So I played killer for a full day instead of Survivor ... my eyes are open wide now.

MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Last week I decided to spend a day playing killer instead of survivor - this is how it went. (BTW I always loved the killer players for what they do... I love them even more now .. thanks for player killer, killers! - well most of you :-) )

Number one thing I learned was that at least 75% of survivors are jerks. Yup. Yup, they are. (And I thought I was annoyed with survivor behavior as a survivor!)

I'll start by saying that I wanted to player killer the way I wished most killers would. No tunneling or camping. Let players get people off hooks, don't attack while healing - though after you are fair game lol etc etc

Some of that idealism didn't even last a full game.

The first 5 games at least 2 out of every 4 survivors tea bagged me. How did that end? Well the offenders were hook camped until they died - that's how it ended. In fact one game I left them all dying on the ground for trying to save the really offending teabagger. I cared not. The teabaggers were obnoxious, there was absolutely nothing to warrant that behavior. Hook camping has a place - dealing with obnoxious tea-bagging players. So justified. (and VERY satisfying.)

Now how does this translate to me when I play survivor? Be warned fellow survivors, I might just leave you on the hook to die if I see a killer going for you alone as now I understand fully why they might be.

Out of the first 5 games, at least 2 games I had survivors DC's. What's amusing about that is I suck as killer and they probably would have escaped.

Once guy DC'd because I kept hitting him down. In my deference, his teammates kept getting out of the way and pushing him in the way when I would hit he ended up hit instead. I never re-hooked him and never went after him as I wanted to play as fair as I could and give everyone a chance to have fun. I've been in his shoes more than once where a killer would just hook and hook me right at the start and I never had a chance to really play. So I did my best not to do that to someone else. I was so disappointed he DC'd. More for him than me.

The entire day was like this. No joke. Although the teabagging finally got reduced to 2 out of every five games.

So killers. Thanks again for playing that role. I've now seen though your eyes and I have even more respect for you than I did before. Thanks for putting up with all the jerks and continuing to play and not ragging leaving the game. I love you dearly.

Survivors, the ones with the bad behavior are who I'm talking about: From one survivor to another - stop being such jerks. Seriously.



  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    I respect that you did that but you didn't already see that from the survivor side watching your teammates? xD I don't do any of the bad stuff ( in fact I'm nice to my killers and I haven't ever even teabagged my bad ones ) but there's some ######### survivors out there. I recently picked up killer and have noticed some of the same things.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    I play solo. Most of the time I'm doing gens alone (getting crappy BP for it too) and left to die (like just now) on a hook, at end game, after I've saved everyone else). I've noticed it on occasion but had absolutely NO idea how widespread it actually was. I'm focused saving, and doing gens - not watching what other teammates are or aren't doing to the killer.

    DCing - I hadn't seen too many. Maybe 1 every 10-20 games.

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190

    I'm playing mostly survivor because Killer can become very stressfully (or very funny).

    But I would only play a half game without playing both sides.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Very much my experience as killer, too.

    It's always refreshing to see survivors that start 'behaving' when they realize you are trying your best to not accidentally tunnel etc. I dunno how often I had survivors shuffle up to me after they saw I looked at them after running into them when they just got unhooked and just went on my way.

    Usually this ends in farming, which, tbh, is great. I know I'll never get some challenges done, but I'd rather play to have fun than stress myself out.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I'm a killer main and when I play survivor it's solo. DCs don't magically become more frequent when you switch roles. Seeing ragequit hook suicides is not hard. Seeing tbaggers at the exit gates or when they loop near you is not hard. Same for flashlight clickers. The list goes on for all kind of childish behavior. The point is that it just sounds contrived that you suddenly had this epiphany when you switched roles and then you jump in here singing the praises of a seemingly oppressed minority.

    Also, try to see the whole disconnect in your story-telling and reasoning. You say you don't notice survivor toxicity when you play survivor. However, you promptly embrace and justify toxic behavior yourself by bleeding out survivors who in your eyes are 'guilty' of trying to rescue a tbagger, while they might've simply been oblivious, just like you, to the fact that that person tbagged.

    Honestly, I gave you the benefit of the doubt the first time around. Now, I just think this thread is the typical bait of you-vs-us arguments that plague this forum. No offense.

