The Current Braindead Killer Meta...yawn
I prefer a zero pressure abandon all hope build on my killer. I might chase or hook one of you but the gens are coming on and I'm opening the door to rush it. Now I've got noed, blood warden, undying and thrill of the hunt. Good luck cleansing you're dead, good luck getting out any door and especially good luck getting out once I hook one of you. Like clockwork you bots are waiting to teabag in the exit and realize too late blood warden is going and the only place you're going is to a hook or better watching the entity bust through the ground and get you. It's bots all around and I'm a killer. I don't have to be nice, I don't have to tell you to have a good day, I'm a killer and I've come to kill.
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Braindead would be Noed or Ds+Unbreakable something that doesn't require thought but you still get the full effect. Ruin Requires the killers to change their gameplay to get the effects from this build so no it's not braindead.
And of course a build like this would become meta when survivors get games done so quickly that people have to play killers with mobility to have games last longer now with this build people can play killers they like without having to worry about the game ending before they can do anything.
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Hardly. This is classic hyperbole.
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Agreed. Too many times I've seen Survivors act like new ruin is old ruin and stop gen progress to track it down. Seems this thread is full of angry try-hard gen rushers.
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Ive been running distortion. Lets me know if undying is in play, also lets me get the totem before the killer knows im there.
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spot the black sheep
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lmao just bring small game. Literally all you have to do is cleanse any totem you find. If they're in a chase they have to drop it for you which gives your team a ton of breathing room. if they dont easy pickings.
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I've read through your post, but I'm assuming that you're not a huge fan of killers having a meta? That's probably not what you're saying at all and I'm leagues wrong but I think that's what I picked up from it. I play both sides on xbox and I never ran into a ruin + undying build yet. Maybe I did and my team and I just pushed through ruin. I tested out ruin and undying together and in all honesty I didn't like it. I'm not a huge fan of hex builds mostly because it's stressful because if Survivors find it then it's a wasted perk slot. In all honesty I only use undying with blight same with blood favor too. Pretty much all of his 3 personals plus the addition of BBQ since I'm low on Bloodpoints at the moment.
But I'm still confused on what you mean by your post. And I DON'T want to sound rude whilst asking you this I'm genuinely confused. If you can elaborate by what you mean overall I would be happy to know 😓
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You're speaking to a player that has spent my 800 hours as a solo survivor. I've never queued with anyone.
Your argument doesn't apply. SWF is a completely different game. Killers have the power role - I have all the experience to prove it.
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But if I use my perks to counter killer perks, how will I bring Adrenaline/Dead Hard, DS, Unbreakable, and Borrowed Time?
Clearly, the problem is that the killer doesn't appreciate the fact that they are responsible for my fun. They should bring different perks so that my fun is maximized.
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And what is the point? That killers should run builds that entertain you?
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So my first question is what rank are you?? This entire build is based around totems which can literally spawn right in front of survivors at the start of the match. Not to mention most survivors are grouped up with friends, so you put 1 survivor on a gen and 1 on a totem and now the killer is forced to either A. Give up the totems and pressure gens or B. Give up the gen and pressure totems. How exactly is this build brain dead and op when the killer still isn't really benefiting?? Realistically this build comes in clutch maybe every couple of games but that's because survivors just ignore the totems and that's not on the killer lol
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Ok, let me reword what I meant.
If survivors don’t presume every killer has Undying, thus seeing a dull totem yet ignoring it, that’s on the survivors.
Again, Undying has little power when there aren’t dull totems to transfer Hexes to.
Example: survivor taps a gen to see if Ruin is at play. Curse pops up. Survivor decides to start looking for Ruin straight away. Spots a dull totem close by while searching for Ruin. Ignores dull totem. Bad move.
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I've always ran ruin but with undying now it lets me run ruin with confidence which is nice. Although I'd hardly call it braindead, tinkerer allows you to make more informed decisions when it goes off. Is it worth chasing survivors off that particular generator? etc. The build really doesn't do anything if you're just chasing one survivor for 4 minutes. Besides even if the combo got nerfed to hell everyone would just go back to using corrupt + pop again and I'd have a feeling you'd be complaining about that instead. Just think of the ruin/undying build as a spicy survivor fun time perk, means more chases and more fun games for you and the survivor! Everyone complains about the game being an m1 generator repair fest so this build let's the killer come to you now instead of you having to come to him for chases! Ready or not here they come!
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Im guessing you don't play killer much at high mmr if at all.
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Im not biased because I am a main for both. I always laugh it off when a killer basically has perks that do the work for them in addition to a killer that's really easy to win with like GF, wraith,PH.... It just shows their skill level when they must have something like this to win. I literally think the argument against survivor builds is ridiculous because it protects against the many killers that wanna camp and tunnel plus it only has one use each. And as for BT, very rare for a whole team to have it, so if you know they are the one with BT you focus on them not the survivor they just helped or you chase the survivor for a max of 20 seconds for when it runs out and then attack. With ruin, they do indeed to be applying the pressure but thats easy to do, its usually the catching them that takes skill. With tinkerer, even if they do gens you will be on them instantly and them ruin kicks in while you chase bringing it back down to 70% or lower. Like it is smart but OP to use that kind of combo. Personally I don't like to rely on needing effective perks to decide how good I am and if they get taken out then your useless...
