Have you ever done something toxic with no toxic intention behind it?

AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

I went up against a freddy who looped me around a gen. The looping degraded to a point where he'd kick the gen and I'd immediately tap it in front of him and he'd try to grab me, fail, and miss the swing as well. He'd kick it again and I'd immediately tapped it again. I did it just cause it was wasting a lot more time then him actually chasing me would, and honestly was a lot more fun then vaulting windows.

Do you guys have any such stories?



  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Oh the poor dear. He was clearly stressed, unfocused, and probably very inexperienced as killer.

    Still sounds funny as hell though.

    I kinda do what would be deemed toxic, but not in a way most survivors would presume judging from my behaviour.

    If an unhook has occurred in my face, I WILL smack the unhooked survivor for 2 reasons:

    • if BT was used I WANT that survivor to waste time running somewhere safe to mend.
    • I also want to intentionally eat a DS stun to get rid of that obnoxious perk. Once they’ve stunned me, I just let them run off. I’m just happy that’s one less DS to deal with at endgame if the match reaches endgame.
  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I accidentally tunneled someone to death earlier. Not my fault that they were a four man dressed the same...I couldn't tell the difference 😆

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Running from the killer and bringing unknowingly to someone who is basically 90% done their self medkit heal and having him get downed because I was running Kindred or Empathy instead of my usual Bond. Unintentional but basically a sandbag

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I once camped a rank 18, green perk, nooby noob because the red ranked Nea that that nooby noob had just rescued jumped into a locker. I knew they had DS and Headon, so I just waited and watched. The Nea remained in that locker until the two minutes passed and the nooby noob died on first hook. Poor nooby noob.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Teabag at the exit gates...

    But not like obnoxiously... I do it once then leave

    Also point at the killer when I see them tunnel someone I saved (safely should I add)

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I was running insidious billy on the neighborhood with the add on that makes chainsaw silent outside my TR. Hooked someone inn the basement and when i got out on the porch I saw a surv bee-lining to the house. I hid to the side of the porch and pro's insidious, and as they got close revved the chainsaw up and downed them as they reached the front door, since they couldn't hear the saw. A bit campy but I couldn't waste the jump scare opportunity. They DC'd and I felt bad but at the same time I didn't cause it was so perfect.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    All the time. When I'm running my heal-heavy tank build if the runner is injured I try to draw agro so the runner can go heal, but if the killer baps me and lets me run off instead I patch myself up very quickly with my build and go in to take another hit...and another...and another...

    Sometimes I spice this up by using Mett...no I never do that. I use Head on and bap the killer as he runs the loop with the runner.

    To me it's just tactics, but I imagine I'm very very irritating to tunnelers.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Went to heal a person on death hook next to shack pallet. Prompted to drop pallet instead of heal. Person died. I felt bad. Ooops

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    I got caught up with a group of toxic friends. They were giving the killer a hard time. At one point he chased me and caught me. They started swarming around him and he was trying desperatly to get me to the basement...and I kept wiggling to get away. He stopped short of entering the Killer Shack and it was cause someone was kneeling in his way in the doorframe. By the time he figured out why he couldnt move forward, I was able to wiggle free and ran off around the corner thinking "Dont pull me into y'all toxicness!" The Killer started to come around the corner after me but then he just got fed up and DC'ed. I felt bad thinking he believed I was on their survive with friends team..

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    On 3 separate occasions, I’ve unintentionally dropped pallets in a chase, right in front of survivors, when I wasn’t looking behind me😔

    Each time I was totally apologizing to the screen every time I saw them, like they could hear me or sth. Kinda made me feel a li’l better. They never dodged me in the lobby if I saw them again, or tried to get me back in game, so I guess they forgave me.

    still smh about it, tho.

  • goblinkiller50
    goblinkiller50 Member Posts: 16

    According to some survivors, I accidently was toxic one time. I played as killer and killed them.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    I sabotage two hooks to save a random player on his death hook. The killer was not happy, slapped my body a few times on the hook.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    If I'm gonna be toxic I go all out. The game wanted me to get 4 basement hooks. I grabbed my level 15 hillbilly, slapped on my tier one insidious, and popped out my lawn chair in the basement.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited September 2020

    That's not really toxic IMHO... that's just taking advantage of really bad play.