    I'm sorry, my dude, but your whole post is hard to follow because it just reads like a self-complacent rant. Your story lacks credibility the moment you said the following:

    When I play Survivor nine out of ten Killers I play against (that can talk post game) will give me a GG, some nice feedback, and even the odd compliment.

    I don't know in what kind of parallel universe your DbD exists, but kinda ask the Entity for me if I can join. You get a gg 9 out of 10 times by killers and survivors alike only if they won, with the odd stupid remarks the remainder of the time. When a side loses, however, you get silence, aggressiveness, or a gg, in this order.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415
    edited September 2020

    75% could be a bit of a stretch?

    So you compromised your integrity to spite their immaturity, then... possibly becoming equally immature in the process by choosing the path of wrath and enacting your vengeance.

    Haven’t you ever watched the movie Se7en?

    The ending of that film has a metaphor for life that we should always live by:

    ”Vengeance is Mine, saith the LORD;

    I will repay.” Romans 12:19

    Don’t let jerks and their actions cause you to fall prey to the detriment of their own unfortunate demise. They’ll get what’s coming to them.

    The back and forth toxicity will never end when we all continue to be participants in it, srsly. We’ll all only be complaining to each other about what toxic behaviors we’ve chosen to be a part of, ourselves, on our own side.

    I’ve seen it so much now, from both sides, I‘m compelled to react, but end up jus being like, “meh, spoiled children” an go about my business on whatever side I play.

    Realistically tho, in horror movies like DBD is based from, killers really do camp, kebab an watch survivors take their last breath.

    Not many movies where survivors are taunting the killer instead of sprinting directly out the doorway to freedom... the ones that do attempt to jest are those token survivors who end up dead.

    It’s all a choice.

    That being said, it feels good to be in your “25th percentile”

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    At least you guys can play. I have crashed 9 out of 10 games. I found a thread in technical reference my crashes and my laptop is just not capable of handling the graphics. For reference I have a 3 year old Dell gaming laptop that cost 900 dollars. Its not cutting edge but it can run reasonable games.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415


    Easier to see from killer side.

    I Solo survive with Empathy, so I do see a good bit of everything that takes place at 128 meters in a chase. While toxicity from survivors doesn’t seem frequent, it is happening often, an it’s all immature, almost to the point of being laughable, like being amused by a small child behaving sillily.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I prefer a much more succinct phrase:

    "Mess with the bull, you get the horns".

  • SimplyNotFun
    SimplyNotFun Member Posts: 70

    The amount of killers complaining about nonsense is hysterical. Survivors are definitely the underpowered ones in this game. Every single time I play killer i get at least 3 kills. It’s not difficult nor do I really care if a survivor tea bags. What kind of thing is that to complain about ? Holy moly..... get it together people. It’s a damn game.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    "Don't attack while healing" when was this a thing? this is pretty much all I do as Killer lol. It's what I live for. Nurse + Nurses Calling = <3

  • VeNoM17
    VeNoM17 Member Posts: 64

    Right on buddy. I slugged em camp em tunnel em. Do whatever I need to to win they do the same thing so f*ck it

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    You're welcome. I really feel for the decent killer players now. I'm still flabbergasted at it but maybe overtime I'd be less sensitive to it. XO

    Nope really didn't see much of. Here and there sure but to see it first hand so widespread was a bit shocking. Playing solo I saw crappy teammates towards other teammates but not much to the killers.

    I see it from a survivor standpoint - how many treat fellow solo teammates but I really did think it was only towards teammates. This was a rude awakening.

    And that's exactly it - I'm focused being a teammate so I will see a chase in the distance but I'm watching to see if a teammate is downed etc etc. Not closely - just at a side glance. It was way easier to see it all as killer.

    Yup I was pretty irritated that I wanted that teabagger. At that stage the other survivors could have done all the gens and exited - just not that one. I was determined.

    It really does help to see the perspective of the other side. I think everyone should do this.

    Thanks. I'm going to play killer a bit more to remind myself, if for no other reason, how the other side sees things.

    Well said. XO

    It was literally a whole day off too. So not a few games - it was the day. (I was actually trying to see how reasonable the tome was to do for an average player so that's how it started.)

    I will admit as the day went on it did bother me less and less but that first 10 games I'd say - wow - good thing I have good blood pressure as I'm sure it got raised. I was so irritated by it. I mean I would have understood if I was being a jerk or playing in a way where survivors complain - but I was playing respectfully - until that happened that is.

