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This is High Elo and balance

First of all i wanna say that im a main killer but i play both roles, Rank 1 surv and i dont consider myself an optimal surv and Rank 1 Killer and i consider myself a good killer with 85/90% win ratio. So, yesterday i played a match and i got 3 gens on my first hook vs a communicated premade. I had to do some nasty ting to get at least 2 kills because they literally pass from one gen to another and when i chase one guy that guy let the rest know so they can continue doing gens. i do 13k points and the maximum points on the survs who escape was 12k...escaping. Obviously i loose a pip for that, and then i whatch the thing that i upload and i found it so ridiculous that i had to show. The guy died, didnt even get 9k points and he remains on rank 1 with black pip... is this balance? a game 4v1 where a communicated team can only do gens so fast only equals 2 or 3 hooks? is this high elo? You as a killer gonna waste time always, no matter what, is the nature of the role. Chasing, hooking, finding survs, getting one point to another, etc. But survivours with communication they can just dont lose even a second. I think this is just so broken and the devs cant even see it because the focus in low ranks, but what bout the high ranks main killer that we played 90% of our matches vs swf and we are used to let go 2 or 3 gens for a single or couple of hooks, we cant play chill as a killer but the survis can?


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Ok I need to say something about this. First off the pipping system doesn't work very well. I'd assume in your game that person got iridescent chaser and probably gold light bringer for wasting your time while they did gens.

    Now I want to quote you on two things you said.

    1. "What bout the high ranks main killer that we played 90% of our matches vs swf and we are used to let go 2 or 3 gens for a single or couple of hooks"
    2. "Rank 1 Killer and i consider myself a good killer with 85/90% win ratio"

    Now for someone who says swf are broken this doesn't make sense. Your telling me swf are broken yet you have a 90% win rate with 90% of those games being swf. Sorry but you can't just win 100% of your games that isn't balance. What your almost explaining is how unbalanced the killer is compared to survivors since you can beat 90% of swfs (which are meant to be the toughest challenge for killers in this game).

    This is probably why they are focusing so much on low ranks because killers at high ranks still do win 90% of their games. Problem is they love to complain about the 10% they lose.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    You need to chill dude, I just got my ass handed to me on rotten Fields as Myers with no addons against a 4 man with flashlights and 10k+ hours combined. It happens, move on.