    As far as toxic goes, I'm never really toxic first. If a Survivor gets a little cocky and decides to teabag, point or clicky clicky, I'll always give them an M1 or two on Hook. Just to let them know I enjoyed hooking them a little more than usual.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Sometimes I'll tbag when greeting survivors or 'ty' tbag after being unhooked, but the killer may feel like I'm BMing them.

    I have been tunnled a few times by killers thinking I was disrespecting them, when in reality I never realized they were even near me when I was tbagging in the first place.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Haha, that's good, did you see him coming from the window?

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    No, I was waiting for someone to get back on that gen cause there was no exit.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    One of my first survivor games, I was a Dwight with one perk, and my perk was Bond. I followed my teammates around all match blowing skill checks and making them heal me. When it came time to open the door, I understood that people sometimes stand behind the person who opens the door, but I didn't really understand why. So, I stood behind a Meg and then the Clown came and threw a bottle at us, and I moved so the bottle wouldn't hit me, and she got interrupted opening the door. After a scramble where we both almost died, the Meg managed to save us, and I (coincidentally) got a map achievement called "Classy Act."

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190

    Sometimes my brain says: "No don't drop this pallet!" But my hand is faster. ^^

    I was healing Steve in a pallet. The killer came, I dropped the pallet by mistake and Steve was fully healed on the other side. To save him I vaulted toward the killer and got hooked. Too bad, It was a swf and they let me die on my first hook.

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    Yeah. I teabag all the time because that's just how we did it in halo 2.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    im assuming you play on console so you should be able to change your keybinds

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I had the opposite happen to me twice tonight where I needed to throw a pallet and I only got the option to heal. Very weird.

  • Kjetrr
    Kjetrr Member Posts: 43

    Playing with friends with much higher ranks/more experience, because I thought that we would get paired with a high rank killer (equal to my friend's ranks).

    Turns out matchmaking doesn't work like that anymore. Had to read the forum to find out. Man, did I feel #########.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    Was injured and got healed by a teammate, I teabagged as a way to say 'thank you for the heal'. Meanwhile a Pig was approaching us in stealth, I did not see her, and she thought I was teabagging her. Got tunneled because of that and she told me toxic people would get tunneled.I was so confused

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Last gen almost done and the killer finds me working on it. I take a hit finish it in their face and adrenaline away. Got a lot of salt for that one.

  • Brhoom
    Brhoom Member Posts: 241

    Slugged three survivors because everytime I downed one with tier3 Myers one would show up and I couldn't let my tier 3 go to waste.

    2 was fine but when I downed the 3rd one I said to myself, ''I'm not having fun if the other players aren't having fun as well''

  • TheCoolDBDGamer
    TheCoolDBDGamer Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2020

    Yes, i was playing Plague.

    I was vsing a twitch streamer playing nicely until i realised they were playing toxic swf with Discord and being toxic towards me. Before the game started i instantly equipped the most overpowered perk build+Ebony Mori+A Killer Sided Map.

    After downing the Survivors and before hooking them i m1'd in front of them on the ground until the plague said "NO!" As in No Escape, I slugged and patrolled the Generators like crazy and i made sure to 4k saying "No more mr. Nice Plague" As i hate toxic swf's with Discord.

    Other then that, i had no intention to be toxic.

    They were all p3 with toolboxes+Brand new Parts.

    It was the ultimate Killer bullying 4 man swf. So i was toxic towards them back.

    Killer is the power role and shouldn't be bullied by survivors.


    I'm never toxic intentionally.

    As a survivor i always play solo queue and never teabag ,etc.

    When i play Ghostface though i always teabag as it's a feature for him and he should be allowed to teabag as he has that feature just like Survivors can teabag.

  • Raz_
    Raz_ Member Posts: 296

    well.. im playing the game.

    isnt everything toxic nowadays in dbd? you loop toxic, you use a strong perk toxic, you get called a toxic swf even tho you play solo.

    well.. acording to the community everything im doing is toxic.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Yup chainsaw a who's Freddy's survivor well him and as I'm carrying him to a hook a wounded Laurie runs at me I slug near hook spend entire hook time hunting her down and got called a camper for it

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    No. I've never done anything against the rules set in place by the developers of the video game (the only rules that mean anything).