    As I became less irritated I became more disappointed in people. It's a game - It's suppose to be fun and some of these folks are beyond trolls. No wonder people get all salty and miserable over time and have to take game breaks.

    That is true - it can be funny too and you are right - those who don't try killer as kinda missing out on half the game!

    Those kinds of games can be so much fun!

    *thumbs up*

    Firstly - I have zero reason to lie - it's a game.

    and ... actually you probably haven't read most of my posts. (Which is fair, it's a big forum, as I'm sure I'm not read many of yours either.) I've always adored the killers and sided with there POV on a lot of things just by the things I saw survivors doing to their own teammates. What this experience did was really help me to understand some of the complaints I didn't fully appreciate previously that I thought were exaggerated - like the tea-bagging - that I am able to see better now.

    You are absolutely correct - I embraced it without thought for the other survivors and that is something I have to consider in the future when I play killer so the irritation doesn't get the better of me like it did those first games. As the day went on it was less bothersome.

    No offence taken at all. You are absolutely allowed your thoughts about me. Even if they are incorrect. You have every right to them.

    I don't bait. I call it like I've experienced it. Often I'll post to see if it's just me, or if others are having the same POV. It's helps me to be a bit more objective or rethink something that perhaps I hadn't considered.

    While 75% might be a bit high, I'd still tell you that it was well over 50% - that's why I chose 75% could have been 60% sure - but it certainly wasn't split in the middle by any stretch.

    I have seen the movie Se7en - but please don't bring the bible into this. For every passage you quote I can promise you there are 50 of us that can quote one that kills yours. I can even use non-canonized parts. That's not an argument I'm having with someone as we'd be here for years. XO

    That being said - I can appreciate, and respect, the sentiment of what you are trying to say and agree with it XOXOXO- it did get the better of me at the start. Though I can't say I won't visit the same upon another teabagger but will probably not keep offing the rest of the team. ;-) unless they are an SWF playing nasty. ;-) I think I need time to find my Zen balanced with killer vs nasty survivor. :-)

    The change has made a mess for a lot of people. I'm so sorry you are unable to play right now - I'm hoping they'll fix the issue that is causing this for a lot of people.

    Post a thread - there are many people here with good tech expertise that might be able to give some suggestions to help.


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I live in a universe where I say good game and treat the Killer (or Survivors) politely at the end. When you do that, they tend to respond. When I say GG Killler, GLHF in your next game, they tend to reply back. I get a response most of the time whether the Killer won or lost. Good sportsmanship, i.e. being humble in victory and gracious in defeat is a positive feedback loop. Most adults can' tolerate losing as long as they are given some dignity and respect. The trick is that YOU have to initiate it. YOU have to be the one to start the loop. People tend to rise to the occasion. Someone just has to take that first step, swallow that pride when they lost, and give credit and compliment to the person that beat them. That is all it takes and you can live in the same parallel universe I live in.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    Pretty much. I mean they have to know that behaving that way to cause a negative reaction.

    *thumbs up*

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however, it doesn't make you correct. In fact you are quite wrong. Search my posts - you'll find out pretty fast I am a survivor main full stop.

    Since you think I'm a liar - I'd say you take it quite seriously - otherwise why post? Who's baiting really?


    And you sound like you have nothing of value to say or add to the observations.

    Oh wait - maybe you do?

    It is a game - correct. You are very smart, but let me help you a little.

    Survivors were always complaining about killers and reverse. I found it interesting to see the other side full on and no at a distance. It 's great to have people see both sides. They might complain less in the long run if they did.

    Sorry - i know how stupid that sounded with nurses calling etc. I guess for me, If I hit them again while healing right off the hook, it kind seems like bad sportsman like behave as they'll just go down right away again - no chance to run and be chase. Make sense a little?

    I want everyone to have fun and sometimes, for me at least, I can't see that being fun for a survivor if they've not had much chance to play yet. So I wait until they heal and then I go as fair game again. It's just how I prefer to play - nothing against anyone who does different. :-)

    Nurses calling is rather cool.

    I think bad Behavior kinda asks for that. nods I mean like I said, how can anyone expect to do obnoxious things and have that not be responded to. You get what you give as they say.