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It's the same tired argument but it's still valid. I get tired of seeing and using BT, DS, DH, and insert other meta perk of your choice here. That said it's a solid build for high rank play. You see this build on the majority of survivors at high rank because its a consistent solid build. You won't hear me complain though I play both sides I understand the why behind it.
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Ah, yes. A survivor main is complaining about Killers having a powerful Perk combo that makes it so they can't get "gg ez" wins every game. I personally stopped playing this broke *** game a little while back but still watch YouTubers/Streamers like OhTofu, Monto, and Otz.
But back on topic, Killers have had to deal with the same BS Perk combos for years now (DS, BT, Adren, Unbreakable) and now the Survivors have to deal with a new troublesome combo and immediately start complaining about it and calling it braindead. Here's the thing you clearly forgot: Ruin does nothing if the Killer is bad, also if Undying gets cleansed first. Plus, the build is easily countered by Maps and Detective's Hunch. That's right, you could literally bring one perk and counter the entire combo. Plus, the killer can only pressure 1, or two at most, Survivors at a time if you don't all stack on a single gen. So even if they scare off the one pair, the other pair can complete there gen, this activating D's Hunch, and you can just walk around and destroy totems until you notice Ruin is gone. Will it take a while? Yeah. But there's still at best 2 survivors on gens cuz the other is being chased.
Meanwhile, the 4 Surv Perks I mentioned earlier are all pretty braindead, and all give you a second chance.
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God the illogic of these posts and the follow ups is so unreal! 🤦♂️
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Wow killer have a new meta build for what 2 weeks? The ds, unbreakable , (insert exhaustion perk usually dead head) and flavor of the day perk(or optimize your swf build). Not to mention the now exclusive use of soul guard and you can use detectives to sort out undying and ruin. But sure braindead killer build bad , braindead survivor build good.
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Oh nooooooooo! Games aren't easy for you and you can't have 3 gens done in a minute and a half :(((
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And yet killer is still harder. Funny that.
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Killers: Gens are to fast, fix it dev's!
Survivors: Gen speed is fine, pressure gens noob. Btw NOED op and unfair.
Killers find a way to apply some slight pressure to gens
Survivors: Omg, so boring zzz braindead killer ez mode nerf everything devs this is unfair.
Killers: you told us to pressure gens.
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It's not 4 times, it's, at most 3, less if you go out of your way to cleanse dull totems and this is assuming you don't cleanse undying on the process of all these ruins, and only 2 of their perks are hexes. I think this is where undying falls a bit short of meta, since you can't run it with too many hexes, it's not good standalone, so ideally you only have one perk with it, and if it gets cleansed first, you're SOL with your other hex
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Those perks are designed to build Gen pressure so they do know how to pressure the trial.
I still think hexes are garbage.
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Its kinda ironic how sacrificing an entire perk slot to have a chance of your ruin lasting long enough to actually get any use whatsoever, needing to apply pressure to have any chance of said ruin doing anything, and tinkerer actually helping killers play off of said pressure is braindead/stale/op/etc.
Its almost like you're sacrificing two perks to make one perk worthwhile, and those two perks can be entirely disabled, or do literally nothing if survivors can't be forced to release their m1 button.
The real argument here is that survivor's can't adapt to a killer being able to bide their TR and red stain, and they refuse to do bones. The aura reading of undying doesn't do anything unless the killer looks in the direction in the first place, and is near enough to get to you before it goes off. if an obsession is in a chase, or if you have any form of information perk that gives you an idea of where the killer is (Empathy, Kindred, hell even Alert can be useful at this) you can easily time when to do bones. Its a shame the smol pp build doesn't have room for aura reading perks, might have to actually drop a crutch to help.
Oh, by the way, run spine chill. If there's no TR and it goes off, you now have a warning the killer has tinkerer and is coming.
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that what I'm using ruin + Undying surveillance Ive never use Tinkerer.
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Killer: gens gone so fast.
Survivors: just pressure gen
Killer uses perks for gen pressure
Survivors: wait, thats illegal
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It's used because it's a new build, not because it's particularly good.
Find Undying or three Dulls before cleansing Ruin and the build is null.
But hey, I guess if survivors are incentivized to do anything other than rush out every gen within four minutes, it's a travesty that needs to be nerfed, right?
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Basically this.
Rumor has it 90% of perks suck. 5% are viable, 5% are very strong. Survivors wanna Survive, Killers wanna Kill. Most don't use meme builds, so you see the limited effective combos both sides have get used a lot.
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I've gotta be honest I picked a BAD time to start watching streamers. Every single match is Ruin + Undying and it's so boring to watch.
The amount of games that end with 4-5 gens up because they got hooked 6 times before ruin even broke is just ridiculous. And it's not like you can just choose to ignore it because then you're risking it protecting ######### like Devour Hope too.
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About meta survivor perks
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To be fair we haven't got any meta changing killer perks since plauge or ghostie and it will be nerfed for sure in a patch or two. It also brings perks such as ruin and tinkerer in to the meta witch never get any play until now.