    Therefore I have done nothing toxic, intentionally or unintentionally.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited September 2020

    Apparently everytime I do play killer I am a toxic pos that should #########. 🤷

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    Yes, mine is a Freddy too. I looped him around the house at Mother's Dwelling and stopped to tap the gen upstairs mid chase which caused him to miss his attack and he fell off the balcony. I continued to loop him around the house until I was downed inside in front of a locker which he opened twice while trying to pick me up.

    He proceeded to abuse me on the hook but it was totally worth it since none of it was intentional and I got a great laugh out of it.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    So I really had to apologise after a game to a lovely dweet I felt so bad about it and I was trying to be so cute in my own way.

    So as pig I get booped and if someone is being highly adorable I often save a helmet to give to them before they leave the game. As a thank you here's a special hat to take with you thing. Weird I know lol but that's how I am lol

    So all gens was done being heavily booped at the exit by this wonderful dweet so I down him put on his happiness hat. This is where confusion hits he didn't know it wouldn't hurt him as I let him wiggle out he just stood there shaking his head all like no why piggy Wwhhhyy??!!

    I had to carry him out and apologise and explain they are harmless after the gens are completed and was a gift for his beautiful boops.

    It was a weird moment but he seemed cool about it just scared him I felt so horrible and toxic but I was just being so nice lol

    Sorry dweet you didn't deserve that!!


  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    When I first started I saw everyone crouching at the exit gates and figured it was just how the survivors all celebrated escaping with each other, so I'd do it too. I had never before encountered ranged teabagging, since in most games you teabag by crouching over the corpse of your enemy.

    I've had to use my nearly drained flashlight as a clicky distraction a few times to lure a killer off of an injured teammate during the EGC, which I'm sure the killer understood was my tactic rather than going "HA HA YOU LOSE" which I find gross, gloating just makes you seem like a child. There is no need to gloat.

    I'm sure I've accidentally tunneled a few times as killer in matches where the survivors look the same, and didn't realize it until afterwards. In one match against a TTV guy he threw a pebble at me near a hooked teammate, which amused me (I almost never see pebbles) so I turned around and left him alone. On his stream, he intentionally didn't unhook the guy because I left, considering it a fair trade.

    Unfortunately, there was a second survivor who was wearing an identical outfit, who I thought was him, so I left that survivor alone for a bit (I'm sure every killer is different if they consider "offerings" at all, but for me it means I'll go easy on you for a little bit, not the entire match or anything, I'm sure plenty will just slap ya silly regardless) and then ran into him, who I then thought was the survivor I just left alone, I kept getting them mixed up and killed the TTV by mistake early on since he was on death hook. I legit didn't even know until I watched his stream after, then I felt bad, since every time I let them get away with a little of this or a little of that it was the entirely wrong person.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I had a silly moment with another survivor where we looked up and tbagged next to eachother, and the cloaked wraith approaching us thought we were tbagging him. Guess that counts?

    He quickly understood the misunderstanding post-match and we all had a laugh at it though 😄

  • ScienceGirl
    ScienceGirl Member Posts: 92

    If they were injured, how did you not see them with Empathy? That has an even bigger range than Bond. 😂

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Touche - definitely didn't think that statement through lol. Probably just running Kindred instead of Bond or Empathy

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Don’t see a reason as of yet to do such a thing. Seems like more a bug at specific pallets. Others seemed to work fine.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    back when i played ps4 i changed by buttons to make sure it never happened because i got pissed when i threw down shack pallet trying to heal a meg

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    saying you play ghostface and teabag just because its a feature makes you no different than survivors that teabag at the exit

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Doing a gen in the killers face is usually toxic but it's never my intention. Especially when I take a hit to finish the last gen for Adrenaline.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Is it toxic? To me it’s simple strategy. If I spent close to two minutes fixing a gen and ruin or pop is in play, then you’re damn right I’m going to finish that gen. I don’t care if I get a hook in order to do it. Take one for the team!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I've heard many killers on here say it's the thing they hate the worst. They don't like feeling powerless as you get hit and the killer knows they can't stop you finishing the gen.

    This is even worse if you can dead hard the second attack or Adrenaline to get away.

    Definitely seen a few people on here say they would tunnel a player if they did it to them.