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No More Smurfcomps, *Please*. For The Love Of The Entity.

Seeing quite a few threads about this today where people got rolled and don't know what happened to them.

What is a smurfcomp, you ask? Well, there's an old trick that has suddenly become so commonplace I'm seeing at least 1-2 a day now. If, say, 2 red rank survivors queue up with a buddy at level 15, they will get a much lower ranked killer to face (and easily stomp).

As far as I know, there used to be a protection against this, where SWF groups would always get a killer of a rank close to the highest ranked person in the party, not the lowest.

Why was this changed?

This is the sort of thing that is going to crush the spirits of new killers.

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  • Member Posts: 907

    They are just friends, who want to have fun. /s

    I think the MM works more in favor of giving you a fast match instead of searching for a balanced one which might take some time.

    Or you had just bad luck and after a good killer dodged this lobby you were the next in line for that group. Again, to cut down waiting times.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    No, this is deliberate.

    It's not just a bunch of buddies queueing up. It's a bunch of high rankers (often someone with a stream) abusing the current system (survivors have matchmaking protections, killers don't) to destroy lower ranked killers.

    I made a thread about a similar issue a week or so ago and the devs admitted that they removed killer matchmaking protections completely.

    Why do you think this is okay, exactly?

    There were systems in place to stop this for a while. The matchmaker would try to ensure that an SWF faced a killer of a similar rank to the highest ranked person in the premade. Not the lowest (which seems to be the case for solo survivors).

    They quietly removed this system, and as people twig onto this, you are going to see more and more smurfcomps.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I've already seen a LOT of this to be honest. I just didn't realize there was an intent to play the system. The sooner SWF and Solo Que are split into different Ques, the better. I think it is unavoidable eventually as the problem just gets bigger every day.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Honestly, just bring back killer matchmaking protections and the anti smurfcomp thing they used to have. I don't care if it means longer queue times for these groups, it's going to mean better games all round.

  • Member Posts: 907
  • Member Posts: 8,077
  • Member Posts: 3,347

    As far as I know the intended behavior (matchmaking based on the highest rank in the party) was never changed, it's quite simply not working properly... like with matchmaking in general at times. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it kinda seems like you're implying the devs intentionally removed the highest-rank-matchmaking change which I highly doubt is the case.

    With how messy matchmaking can get at this point the best thing to do is probably to hope MMR matchmaking works better once it's put back into use. Both for general match quality and adherence to the highest-rank-matchmaking rule for parties.

  • Member Posts: 789

    these guys werent smurfs, i think it was just matchmaking being matchmaking and screwing over new players. swf still operates by highest rank and not the average rank. that being said yea smurfcomps used to be a big issue when i first joined and it made my life hell but that was way back when this game was infinitely more broken.

  • Member Posts: 415

    I noticed this as well, i remember when i started the game i had friends who were rank 1s and we would search and i would get stomped every game cause the killer was always a red rank like my friends.

    Well now that im the rank 1 when i play with new people the MM does now pair us with a lower ranked killer which is bs.

    If a low ranked player wants to play with red ranks then they should play red rank killers and the swf team just suffers from having a potato on the team and the killer has 1 easy target all match.

    I feel its fair and it makes you learn the game faster. None of that urban evasion spine chill bs hiding in corners, had team mates telling me run iron will resilience ect rush gens.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Except that they confirmed it in postgame. They weren't even shy about it - which is how I realized what was going on.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    They did remove it, along with killer matchmaking protections. I'll have to dig up my old thread, by they confirmed it there.

    I assume it was due to SWF groups getting long queue times trying to find them a suitable killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Dude it's probably not even a swf , solo matchmaking is so ######### right now everytime I play it the ranks are all over the charts , I legit think the game just throws you with someone at this point and doesn't consider rank

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    It was an SWF. We had it out in postgame, and they explained it (while mocking me). Apparently they were doing it for a stream.

    You can find several other threads today with the exact same pattern. Thanks to the current lack of DC penalties, it's easy for someone to deliberately drop their rank on an alt account to pull this off.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Hrm. I might just have to step away from the game for awhile. I don't really have time for this nonsense. So I'm one less Killer for the Ques. I'll check back in a few months and see if they have it fixed. If not, I'm not a hypocrite. I say if someone isn't happy with a game, they should move on. I'm starting to feel it might be time for me to put on my travelling shoes.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    The sad thing is that I really enjoy the game. When I get a few good games in a row, win or lose, I want to play more.

