Selective Crossplay

It would be nice if they made it so you can select who you can be matchmaked with because I have no problem playing with other console players as our issues are pretty much the same (lag, frames, controller aim etc. Etc) but personally i very much dislike going against pc since their movements and aim are in all honesty superior the majority of the time, plus they dont have coldwind making your eyes hurt everytime due to how pixilated the screen gets sometimes to the point where you might be lucky to see scratch marks
Disable crossplay completely if you don't want to play with other systems. You can't have some of it and not all of it. That's not very fair.
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Im console and i think theres not to much difference in my games to when i only played PS4 players plus my match wait times are almost instant.
It is taking time to get used to playing a good PC nurse from the nurses i faced on PS4 but other killers im having no problem with. System doesnt matter, killers either good or not so good. Its all on the player for me.
I didnt think i'd like crossplay but im just not noticing much difference to before.
Would be nice to talk to the other players but it is what it is.
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Have you experienced any increase in lagging? I had crossplay on, but recently I started lagging quite a bit in my matches and it was annoying, so I turned off crossplay to see if it would fix and boom no more laggy matches.
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Enough of this self-victimisation. Open any stream and you'll see exactly zero difference between console and pc players. It is quite seriously all in your head. If you only want to play with people on your ecosystem, fine. Disable crossplay. But all of those PC advantages either don't matter or don't exist.
For example, this insane insistence that every PC player is a master race $10,000 machine player, and that DbD works on those machines. Yeah, DbD runs shite on console... Just as it does in most PC's. I know. I have a year-1 Xbox One with DBD.
Another example: Gamepads. Only a disadvantage as certain killers. Survivors with gamepads have a decent advantage because of the additional control and smoother gameplay.
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I too have Crossplay with off, as killing is just so terrible with the fps drops, despite the recent patches helping slightly, so I get this. Surviving isn't so noticable but killing still is, especially in the indoor maps.