  • KIKI_
    KIKI_ Member Posts: 135

    It is nice to hear there is one more person playing both roles. Afterall by playing just one role you are missing pretty much 50 % of the game! But most important, it can help people comprehend each better thus making a more satisfying experience overall for everyone (and it also makes you better at the game to understand both roles!!). Cheers

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    good for you I play both side yes it mostly survivor more then killers

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    how the game is I feel it based more on scary movie more then real horror movies.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I think you are very fortunate, and I hope more people have your experience. I started recording every game I play so I would have the required video evidence to report the inappropriate behavior. I'm working on a compilation video for Youtube which I expect to post in the near future. I have no lack of material, and none of it is mild. The video will show hackers, lag spikes, ethnic slurs, sexist comments, death threats, people wishing my friends, family, pets, or myself death or suffering, and enough Salt to makes a lifetime of beef jerky. The hard part of putting this compilation together is the sheer bulk of material I have (and get more all the time). What makes this particularly telling is I only started recording everything a month ago. So if your personal experience is different, consider yourself lucky, blessed. But I wouldn't suggest assuming people are being "oversensitive" when they don't like hearing things like, "I'm going to poison your cats."

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Your example is actual toxicity, I wouldn't want anyone to be subject to those kinds of messages. The only things I'm referring to when people are being oversensitive is what survivors can do in-game, which isn't "toxic" in the slightest. It could be considered annoying, but to see so many posts of people complaining that a survivor pressed mouse2 or control at them a few times is so pathetic at this point.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    You're bad at killer because you're letting a model moving up and down affect you to the point where you camp someone until they're dead. If you want to win you need to pressure gens. Not stand in front of a hook because you got your fefes hurt. It's a better feeling to actually beat the teabaggers than it is to just camp one and throw the match. This game somehow has the softest and most toxic fanbase.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Or just play nice when you feel like it. And like a piece of tortilla if you like it.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    This post is so biased. You record and report players for teabagging, but you're cool with killers literally face camping you and actually tunneling you off hook and using a mori. I find it much more enjoyable to have a bit of a teabag session with a survivor than I would to get face camped and hit with a mori off hook.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Why do people get so enraged by survivors teabagging? I’ll never understand it.

    Teabag me all you want, it’s an action that does absolutely nothing and in many cases actually harms your ability to escape. It’s no different from killers nodding or shaking their head at you after downing you, it’s such a non-issue that it’s nothing but petty to complain about it. Slugging the entire team at once because they tried to save a teammate that teabagged you is extremely pathetic.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Shaka, when the walls fell

  • jayru
    jayru Member Posts: 64

    Trying to satisfy survivors to avoid toxic behavior is like saying "well my bf hurt me, but it was my fault because I wouldn't shut up".

    No matter what you do you're gonna get toxic survivors so don't try to cater to them BUT.....

    For me personally whenever there is a match where the survivors are good players and don't resort to trying to make me mad as a strategy, I'm more prone to being more lenient if they aren't doing great

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There are in-game tactics and strategies, and there is out-of-game disrespect. But no, you are incorrect, I do NOT report people for Tea-bagging. While obnoxious, that is probably the mildest form of bad sportsmanship in the game. Tea-bagging happens in the match, and I can answer that inside the match. I report hacks, using lag to cheat, ethnic/sexist/etc. slurs, threats, and the weird stuff like telling me that they hope I (or pets, friends, family, etc.) get cancer. I report the things clearly listed in the in game reporting system.

    Camping (including face camping), tunneling, slugging, and the Mori are tactics and strategies. Why wouldn't I be "cool" with them. Sure it sucks to have it happen, but I get far more irritated by other Survivors who farm me, show up doing nothing while I'm buying them time on the hook, or those weirdos who actively work with the Killer. In short, the Killer is simply doing their job and playing the game. If I have a problem with that, it isn't the Killer I could be upset with but the game itself.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Taking down the entire team is the Killer's job. It cannot, by definition, be pathetic. If the entire team of Survivors run up to get slugged, why wouldn't the Killer do it? Some Killers are even designed by their Power and Perks to be slugging specialists. Don't blame the Killer for doing their job. If you have someone on your team being a bad sport and tea-bagging, why are you all so gung-ho to give up a 4K for that person? I mean, I'm going to try and rescue another Survivor, but if everyone get slugged, it either means EVERYONE went in at once (you chose this tactic and the risk assessment was yours to make), or one person went and got slugged, the team saw it and still sent another, and then another. At what point does one take responsibility for their own bad judgement?

