Stop tunneling!



  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Its just like any "competitive" mp game. If you choose to use objectively worse perks for any reason you should not expect the same performance. You are choosing to play off meta, thus you are accepting the handicap.

    No one should be expected to match your self imposed handicap.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842


    I wasn't apologising for gen-rushing as I have said before it hurts EVERYONE involved, same as tunnelling. The point was, and I am not surprised it apparently went over your head, is that I can make the same argument for something related to survivors and someone will make an excuse for it.

    Killers also didn't "get over" gen-rushing. They just moved to complaining about the second-chance build designed to STOP THEM TUNNELLING that survivors found ways of abusing.

    Both need to be addressed, I agree. But it is more of a community issue than a purely gameplay mechanics one. Reworks aren't needed.

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444


    Hate facecampers (it will act as a insurance)

    Silly claud swarming hook

    Buys you some time until someone else will defuse the situation.

    Have E.D no need to worry when camraderie activates 0.1 seconds before entity was gonna eat ya you'll be nutting in no time.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Camp, tunnel need a big nerf. Easy like hello😀

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Tunneling is really annoying but I don't mind it THAT much as long as I have DS. I feel bad for survivors who aren't as good at looping or aren't playing with a helpful friend who can take the killer off of you because it's basically GG at the point of your first hook if you can't get the killer off of you.

    I wish killers would stop saying "it's your team's fault for the unsafe unhook" when a good portion of the time, the killer WON'T give anyone a chance to unhook. I've had killers roast for unsafe unhooks or not getting teammates when they literally did not give anyone a chance to safely get them, even after waiting to the very last second before the next hook phase to attempt to grab them. It's a valid strategy to heavy proxy camp or straight up face camp at times, but killers don't get to say "why didn't you get your teammate!" or "not my fault for unsafe unhook" when other things are going on in the match at 3-4 gens left with all survivors still alive while they patrol the hook endlessly for no reason. The prevalence of killers like that is why I don't support a nerf to BT or DS. I actually PREFER to unhook in the killer's terror radius in some games, based on how they either refuse to leave, or immediately return to the hook single time a survivor gets rescued. At least the unhooked survivor gets a BT hit at that point instead of otherwise only having a few extra seconds of distance before they're smacked to the ground again.

  • zDuuusTer
    zDuuusTer Member Posts: 1

    Yeah man like imagining play how u want lol git gud and stop complaining pub bot

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Good to know thank you rivyn because solo queue teammates are absolutely the worse. I'll make sure I play more swf than ever and get this....split pressure gens to always win!

  • thepyramidhead
    thepyramidhead Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2020

    Camping and tunneling is valid, thats what the devs said once. Just try to be immerse, and run desicive strike because the bug was fixed. Also I really think killers should complain more because theirs more things that survivors can do. Also survivor is monotone while your under pressure for killer.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Blame the devs for killing healing and the items. Anti heal meta is the fault of the devs and the survivors getting more wise and running iron will.

  • deadbybums
    deadbybums Member Posts: 82

    Got tunnelled totally unnecessarily a few moments ago by a twitch streamer. Wont say which one but he purposely went for me every time I got off the hook and hooked me three times while only hooking any of the other 3 survivors once. Its not right off hook either, purposely found me out just to attack me. Im playing a low levelled Dwight so I didnt really have anything to counter it. Just a ######### attitude if youre gonna play like that, dont care who you are.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    Did you ever consider that it may be fun for the killer to eliminate you? Why does he have to sacrifice fun for yours? I'm done this argument is such crybaby material

  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68

    If you don't tunnel survivors to some degree, you lose. Plain and simple. If you try to 12 hook each game, you're gonna end up losing every single game. Once you're at 2 gens left and all survivors are alive, you have lost, plain and simple. The only thing that would improve the tunneling situation would be to slow the game down massively.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No, I totally understand why. It is just the way the game is played now.

    I mean sooner or later survivors were probably going to figure out pounding gennys was the best counter to almost every killer tactic anyway.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah that's why there needs to be a start game mechanic to give killers more time to get kills.

  • alimeria
    alimeria Member Posts: 55

    there can't be a better way to say it .... i love you

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Funny, the same people justifying tunnelling are the same people calling for DS nerfs on PGTW threads

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Just because you ,,loopled the killer for 4 gens" doesnt mean you deserve a escape.

