Idea: Survivor Unique Abilities.

So for a while I had thought of one of the things that survivors lack that killers have in abundance, and that is a uniqueness to what makes them. Every killer has a unique playing style, a unique power that can make them feel... overly strong sometimes, especially in some clutch situations. Survivors on the other hand have the same speed, the same perks nothing at all that sets them apart if you have unlocked all of the teachables. I’m not suggesting anything game breaking but something in each of the characters individual perks that stay with them on a trial that makes them unique to have it equipped than anyone else. The idea is to promote diversity on the style of game play rather than just running the same perks on everyone.

Jake - Jakes tenacity in the face of danger knows no bounds, in the presence of the perk Stridor, Iron Will is 50% more effective.

Claudette - Immersion is Claudette’s bread and butter, even at great risk. Within the killer’s terror radius, Self Care’s effectiveness is increased by 2%

Dwight - Dwight is not deceptive but he can be misleading, with the perk Leader when entering a locker in the killer’s terror radius, a loud noise effect will occur at the nearest vault point. This can only trigger once every 90 seconds. This will not hide rushed sounds of entering a locker.

Nea - The one that started it all, Nea always proved her fearlessness while using Balanced Landing, falling noises are reduced by 10% while exhaustion is in effect.

Meg - Meg is quick to recover her second wind, Exhaustion caused by Adrenaline is removed 4 seconds faster.

David - The thrill of escape fills you with vigor, if Dead Hard is activated within 30 seconds of a rescue it moves him .5 meters further than normal.

Feng - In gaming, Feng knows situational awareness is key, when dropping a pallet, Alert will activate even if it has not been broken. This effect has a cool down of 60 seconds.

Kate - You need to know your way out of every situation. While using Windows of Opportunity, Kate has the ability to use a vault or pallet twice before the perk enters its cool down

Adam - Determined to elude his pursuers, Adam has learned to carry more rocks in his pocket, when he uses Diversion a sound alert will come from two different directions.

Ace - Luck is always on your side, while using Ace in the Hole, when Ace finishes looting a chest the nearest generator and totem are revealed for 2 seconds.

Laurie - Always seeing the good with the bad, using Object of Obsession has the same effect with other survivors unless the killer is carrying them. Laurie can observe other survivors when they look in her direction however they are unable to see her aura.

Jane - You know how to make a discreet exit, while using the perk Poised, scratch marks are hidden for an additional 1 second upon activation.

Jeff - You’re always looking out for others, once per match, if you are within close range of a survivor when Distortion activates, both of you are shielded by its effect. Only happens for one survivor, this effect does not stack

Bill - You’re used to laughing in the face of danger. While using the perk Left Behind, the killers aura is revealed to Bill if they are in direct contact with the Hatch (within the perk’s range) negates stealth effects.

Nancy - Through sheer will, the walking increase of Fixated persists when Nancy is injured.

Steve - Steve is into survival. After he is rescued from the hook, if activated Second Wind will heal him one health state 2 seconds faster than normal

Quentin - Quentin is always out there to help his teammates no matter what, when looting his first chest, he has a high chance of receiving a Ranger Medkit instead of an Emergency Medkit with his Pharmacy perk

Zarina - Zarina is strong willed even in the darkest of times. While using the perk Off the Record, if she is knocked down while it is active, the effects persist through its duration.

Cheryl - While using the perk Blood Pact, if she or her obsession are injured, Cheryl can see the auras of other survivors for 2 seconds, this effect has a 120 second cool down.

Detective Tapp - Tapp lays his eyes in the most obvious clues, when Detectives Hunch activates auras of Hex Totems glow slightly brighter than dull totems.

Felix - Felix is a man who holds out to the very last drop, when he uses the perk Built to Last, he gains an additional 2% to the recovered charges.

Yui - The more desperate the moment, the more determined she becomes, the Haste status effect of Breakout increases an additional 1% for Yui when within five yards of a hook.