The Current Braindead Killer Meta...yawn
Looks like every strong killer perk combo is boring and braindead
I guess DS+BT is a very skill dependent and entertaining combo
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Another trash talking toxic survivor. What a shame you showed up on my discovery tab. You probably teabag along with the rest of the undesirables that don't fully appreciate this game, too.
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The "repetitive environment" argument is perfectly valid, this is an issue that is happening in all competitive games that are based on builds since ever. If repetitiveness was good, online games would never add content.
Have been playing for a month now, i main Wraith, and i can already tell that reaching a gen that is close to be repaired by 2 (or more) survivors is one of the situations where there are many negative outcomes for me.
I play with Thanatophobia, Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher and Brutal Strength (don't have many others...) and it already feels that i need to fit one of those perks to do better at gen pressure.
IMHO the root issue is either:
- Too many player choices that affect gameplay; character, perks, addons and offerings, all of them actually. I'm sure there is mathematically giving so many variations that balancing is a nightmare.
- A core gameplay mechanic being flawed like probably Generator Kicking regression.
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Imagine being thoroughly destroyed by inanimate objects like totems.
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Stab and go legion would like to have a word with you. No killer interaction but you've mended how many times and for how long? Oh and everyone else is dead but you've maximized points, boy wasn't that fun? Next time I see a stab and go legion I'm going to oh wait there is nothing to do but gens. Unless you want to throw which is such a tempting offer that half of the team is doing it already so let's play slugs now hey isn't this even better than before?? Great play style I love it vomit in my mouth for me please all you stab and go legion mains I have no will to do it anymore.
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Not quite as DS doesn't allow you to see the killer when they come in proximity of them so I'd say your argument is invalid, if it soley forced players to do totems without free vision this debate may have had a leg to stand on. And yes this meta is absolutely boring alls I've seen when I play survivor is super speed spirits acting like it's hard to play a killer with practically no downside and that's at rank 1. Gonna take this time to shameless plug about making spirit have a downside with her phasing as nurse/legion go into animation for just using powers
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Do bones
Git gud
I run this build on bright plus bbq is strong but not Op.
On nurse y go Ci bbq undying ruin. Is good, but nurse is good. Vs a good team coordinate 1 survivivor per gen + small pp build and ds repair they make 4 gen. And they dont clean totems.
At this point in pub game killer have to pick or undying+ ruin or CI + pop. To have a chance
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Detectives hunch is far from trash and can be quiet fun to us in builds, is also great for totem hunts. I agree with everything you said, but detect is not trash perk
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Another survivor main that just wants to bully the killer and stay in the power role, typical.
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The meta is stagnant and boring for both sides. DS, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard/Sprint Burst have been meta for 3 years
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God how could we forget that wraith is S tier. Super easy killer that hands out free dubs.
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I'm not sure where this notion that Ruin (+anything) is easy and requires no Skill. Hex: Ruin only works if the Killer is running good routes and keeps up good Generator pressure. If they don't, Ruin doesn't matter at all. It would be like playing one Perk down. The credibility of people making such idiotic statements comes seriously into question. They either don't fully understand how this game is played, how Ruin works, or what Killers must do to achieve their objective, OR they do know and are simply Salty, poor sports outright lying to support their half-baked ideas. I wish there was another option. Let me reiterate FACTS:
1. Ruin only regresses a Generator after a Survivor gets off of it. This means the Killer is applying skill to get you off of it.
2. Undying protects other Hexes, and thus if the Killer isn't putting Generator pressure on, protecting Ruin is net loss two Perks
Killers have a lot of Skills they must learn and balance to achieve their objectives. One of the most important ones is how to patrol Generators efficiently to find Survivors and be a good Gatekeeper. It is ONE of the Killer's main Emblems. Balancing patrols against chases, hooking, baiting, mind games, and the odd, monstrously big map isn't a simple task. When I hear people make stupid statements about Ruin or Ruin+Whatever, it puts me in the unfortunate position of assuming you are either ignorant or a liar. I'm a nice person, in general, and I would prefer you not make me think the worst of you.
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Ayyy-Lmao. Hex: Undying has only been in the game for the past 16 days. Where Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time & Unbreakable have now been in the game for the past 4 years and still are an annoying issue. But when there's that slim chance of killers being good, all you do is complain to BHVR for more killer nerfs
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Waaaaah waaaaaah I dunno how to loop brain dead killers so I'm gonna cry on the forum about it, I play both sides and can tell you survivors still have the advantage, stop your winching, move onto the next game and get better
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Exactly right and I don't think undying is op, you see ruin just cleanse dull totems, its not difficult
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Meh, I'll still take Surge/Pop/Overcharge for my gens. Random crap like that is not very fun to me.