  • angardia
    angardia Member Posts: 54

    why would the killer bother moving at all?

    why not camp the hook like the killers azz is stitched to the hooked surv azz and thats it?

    killers get ranked for such behavior while solo survivors get f

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Dont bring a key and I wont tunnel you 🤷‍♂️

  • angardia
    angardia Member Posts: 54

    dont bring key, dont rush gens, dont touch totems, dont drop pallets, dont breath and i wont tunnel you.

    why you look for excuses to tunnel? i bet you have 300 excuses to camp too.

    how about play and let others play too? how about improve skills? how about not getting 4 kills by any means (camp and tunnel) but instead learn the killer and try different perk combos?

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    "Don't gen rush."

    People pretend to forget that Killers have the ability to literally restrict Survivors from playing. They can literally deny survivors of points by camping, tunneling, and slugging and have the ability to get a survivor out of the game... They forget that in a chase, the Killer can score points in THREE categories, while the survivors only score points in one. In most cases, even if the Killer gets genrushed, and all survivors escape, the Killer leaves the match with more points than the Survivors.

    This thread proves exactly what most Killer mains want. They want survivors to consciously waste time.

    They hate when survivors finish gens in less than 5 minutes but at the same time are okay with a Killer ending the game in 2 minutes by slugging and hooking everyone at the same time. The same people that defend NOED. Because Killers are allowed to end matches quickly if they so desire but survivors HAVE to waste time by doing totems and "not rushing gens."

    I agree that tunneling, camping, slugging, should be punishable, because in most cases, it can be considered griefing, ESPECIALLY or specifically early game. Did you read that? I said EARLY game. It doesn't matter if it's "done for strategic play" and it doesn't matter that the devs don't see it that way. You are essentially denying a player from PLAYING the game, making the experience boring / unfair. And what word is used for that scenario? Griefing.

    This community is so filled with the "The other side's fun is not MY responsibility", mentality. Which yes, you are correct. It ISN'T your responsibility, it should be the game's. But as Killer, you have the power to eliminate players. Even when genrushed, killers are not eliminated, they can keep playing, and can still make more points than survivors (and experience for Devotion might I add) at the end of the match. When Killers tunnel/camp/slug, they are denying survivors from playing, and preventing them from getting points in other categories. This is a game, winning or losing we all play to have fun and make points.

    Tunneling/Camping/Slugging should be addressed and a mechanic to reduce gen rushing NEEDS to be implemented. I don't want all matches to last more than ten minutes, but I also don't want it to end in 4 minutes cuz all survivors split up on gens. I want everyone to be given an equal chance of playing, recovering from a bad position, and winning, WITHOUT denying other players from playing / getting points.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Oh, believe me, I rank the solo q experience up with the tactical 4 man. It really is the worst. I went back to killer this week because the solo q was just that bad. Needed a break from the headache of bad teams.

    Killers lose rank by face camping, don't stretch that issue, there. Unless there's a legitimate reason to be nearby, like another survivor leading chase, or hiding next to the hook, or something similar. Survivor just has to pound out a gen or two, get a safe unhook, few heals, two or three good chases, and they'll rank to purple, at least.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah solo queue is bad I'm plsying way more killer than survivor.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I dont need an excuse to do things that are within the rules. But when someone brings a key, thats a hard tunnel.

  • angardia
    angardia Member Posts: 54

    in what reality? i already tested out the camping as killer and if i dont rank up, im 100% at safe pip!

    so camping killers get not only lots of BP that they dont deserve but get to keep their ranks!

    as solo survivor i feel punished - leave the no BP, leave the derank....

    i feel punished cause BEHAVIOUR cant care less about SOLO survivors. cause for BEHAVIOUR, solo players are not worth the effort, we are not good enough of investment and most of us dont go and complain, mostly sit and suffer quietly or move on to another game

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Then you're brown rank, low green at best. You rank by completing chases, keeping them off gens while hitting them yourself, disrupting heals, downs, etc. You don't get that by face camping, unless, again, you're very low rank. Nor do they get 'lots of bp.' If they DO manage to rank, and get bp, then they weren't camping.

  • thepyramidhead
    thepyramidhead Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2020

    Basically your saying the the killer is not allowed to kill survivors, and they have to abide by the survivor rule book. Yea that makes sense killers are only allowed to be friendly.