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Oh look, yet another survivor main badmouthing killer perk combos
This is like, so 5 years ago
Never change DBD community....
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This post just seems like a salty person who doesn't like having to play against a good build. If a good combo of perks are available, of course they will be used. Both survivors and killers have crazy good perk combinations. All that being said, everybody knows that with how popular undying has become, it will probably be nerfed because a loud minority of people will scream bloody murder at the devs until they listen.
Sad times.
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Survivors run the same meta builds as well tho, unbreakable, ds, an exhaustion perk, and some random perk. Ruin was nerfed to the ground and now it’s become useful again and way more fun to use than before but yet survivors still complain smh...
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Are you really surprised that killers are using a perk build that allows them to pressure generators? All those perks expose is 2 major problems
1) Gen speed
2) lack of good killer perks
Even then, I remember playing a game of killer where the survivor team broken every totem on Mother Dwelling and completed 3 generators vs Undying+Ruin in matter of 3-4 minutes with no item/perks, so Its not like detective hutch+ maps don't hard counter the build on even a solo-level. One of the new properties of old ruin vs new ruin is that Old ruin encouraged survivors to spilit up because a failed skillcheck paused both players repair where as this new ruin encourages survivors to co-op generator because in order to win with the totem active, your team needs to do long survivor chases and if you fail, all the gen progression from split up generators gets wasted and reset from unhooking/healing, so ironically Prove thyself is indirectly really good vs New Hex:ruin
I kinda wish that Undying didn't remove all token stacks from single hex transfer and only removed one, Maybe it could be usable with Lullaby and Third seal. Devour hope probably wouldn't activate with that because the survivor would already be on death hook or the game would be nearly over by the time that activates so it is pointless at that point.
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I wouldn't mind this build if undying didn't have that extra effect of showing survivor auras when they're near a totem. Literally no reason for this perk to have this effect on top of the one it already has. It's a free Thrill of the Hunt. Apart from that it's not that bad to go against from my experience. Kind of a brainless playstyle but so was old ruin with pop, which was ran a lot back in the day.
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I find it somewhat ironic that the Undying-Ruin combo is being derided for being boring in the same game where DS-Unbreakable exists.
But okay, you say not everyone runs that build. Okay, that's fair. And yes, seeing those perks combos every game is no-doubt pretty dull, but it has counters. Easy ones too. Small Game, Detective's Hunch, Maps—2 of which are common items/perks. Yes, Undying will reveal your aura to the killer, so if they're paying attention, they will know. There are simple ways to work around this. Unless the killer is Billy or Blight (or Huntress in some cases), they are physically incapable of reaching you in time on certain maps. You can cleanse them no problem.
Okay, let's say the map is small. What then? Wait until you know the killer is chasing someone. maybe you see someone get injured or you're in a SWF and your buddy says the killer is on them. The killer is distracted. You're good. If you're using the perks/item I mentioned, finding the totem should be no problem.
Yes, if you get unlucky, you could end up cleansing all 5 totems to get rid of Ruin. Easy solution? If you suspect Undying, find one hex, then find the next. You find two, then you know for a fact one is undying and the other is ruin. Cleanse both. Still Ruin? Well, one more to go. No Ruin? Congrats.
Annoying? Sure. But with decent teamwork, the totems should all be gone pretty fast. Of course, if you're solo... well, you were praying for a good team before anyway, so nothing's really changed there.
Totems were introduced as a secondary objective for survivors. All this combo does is make them focus on them for a few moments, and with there being 5 and 14 secs each, they shouldn't take much time if the survivors play well. In fact, if they're confident, they won't need to cleanse at all, and instead focus on holding the gen.
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If you talk about solo yeah we are the power role AS IT SHOULD BE but not on SWF mode.
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Do bones
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Ah no I think there were some other metals since launch. First was speed self heal (if I remember correctly), then came the sabo meta with perma-broken hooks (btw I think this was the time slugging became prominent) and after that were still the exhaustion perks, especially balanced landing with its no cd passive. They were all overpowering and got nerfed for a reason.
No idea why behavior didn't keep up with this. /s
Edit: "Helpful" autocorrect -.-
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And yet the vile combination of Adrenaline, Dead Hard and all the other ######### clutch perks aren't meta? Clown.
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Nice, so ruin does not only not filter out inexperienced survivor from high ranks but even boost same inexperienced killer up there, so it can be a potatoes salad on both sides XD
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You mean "years."
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Annoying in boring meta builds has been part of the game since the beginning.
We've had annoying mindless builds on the survivors side or The Killers side.
Vigil and old balanced landing when losing exhaustion when running was a thing made haddonfield a complete instant DC for most people.
The insta Saw,Stalk,hatchets build when old tinkerer was a thing.
The small PP build.
Old Mettle of man ultra combo
Slow down Freddy.
All of these builds made the game extremely boring to deal with while they weren't completely overpowered it just made the game completely brainless for the person using it.
Honestly we're just seeing the next Wave of these builds it's going to continue happening off and on
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Just do bones
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Oh my, what a spicy take.
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Detectives hunch = best perk