So.. pop is nerfed because killers are too good?
Just for the record, he isn't getting paid for this. He chooses to be on here in his free time. It's no more a part of his job to be interacting on the forums than it is yours or mine.
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A problem for who, incompetent killers? Tunneling killers? Killers that want ez 4ks? Because you are Mr. Killer you want the survivors to be completely defenseless all the time? I don't think so.
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Not completely defenseless, but also not invincible for 2 minutes every match across all 4 survivors.
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I think you missed what he was actually talking about so I'll lead you to the correct answer.
What is his job? What is he being paid for?
Here's a hint: The person you're responding to wasn't talking about his activity on the forums.
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Invincible means you can't hit them. That is hardly the case. It's also only one minute, you should be chasing someone else instead of camping if you don't like the stun.
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it's invincible because of the fact you can't get around it for 1 minute, either down them and leave them and then they get up with unbreakable or you grab them out of a locker and they ds you. just today I had a match where I was hooking survivors got one dead, two on hook then the other one jumped in a locker and i had to either let them stay there or grab them... thing is they'd been off the hook for two other hooks. so it punishes killers when survivors either weaponize the perk or are crappy survivors. thus it rewards bad play or weaponized play. this is much like the survivors complaining about noed rewarding bad play by the killer. and now pop is being altered becuase it's got too long of a timer. ds is much the same way and gives them 1 minute to work on gens (almost a full gen) with impunity because if you grab them off a gen pop they have ds to hit you with.
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THIS is a perfect example of the harassment and personal attacks that @ToxicMyers is talking about. It's obsessive and does not belong on these forums.
Almo generally comes on here, explains the reasoning behind some of the design decisions / nerfs / buffs, then leaves. That is not "trolling". Do I agree with most of the design decisions he discusses? Absolutely not, in this case it's blatantly a double-standard between PGTW and DS and the decision is open to criticism.
However, these balance decisions likely don't come from any one single developer. You're basically shooting the messenger at this point, so no, I don't think "deserves the [BAD WORD] that gets flung his way" as you put it.
Bottom line is this; Criticize the design decisions all you want, but singling out one specific developer (or any member of the forum for that matter) and attacking them is the definition of harassment and not allowed on the forums. I've seen people make entire threads to attack Almo and that is not acceptable.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
An entire perk slot is used for that small benefit. A small amount of anti-momentum. No different that killers using tons of slow-down perks.
Reducing the timer on DS would incentivize killers to tunnel more. Reducing the timer on POP doesn't affect anything other than killers simply need to kick the gen first instead of chasing someone else first.
Reducing the DS timer weakens the perk exponentially more than reducing the timer on POP.
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remove the weaponization of DS and the perk will be much better. deactivate no mither and unbreakable's ablity to get up when DS is active that's fine. deactivate DS when in a locker, totem, gen, healing others after 30 seconds gone by then it's fine no FREE gen just because you have DS.