    Or how about be more immerse instead of chasing, that how the game was intended to be. Thats my best tip for you.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Stop doing gens then.. if you do gens slow the killer will kill slow but if you gen rush obviously the killer will kill rush.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Oh man they popped a gen right before I could regress it so toxic why are survivors so entitled?!

  • xevra
    xevra Member Posts: 35

    the logic in this thread makes my head hurt "stop gen rushing and we wont kill rush"? what about all the games where there are no gens done and 2 ppl dead from a mori? what about all the games where survivors are slugged forcing the only person working on gens to go pick the 3 slugged ones up just to find out the killer is a stealthy camping the downed bodies. Please killers you have the easiest role in the game the Devs cater to you in every way possible and all you do is complain "Theres to many pallets" so pallets get nerfed "Sprint burst is to OP" so SP gets nerfed when in reality every killer is faster than a survivor you guys have blood lust increasing your speed you will catch a survivor no matter what stop saying flashlights are toxic if you're carrying someone ofc flashlights will be used to try and save a teammate you killers are so spoiled in this game that everything a survivor does is toxic to you because you all just want easy kills and no challenge your idea of a perfect game would be for survivors to just line up and get free kills it takes almost 0 skill to actually kill in this game ive hit rank 1 several time never once used an aura reading perk since its not hard to patrol gens and know which are being worked i dont tunnel hooks F it I let them get off the hook heal up and I'll just find them again later never once ran a 1 shot down killer cause thats just fun I'd rather chase and have fun with the person I'm chasing but lately I see so many red rank killers out there whether by stream or ingame use crutch perks like their lives depended on it and then complain about toxic survivors it makes me laugh everyday killers are the true entitled players of this game and they all cry and want survivors nerfed more and more every day

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    If I'm repeatedly getting hard tunneled I just throw on Adrenaline, DS and Dead Hard and hope my team rushes gens.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Oooh, tunneling thread in the flavor of Necroed?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Would this be Survivors tunneling a 'stop tunneling' thread? 😁

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I see you're trying to do some equivalent exchange based alchemy over here.

    Killers can't universally dumpster an entire team of survivors in 3-5 minutes, don't have a numbers advantage, and most playstyles to combat y'all rushing the game takes more time to enact than it takes for you to do gens and start trying to open the gate. Not to mention y'all choose to gen rush the most during times when people absolutely would like to just play a longer game I.E. events, bloodhunts, and weirdly Christmas Day.

    You want killers to do something different when you're still gonna do the same nut stuff. You want killers to do something different even though the reality is that the Devs have tied killers' hands on the matter since the recent batch of killers are only good at 1v1's, camping, or tunneling because their chase potential is obnoxiously stilted towards neither side doing loops.

    We can choose not to camp, tunnel, slug etc, but if your only tangible effect on the game is caused by those three things cause that is how the killer is designed then your basically saying, "I want to respect DA RULES and should just put myself on the hook". Also survivors rank up regardless if they get dumpstered or not as long as they do a few things beforehand, but Killers literally have to not only get lots of hooks, but also kills on top of making the game last at least 9mins to not get depipped. It's not as if 4k's are helpful to us because we get actively penalized for playing too efficiently.

    Survivors on the other hand get to be super efficient, speed up the game to a pace that's hard to deal with for most of cast and your biggest complaint is generally the BP payout is lower.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    '...right when you get off the hook' is the very definition of tunneling. The killer was soft-camping so he can start tunneling the hooked survivor the second he gets off. That's not a teammate issue, that's a killer is tunneling issue.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    The thing is, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY few players are actually "good" killers, who know how to chase, apply pressure on different areas, when to drop chases (and the same goes for survivors who are only able to play in full SWFs, who are then worthless alone). The vast majority of killers will just find you and then proceed to tunnel you until you go down because of bloodlust only, or die because your 200th birthday is approaching and they have been chasing you until then (which is also tunneling). The game is flawed, because it allows this kind of thing. Killers have lots and lots of things that basically play the game for them. They have Ruin, to slow down gens AND regress them, they have BBQ, to get more points and find survivors without needing to look for them, they have NoeD, to reward them for failing. They have Bloodlust, which isn't even a perk and rewards them for tunneling. They have instadowns, they have the Spirit. There should be something REAL, to prevent tunneling.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Killers have innate bloodlust, survivors should have innate decisive strike.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    I think a good idea would be : if a killer follows you for more than 5 seconds he will be rooted/blinded and teleported to a random location on the map 🥸

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Working on a gen is the same as getting a hook. Completing a gen is equivalent to securing a kill. Saying that a killer shouldn't be "allowed" to focus on one survivor is the same as "if a killer kicks a gen, nobody should be allowed to work on that generator until they touch another generator. You're really bad if you have to stick to one generator and ensure it gets completed instead of going and spreading gen pressure"

    You see what im saying? You guys tunnel gens, by that logic. And most people will agree, that tunnelling isn't in the killers best interest, just like focusing on a gen the killer is adamant about protecting isn't in your best interest. But there will be times when focusing on a gen/surv to ensure completion of your objective is the right move.

