I am a Survivor Main - Make an OP Killer please...

Even if you have to nerf it after a week due to everyone bitching lol. Make a killer that is just crazy OP that if you don't fast vault every window and make every right decision you are screwed...

You have my vote...


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Whats the point if he gets nerfed after 1 week anyway?

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I take it you have yet to face off against... THE LAG!

    The Lag: As a child Internet grew up with a loving family. His father would often go to work sending messages across the world through electrical currents in the wind. His mother would spend most of her time at home operating various browsers from their kitchen.

    One day while playing with his toys Internet's mother entered the room with sad news that her and Internet's father were getting a divorce. As Internet would later come to find out his father had an affair with a very seductive Pop Up one night. This event is what led Internet to the foothold of his decent into madness.

    A few weeks after both of Internets parent had their divorce his father passed away. As it turned out Pop Up had given his father a virus that slowly deleted everything the man had been. This event tore a bigger rift on Internets grasp of reality and he started to affect those around him. On some morning his mother would go downstairs to the kitchen only to find herself walking into a wall. Sometimes when she would try to open the oven for dinner her hand would freeze on the handle for several seconds before the door would suddenly open. Fearing for Internets safety she took him to the nearest ad-blocker hospital.

    Internet hated this hospital. Every day was the same, they would run scans of his internal working and forcefully remove the cookies his mother had baked for him. As time went on Internets effect on others grew and more people around him suffered from these horrible moments of "delay". The world slowly pushed Internet away as they feared for their own safety with him around. Internet now getting lost in his mind and with his power of influence over others at an all time high found himself surrounded by fog. A creature mostly unseen with the exception of several spider-like legs spoke to him. This entity beckoned Internet to his realm where he would be free to use his powers as he wished.

    Many believe Internet simply ran away from home. But on special days such as holidays or events Internet returns, his power spiked into our world!

    ######### is happening!?: At random times during the match cause a small delay in survivor input. As the match increases in length or when a survivor is being chased these delays become much longer and will teleport survivors around the map.

    Honestly my favorite Killer in this game. He has been around since day 1! I have yet to find any sort of counter to his power.