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I never said they weren't strategies. I main killer... I know you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. I said it's biased to not care when that's happening to you, but to get butthurt when you see a model move up and down or hear a flashlight click a few times. Both sides are full of toxic douches, but you don't see many douche killers in high ranks. Those killers derank on purpose to bully low rank survivors. Obviously report cheaters and people calling you slurs and giving death threats. Don't say 9/10 killers aren't toxic because the only reason they're saying "gg" when they lose is because if they don't they're gonna have 4 people talk ######### to them after they already took an L lol

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    But most Killers, by my standards, are NOT toxic. That nine out of ten being non-toxic is actually my experience. Remember, the only thing I require of a player to be considered a good sport is:

    1. Don't cheat, either with hacks or lag.
    2. Don't disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
    3. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

    I've yet to run into a Killer hacking or using lag, or if I did it was subtle enough that I didn't catch it. Only once a great while perhaps one in twenty games or so, do I have a Killer disconnect. And I've never had a Killer go GG EZ or tell me to uninstall, or any of that stuff. Killers are either silent or just give me a GG at the end. They will actually be friendly and give more if a Survivor includes them. So that nine out of ten Killers are great, is probably even underestimating how nice they are if I was really to do the math.

    Survivors (and remember I play one too) well... there are MORE of them and I see cheats all the time, disconnects every other game, and an utter lack of humility and graciousness far too regularly. I'm not trying to be biased; I wish this wasn't true. Sadly, it is.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Personal experience isn't a good measure. Survivors encounter survivors 3x more than they do killers and killers mains don't encounter any killers. Your personal experience doesn't mean much when it comes to which side is more toxic with numbers skewed that much. Of course to the average player it'll seem like there are far more meanie survivors than killers when it's a 4-1 ratio. Anecdotal evidence is terrible on it's own. It's even worse with DBD. You're experience is that killers are nicer and don't hack as much because there are far less killers and you see even fewer compared to survivors.

    I don't really care much about toxicity. I think it's kinda funny if survivors are mad enough to be toxic after the game. If I used my own experience of course I'd think survivors are more toxic, but I almost never play survivor so I don't even see killers. When I do play survivor for challenges I see plenty of toxic killers.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Quote from the OP: “I left them all dying on the ground” - because one guy teabagged and they tried to save him from the hook.

    That’s what I’m calling pathetic, not the fact that they slugged people. Slugging is a normal part of killer gameplay. Leaving four people to bleed out for 4 minutes because someone teabagged you just signals a fragile ego.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Personal experience is all we have to go by, and I make every post with the caveat that these are my experiences. The only bad experience I've had with a Killer was Ghostface who slugged me as the ONLY Survivor left and made me watch him teabag me for 3+ minutes while I bled out. That one really got under my skin because what kind of mental defective does that? But beyond that, I simply have nothing involving Killers that rises to the point of being the so-called toxic.

    You say you see plenty of them. What are YOU defining as toxic so we have some context. I told you my standards.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Sure, letting them all bleed out is juvenile and bad sportsmanship. It is also stupid as it isn't worth near as many points. But I thought you were talking about slugging in a BROADER context, not that specific example. I see people getting on the case of Killers all the time for using Slugging as a strategy to win, not irritate. So I'll cede that I missed the context you were inferring and I should have caught it. Yeah, if a Killer did that to me, I would certainly report it. I have, in fact, reported a similar incident where I was forced to watch a Ghostface teabag me while I bled out. But in general, Killers who behave this way are really RARE. When they come up, they sure as heck get reported.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Toxicity is the use of slurs, insults, and death threats in post game chat. I honestly feel there's very few things that can be done in the game that's genuinely toxic. I don't think it's particularly toxic to not be a humble winner or loser. Teabagging, BMing, clicking, and all that is only toxic and aggravating if you let it be. They're doing it to get in your head.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I'd say the opposite for me. Playing survivor has turned me into a ruthless killer. Here's the thing, when I play survivor I don't expect the killer to handicap themselves. I expect that if they feel the best play is to camp or tunnel that's how they'll play and I do my best to counter those strategies when they occur. When I play killer, I'll tunnel, slug, camp, etc if I feel like that's the best play. That being said, tunneling is rarely the best play. That just leaves 3 merry survivors working gens. The same goes with camping. However, if you're on death hook and I've eaten your DS you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll probably tunnel you out to turn the game into a 3 vs 1. It's not me being toxic, if I want to win the match I need to kill all survivors.