Ppl praise totems way too much.
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Dont worry if the toxic side of the survivor community bitches about it enough the devs will give in and nerf the perk through the floor like they always do for that group, and ya know just gonna say i get real tired of seeing (borrowed, DS, exhaustion perk, vault build, unbreakable) at high ranks, maybe now you get how the general killer community feels.
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There is it's called paying attention, find both the hexes and break one, if ruin isn't gone break the other seems pretty simple to me especially if your on a team.
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Your braindead if you think this is free, it's easily counterd by several different perks and a rather common item, the build itself requires the killer to play smart and debate when a gen is worth giving up to finish a chase or to push people off of the gen, and if the survivors don't wanna find the totems they have to deal with multiple tinkerer activations, and fast gen regression, and to top it all off this is a 3 perk combo meaning that if you get rid of the ruin it's having 1 normal perk and a weaker perk like tinkerer
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Because you have to hold M1 potentially longer? XD
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In the mantime, the survivor meta-build remains unchanged since fall 2016.
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It's really adorable to see survivors figuring out how killers have felt since 2016.
Now go back to running your DS/Unbreakable/Adrenaline/DH build.
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assume that every survivor is running this build
-said while assuming every killer runs this build
You really didn't see the irony in that?
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I do and have thought since PTB that undying shouldn't show auras. Thrill of the Hunt already tells you when someone is doing a totem. Retribution gives you aura reading if someone breaks it. Both were made completely obsolete with Undying. You should have to run one of those perks if you want that on top of it.
The devs have had a weird thing with giving us killers aura stuff lately (i.e.: compound 21). I now get better location info from undying than BBQ. Needs the aura reading removed entirely and give Thrill the aura reading instead of sound notification.
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LMFAO. Survivors been doing this with DS + Unbreakable + Exhaustion perk for years now. But apparently it's only an issue when Killers get a solid universal build.
Git gud, scrub.
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Funny thing is, Corrupt + Pop is still stronger
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These aren't even a good combo to run together. Good survivors will make any hex perks useless and although undying is some wat good at defend ur hexes it just makes them destroy all totems and that's not really that hard. And it's not a meta only low ranks would use something that useless.
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Ah yes let's complain about brain-dead killers but when it comes to surv brain-dead perks it's ok... Wow look at me I have to actually TRY and win the game rather than brainlessly go from gen to gen.
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This game after hundreds of hours in my opinion is very rng based. Like everything from perks to the killers. It makes it very unfun.
Worst thing at the moment is getting a game where they bring tons of exposed perks that are only removable via cleansing, and then bringing a Mori. It really isn't very counter able, just makes me want to dodge the lobby. Who thought it was a good idea to put exposed in the game, never mind make it so it triggers easily so it destroys whatever game you're in.
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Useless? LMFAO. You must be a Survivor main trying to trick people into not using one of the best Killer perk combos in the game. Before Undying + Ruin I've never had a red rank game take 8+ minutes for a single gen to pop. With it I've had that happen 5 times so far. Last night it took the Survivors almost 10 minutes to pop the first gen, vs my Pig, and by then 1 Survivor was already dead and popping the gen cost a second one their third hook.
Undying + Ruin is BEASTLY in the hands of a semi-decent Killer, even in red ranks.
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Sure, and people who use Unbreakable + DS with other boosted perks like Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Resilience + Spinechill (Res + Spine is debatably boosted, but not that much in some case.), and the fact that survivors can keep one key but have hundreds of addons so keep said key incase they die or find the hatch isn't the most braindead way to play.
Hey, here's an idea. If you want to mock the killer side, give a small counter argument or else your argument towards Ruin + Undying + Tinker won't sound like the trash spewed by a salty survivor main who thinks because they hit a killer with a pallet once, it makes them GOD.
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OP post complaining about a new meta that gives the killer advantages and second chances for free
-unironically try to smugly discredit a valid counter argument against the current survivor meta that allows you get an advantage and second chances for free
-use "not every survivor uses it" argument like it means anything since not every killer is going to run it (not every killer can run it to its potential)
-then finish with something that is commonly complained about thanks to the current state of matchmaking.
here's an idea, how about both builds are bad and trying to defend one while ignoring the other is hypocritical. there's shouldn't be "X is finally strong" it should be "X is finally balanced" , this new build is just one more unhealthy thing to the game.
devs can't nerf one then ignore the other without demonstrating favoritism.
Post edited by Yatol on1