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Guns for Survivors

HappyFace Member Posts: 26

One of the things that I have wanted for a while is new items for survivors. Radios, foods, drugs, anything that the survivors can use to get a slight advantage. The most obvious choice I could think off was guns. They are a staple in horror movies, often doing almost nothing to the killer, but still helping the characters in some way.

For the sake of consistency, every gun is a revolver. If they wanted to make different types they could, but BHVR likes reusing models, so they could just change the textures of the guns as an easy way to tell them apart. Or they could all just be the same model, I'm not picky.

Firearms: Guns found in the realms that can be used to fight back against the beasts trying to kill you. 


When holding a gun, you can press M2 to aim the gun (like a flashlight). Aiming takes 1 second before you can fire. When aiming with a gun, the survivors movement speed is slowed to 1.5 m/s, or 37.5% speed. When aiming, the screen will be zoomed in by 25%.


When aiming, pressing M1 will make the survivor shoot the gun. Shooting the gun costs 1 charge. When fired, a bullet will travel out of the gun at 60 m/s. After firing, there will be a .75 second delay before the survivor can shoot again.

Hitting the killer:

If you hit a killer, that killer will be slowed by 5% for 3 seconds. Any consecutive shots before the time has run out will just add 3 more seconds. If shot with a round that has an increased slow on the killer is then shot, it will add the normal amount of time, and change the slow down to the new speed for the rest of the duration.

Rusted revolver (Uncommon): An old revolver, rusted but still working. Has a couple shots.

  • Has 2 charges.
  • Can be aimed and shot.
  • Creates a loud noise notification when shot.
  • Moderately (.25 second) increases recovery duration between shots.
  • Slightly (10%) decreases zoom. 

Snub Nose revolver (Rare): A short revolver, easy to maneuver from the pocket. Can’t shoot far.

  • Has 3 charges.
  • Can be aimed and shot.
  • Creates a loud noise notification when shot.
  • Moderately (-.15 second) decreases draw time.
  • Has a set max range 20 meters.
  • Slightly (.1 second) increases recovery duration between shots.

Revolver (Rare): A simple, double action revolver. Has a few rounds left in it.

  • Has 3 charges.
  • Can be aimed and shot.
  • Creates a loud noise notification when shot.

Well-oiled revolver (Very Rare): Taken care of, this revolver works like a charm.

  • Has 3 charges.
  • Can be aimed and shot.
  • Creates a loud noise notification when shot.
  • Slightly (-0.04 m/s or 1%) increases the slow-down against the killer.
  • Shooting the killer while they are carrying a survivor will add 5% of that survivor's wiggle bar per shot. 

Ornate revolver (Ultra Rare): A revolver covered in beautiful, intricate markings. It comes half loaded. 

  • Has 3 charges:
  • Can be aimed and shot.
  • Creates a loud noise notification when shot.
  • Slightly (-.1 second) decreases draw time.
  • Slightly (10%) increases zoom.
  • Slightly (-.1 second) increases recovery duration between shots.
  • After hitting the killer, the killer’s aura is shown for 5 seconds to all survivors within 16 meters.



Wrench Holder: While intended for a tool, it can be used to hold the gun on your side.

  • Slightly (+.3 m/s) increases movement speed while aiming down sights.
  • Does not stack

Glow sights: Simple stickers placed on the sights of the gun that glow. Makes it easier to connect the dots.

  • Slightly (10%) increases zoom when aiming down sights.

Tape: Tape wrapped around the handle of the revolver to get a better grip.

  • Slightly (-.1 second) decreases draw time. 


Spare bullet: A single round, found on the ground just next to the campfire.

  • Adds 1 charge.

Reflex sights: Sights that can be equipped to the top of the gun. Helps with aiming.

  • Moderately (15%) increases zoom when aiming down sights.

Worn holster: Black leather holster, covered in grime and dirt. Works great to hold the gun in place.

  • Moderately (+.5 m/s) increases movement speed when aiming down sights.
  • Does not stack

Strong bullets: Replaces the bullets in the revolver for a stronger round.

  • Slightly (-0.04 m/s or 1%) increases the slowdown for the killer when shot.
  • Does not stack.

Sand paper: Can be used to make the handle of the gun smoother and less clunky.

  • Moderately (-.15 seconds) decreases draw time.


Black bullets: Replaces the bultes with custom made black powder cartridges. 

  • Moderately (-0.08 m/s or 2%) increases the slowdown for the killer when shot.
  • Does not stack.

Comfort grip: A grip that replaces the revolver's old one. Much less awkward to hold.

  • Considerably (-.25 seconds) decreases draw time. 

Red Dot Sight: A sight with a red dot in the middle, clearly marking your target.

  • Considerably (20%) increases zoom when aiming down sights.

Holster: A standard, deep brown leather holster. It makes putting away your gun much simpler.

  • Considerably (+.7 m/s) increases movement speed when aiming down sights.
  • Does not stack

Very Rare

Bullet box: Box told to hold 50 rounds of ammo on the front. Only has 2 left.

  • Adds 2 charges.

Hollow point bullets: Replaces the bullets with hollow points, which separates and dives into flesh it is shot into. 

  • Considerably (-0.12 m/s or 3%) increases the slowdown for the killer when shot.
  • Does not stack.

Thermal scope: A special scope that allows the user to see living things based on temperature.

  • When aiming down sights, if the killer is within 12 meters of you and within a 45 degree in front of where you're aiming, their aura will be revealed to you. 

Hidden holster: A holster made for concealed carry. Awkward to use, but worth the risk.

  • Slightly (+.3 m/s) increases movement speed when aiming down sights.
  • Slightly (+.1 second) increases draw time.
  • When not aiming, you will have nothing in your hands.

Ultra Rare

Incendiary rounds: A special type of round that causes burns and fire. Bright and loud.

  • If you shoot the killer in the eyes, they will be blinded for 3 seconds. This will not make them drop a survivor while carrying them.

Silencer: Screwed onto the end of the revolver, it makes the sound made when shot much less.

  • Reduces the range at which the killer can see the loud noise notification to 4 meters.
  • Replaces the sound when shot with a different, much softer sound. 

This was just an idea, so the numbers and values may not exactly be balanced. Having a gun in the game might not even be balanced. But I wanted to make a new item, and I did. If you have any suggestions or ideas, comment.