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Nerf pop but not DS or UB, aight fam.



  • SimplyNotFun
    SimplyNotFun Member Posts: 70

    Name one “one time use” killer perk besides the potential of it being a hex perk where the purpose is to delay the survivors from completing their objective 😂 there are NONE. They all are usable continuously throughout the match as many times as you’d like. Pop doesn’t have any limitations as to how many times you can use it. It’s bs! A DS stun doesn’t do enough. The killer is back on your tail moments after you stun him because the stun duration is so small. so why shouldn’t DS be usable every time you get off the hook? You guys are worried about how long it’s active for? Well, you also have to consider that it’s a perk and it’s a one time use.

  • SimplyNotFun
    SimplyNotFun Member Posts: 70

    A perk is supposed to benefit you! Not simply delay the killers objective one time by 5 seconds. That’s so crappy compared to the killers ability to have an impact on the survivors objectives all game long!

  • Rapid_Oli_YT
    Rapid_Oli_YT Member Posts: 36

    ngl I’m getting rid of pop in my builds I’m using undying and ruin if this goes live like yeah don’t nerf ds even tho you get unhooked fully healed and on a bend and I down you and I still get ds’d if they are gonna nerf pop then nerf ds.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255

    Because DS and UB don't need to be nerfed. Neither did Pop, imo, but DS and UB don't need nerfed. They are single-use. I don't care how many other survivors can also bring it in, I can only use them once. You can use Pop every time you hook someone.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited September 2020

    They make their money when they release the new killer DLCs. I highly doubt anyone who bought Descend Beyond grabbed it because Felix looked like a great, unique survivor, or because HIS perks were awesome. I don't see anybody running Felix's perks. I see most killers running Ruin/Undying. So please, don't act like this is all about that survivor money because it isn't.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited September 2020

    Killers aren't leaving. It's killers that sell this game. DLCs and their corresponding trailers tease and highlight killers. Survivors are just glorified skins with perks. It's always about the new killer. Nobody cares about Felix, Dweight, Claudette, Meg, etc. Even with licensed DLCs like Nightmare, nobody cares about Quentin (he's ugly af); they care about Freddy. The literal only DLC, where the highlight was the survivor, was introduced with no killer, and that was Evil Dead. Sure, I enjoy the prospect of characters like Laurie, but nobody cares about Laurie. They just want her perk pack.

    If killers were leaving the game, BHVR would notice, but the idea of the developers being biased toward either side, is purely based on the perspective of either side. Even those who say "Well I play both equally, and..." are typically picking a favorite. They're finding the most annoying things to them personally, and deciding that they need to be changed. That's natural, but doesn't make them unbalanced. No matter how often I play DS, if I actually manage to get a chance to use it, I still get smacked down by the killer almost immediately. It only really changes the game if I use it in the EGC near the exit gates. I don't get downed fast enough to actually be able to use it. It's a perk for newer survivors who could actually use the crutch, and absolutely, when in the hands of more experienced players who can time it and turn it offensively, it's going to be much more of an issue, just like perks like NOED and the like. Experienced killers will down survivors near the totem, and then camp both. The totem stays, and so does the survivor. But experienced killers typically don't ever need to use it, because they 4k before it has a chance to pop. Like DS, it's annoying, but it doesn't need to be nerfed or removed. It's designed for newer players, and is a much more dangerous weapon in the hands of experienced players, who typically won't need to use it, but it's hella effective when they do.