 information perks to deal with her weakness and then just destroy survivors in a chase.
Spirit can do some of this to an extent, but spirit's power has a longer cooldown and it is much weaker until you land a hit, due to not being able to see the survivors. Nurse is good pretty much right away.
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nurse deletes loops from the game
spirit has no tells and can get info from survivor to make her uncounterable
these are the s tier killers
doctor depending on how you play him can be amazing with his base kit info and loop stopping with pretty good addons hes about A tier with deathslinger as well due to his ability to stop loops and be extremely stealthy with free zoning to make up for his 110 speed
legion is different legion is the worse killer in the game. not being able to down survivors with your power is big. if the survivors panic you can win but if they spread out and dont heal constantly you lose. its to the point just being an m1 killer with no power might be better than feral frenzy.
there are plenty of good killers but many are worse than the rest and nurse and spirit in the right hands are unbeatable regardless of survivor skill