    I get it that some survivors do this every time. 1 survivor usually doesn't make it out. But the killer lost, and will continue to lose until they learn when to drop chase. Take solice in that.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    So, if I spot a survivor running to somebody I hooked, or I'm chasing somebody that's going to a hook, you consider that camping? My job as killer is to kill. If I can deny a save while putting pressure on apparent rescues, I'm going to do that. If the survivor is going to still attempt the save with me in the area, that's on them, not me. If they make the save, then SB/Lithe/DH/sandbag/or whatever AWAY from the rescued, and make it to a strong position, while the rescued is in the clear, why is it my fault? That was a bad play on a bad team mate. While I could go after the player at the stronger position, that holds the risks of losing the match right there. Or, I could capitalize on their greed, down the rescued, and apply pressure.

    And that's all that it is. Capitalizing on a survivor's bad play. Now, if they rescued, body blocked, had BT, flashlights, etc etc, and did whatever they could to buy time for the rescued, and I still went after them, THEN that's tunneling. But if they sprint off and leave the rescued, well, that's on them.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    People keep comparing the two things, as if they are even remotely similar, which they aren't. Killers have plenty of tools to stop generators from being worked on, even WITHOUT directly interacting with those generators. But even that isn't the main point. When you get tunneled, what can you do? Hope you find pallets and don't end up in dead zones and RUN. That's it. You can only run and hope you waste as much of the killer's time as possible, because he will get you eventually, thanks to bloodlust. You have no idea how many killers I see that would not be able to catch an afk survivor played by a bot on easy mode, if Bloodlust was not to do the work for them. Anyway, as I was saying, as a survivor you can just run. And that's it. That will be your match. If you waste enough time for the killer, the little baby will get mad and camp you to death on your first hook. You are being PREVENTED from doing anything else and effectively from playing the game. As a killer, gens being worked on do NOT prevent you from playing. You can still kick gens, down survivors, hook them, chase them, tunnel them, camp them, use your power, have NoeD because you suck, find the hatch and close it, slug survivors, break pallets, break walls, block windows, cook lasagna. You can do whatever the hell you want. That's the difference. And if tunneling is to remain as it is, survivors should at least be allowed to have multiple uses of DS, or have the killer stunned for 15 seconds.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035
    edited July 2021

    Yeah, you run, its called looping. Yeah, you waste the killers time. You're supposed to get caught eventually, and players are supposed to have less agency than killers in a chase. Its asymmetrical, duh. If one player didn't have fun cause he couldn't lose the killer, then oh well, move on.

    And yes, the two situations are exactly the same, generators just don't complain that they "didn't get to play long enough, boo boo". That's literally the only difference, gens don't have feelings, players always take everything personally.

    Similar to your question, if a killer comes up to a 99% gen, and he can't find survivors nearby, what's he supposed to do? Waste his time kicking it knowing someone will come right back? Kick and stand around? There's no real defense for it except maybe DG, pop or ruin. You guys have DS, UB and DH. Same logic as your "players can't do anything against tunelling" argument

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Being chased is one thing. Being chased until the end of times, still being in chase when Dead by Daylight 900 comes out and the grandson of Mathieu Cote's grandson is now head of the team, is another. But hey, everyone knows this forum is killer's domain, can't argue with some people. After all, speech is free and accessible to everyone. (Proper) reasoning, not so much.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited July 2021

    I'll only go out of my way to hardcore tunnel if the team has a teabagger or clicker. If you don't respect me, I won't respect you. Pretty simple.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Sounds like your teammates prioritize gens over friends if they cant be bothered to body block and take aggro for you...if it was 4 gens why would the killer bother and is trying to secure that 1k?

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    You are right about gen rushing 😯 you opened my eyes tunneling is the way thank you😁