    When I get one of these groups (they are always BM as hell on top of it) I don't want to play anymore. Getting creamed in a game where you had absolutely no chance and then getting mocked for it...yeah. There is only so far a thick skin will take you.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Yup. Also, these kinds of scummy tactics have been going on for a while now, noticed this esp when I was yellow-green as killer. I don't come across these smurf teams as killer anymore, due to being red ranks. There's never rank 13-20 survivors in my matches, swf or not.

    I play mostly solo, but played a few games with a low rank friend last week...and guess what...we got killers that were close to their rank, instead of mine. It felt like I was bullying baby killers and it wasn't cool.

    I wish bhvr would revert this change and match accordingly to the highest ranked survivor again

  • Member Posts: 8,077


    As things stand, I've gutted it out to the point where I can sometimes hold my own. On the right map. With Hag.

    That said, it was a miserable slog to get the right perks and I eventually had to turn off chat and messaging entirely.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't think that that tactic works, unless the Devs have done their usual misdirection. It used to be a huge problem, til (thankfully) they changed matchmaking to only take into account the team member with the highest rank and apply it across all teammates. However, this coincided with the killer exodus and flood of new survivors and helped create the old 20 minute wait times, so they basically fixed that issue by having the matchmaking algorithm rapidly disable itself.

  • Member Posts: 957

    Far as I'm concerned doing this is an exploit as it is clearly exploiting the rank system to ruin new players experience and should be a bannable offense.

    High ranked Survivors should never be allowed to cheat their way into lower tiers. SWF needs to be changed to make sure this never happens for the health, well being and future of everyones game.

  • Member Posts: 824

    Nah, I definitely get low rank killers more regularly when I queue up with my brother who doesn't play as much. MM definitely takes into account the lower rank people in your SWF as well.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah. There seems to be special protections for survivors of lower ranks to ensure they get a killer of similar ranks.

    The problem is that there was a system to stop SWF groups from exploiting this, which was quietly removed.

  • Member Posts: 90

    And I've seen it go the opposite way, especially when I first started. Rank 20 survivor at the time, one friend was busting his way to rank 1, the others were like 16 and 14. Rank 1, 2, and 3 killers, oh joy. And look at who dies first? The person who is trying the game out.

    I haven't seen a higher rank killer until recently and feel so bad for the rank 13 to 20 killers cause the guys I play with are really good at the whole misleading thing and I learned to just hide. Or play decoy until I can find a friend to lead the killer to (I'm not allowed to use bond or empathy anymore.... and I find them better now)

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Were you grouping up with higher level friends? Because it should be impossible for a new survivor (below rank 15) to get a high level killer, unless you were playing at a time of day where nobody else is.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    They may have had it fixed in the past, but after reading this thread today I started tracking my gal's matches. She recently got to Rank 12. She played 17 matches today... of those 12 of them had multiple Red and Purple Rank and always one or two strange level 15-20 which could only be explained by the fact they all loaded into the Lobby at the same time. So either there is this unprecedented (I've never seen this before) MENTORING program where Red Rank Survivors collect 1-2 Potatoes to train them.... OR... the SWF is being put together on purpose so that those Red Ranks pull a weaker Ranked Killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Weather it is deliberate or not, players have no choice when it just comes to playing casually with friends who don't have experience. you either get stomped on by skilled killers or get tunnelled off hook with noed mori. Games are boring and all things are bugged. Boosted survivor life is all there is.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm seeing a lot right now. This seems extremely popular when it comes to streamers from other countries. Not going to be more specific, but there is definitely a pattern - which makes me think there is a forum somewhere where they are putting these horrors together.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Or or or, and I'm just throwing this out there, they were actually friends with a newer player.

    Admittedly, OPs lobby was a smurfing group, but Ive been in this situation to introduce new players. I've introduced a few of my friends to this game in the last year, and it's nice to have a few red ranks around to ensure they get through relatively unscathed. Dbd is bad enough as it is, imagine being a new player trying to figure out the ropes, and depending on a Rank 20 blendette to save you? I want my friends to enjoy it and stay, not rage quit after 3 games.

    Yall always assume the worst.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    In which case, you are going to roflstomp a new killer.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    this happen to much and if new players want to play with the high rank friends they need to face high rank killer.

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