What are other nerfs survivors need?
Since DS might be killed what are some other needed survivor nerfs?
Reworded to sound less whiny.
After that, keys, blood amber add-on, OoO, and dead hard.
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I´d be fine with OoO getting annihilated, Spine chill slightly nerfed, and the so called "small pp build" aka DS+UB getting addressed in some way. Oh and the "ultra small pp build" DS+UB+SG. The exhaustion perks are fine imo.
Hope with my suggestions your times wouldn´t be too dark dear :-*
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I agree with all of these except dead hard. I dont know how to nerf that and also it's still just an exhaustion perk sprint burst is better.
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You're joking Right? Nothing bad will happen to survivors lol.
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I have a suggestion for you, why don't you play killer? Then you could answer that on your own!
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It's balancing sir.
Spine Chill is way up there in the needs to be toned down with it's free info. Either needs to be Line of Sight or be activated by being inside the killers Terror Radius.
Adrenaline needs more conditions or be spaced out so it's useful mid-game. It's a huge middle finger to the killer at end game.
Slippery Meat needs a complete rework. Deliverance is a 100% unhook. Why would you even want Slippery Meat?
Flip Flop needs a sizable buff. So does Buckle Up. Relying on slugs is few and far between.
Object of Obsession should only show aura in last known position and be given a cooldown.
No Mither...no comment.
Vigil needs a big buff (but not to exhausted effects leave that ######### out).
I don't even know what luck does so buff Up the Ante I guess by making what it does clearer?
Buff Lucky Break. Like seriously, 1 use?
Iron Will should have a time limit inside the killers Terror Radius and recharge when it's outside it.
Nerf Plunderers ability to pull Skeleton keys out of every single chest.
Buff Premonition to give a brief on screen cue of when the killer has been detected. It's easily missable given how many downsides this perk already has.
Buff Red Herring to see gen explosion indicators.
That's all I can think of.
Edit: oh and deactivate DS after last gen gets done.
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I just hate how dead hard is designed. Oh, the killer outplayed and mindgamed you? Dead hard for distance, it's ok. I think it's the biggest crutch survivor perk out there, and I hate it.
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Not really I'm half joking but still scared. Gonna be another patch 2.0 nerf after nerf.
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Better suggestion is to buff half the killers in the game, rather than going for more nerfs because that always just leads to more complaining than anything else.
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I 100% agree that crutch hard is well a crutch. The fact is to keep things consistent would you really give an exhaustion perk like tokens to use? How would you nerf it? Yes its play A to outplay(e, or x ps4/pc) but like just like strong killer perks nothing wrong with strong survivor perks
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I do only rank 4 right now but I do definitely play killer.
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Neat idea but you know how some people will react...I can already hear deafening screeching by some people if god forbid trapper got a 2 trap base capacity for example ;-)
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After PH which killer do you want nerfed next
Spirit will soon be coming up for round 2
PH will get another nerf next year so you can use DS and BT on cages and to put the POTD cooldown back up
Nurse maybe needs longer cooldowns
Deathslinger is toast as soon as they find the time to destroy him
What about Demo? He can zone survivors.
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Nerf ds and spirit and we coolio. Nurse is fine buddy sorry to tell you. Arent you the same guy who points out that I msin claudette as an argument point?
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Let them screech. I'll call them out for actually being entitled.
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Survivors can still use vaults and pallets. We should really scrap that.
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I don't know how I would nerf it, in fact, it probably doesn't need a nerf, I just despise it, and it's my least favourite perk to play against in the game along with noed and bamboozle.
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Fair enough.
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I mean, nurse is stronger than DS, but I understand why you hate him. All I want is his ads spam nerfed.
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Yeah I dislike it as killer too. I see so much dead hard. It's like damn you need a perk to fix your loops. Thats just me though.
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You start facing competent people at rank 1, and even then is not a "high level" guarantee since mmr is not a thing yet. My point is, to get the real picture of the game, you need to play both roles consistent and at a really good level. Cause do remember that there is people out there that has problems dealing with clown. So yeah
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I would be happy with a nerf to OoO. And maybe unbreakable, unbreakable is suffering from the exact opposite of power creep, the more slugging perks that get released, the stronger it gets, and its already a pretty damn strong perk.
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To be fair Clown is underrated in my opinion. Maybe it´s because I have a good amount of hours on him and found a good build, maybe it´s because the good players tend to vastly underestimate him. Maybe both :P
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Other than some things already mentioned I think all the second chance perks need reworks (and yes I include noed in this). I think they're unhealthy for the game and also crowd out perk diversity from happening.
I also think the exhaustion perks could use changes, but rather than nerfing them, I'd rather increase their counter play by giving more killers exhaustion addons or make the exhaustion perks we have good enough to be worth running so that there would actually be some risk involved in running exhaustion perks. Currently there's absolutely no reason not to run an exhaustion perk unless you literally just don't care about winning and want to meme.
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I'm usually rank 1. So now I have to an even higher red rank. Alright man I see what you are trying to do.
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I mainly think 10 more seconds needs to be added to gen times
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Oh yeah, and exhausted survivors should breathe louder as a downside.
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Trapper is the best snowball killer in the game. How can you possibly escape EGC with no key and two Trapped doors? You can't. The dynamic here is weak early game, strong late.
Spirit gets rewarded for going afk. Will anyone be surprised by her nerf?
PH is barely getting touched. You can still tunnel to your hearts desire like the typical pos PH mains have always done.
Nurse is broken in every way. They should just make her be able to phase through walls with 110% base speed and be done with the teleport bs.
Deathslinger just needs his reeling speed adjusted. So far it's either a guaranteed hit or wait till it breaks so they get deep wounds. It needs more variables.
Demo is in a good spot. People complain about Demo? He needs a stealth buff though. Clomp clomp clomp.
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I honestly doubt that you do. Do you think that everyone at rank 1 is good? I started playing this game and in less than a week i was rank 1, both killer (only playing ghostface, a m1 killer) and survivor.
Reaching rank 1 is not that hard, cause ranks are not a proper matchmaking system. We need mmr so we can end these stupid debates. Everyone has right to have an opinion, but if you are bad chances are you don't understand the game. Then you come here complaining about a or b. You might be right complaining about a or b, but the better you understand the game, the more richer your opinion is. So i don't know what you meant by "i see what you are trying to do" cause i simply don't follow your logic so far
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Yes, I´ve been a Trapper main for quite some time but currently on an extended break due to the sheer amount of OoO Swf. I´ve had some of my greatest DBD moments with him, and I´m well aware of the ins and outs of Trapper. The scenario you mention is basically a guaranteed Kill on the last Survivor if you find hatch before they do.
From my experience the trade-off is heavily stacked against him though. Makes it all the more satisfying to beat teams with a Killer many consider to be the worst :)
Oh and as of recently I´ve come to the conclusion that Oni might rival him in sowballability, too, with a far less punishing early game where you basically have to give up a couple gens to use your power at all.
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You can nerve all you want, against a survivor who knows you loop you can't do anything... yes, camp, but against a good survivor you can't camp... or tunnel, but against a good survivor you can't tunnel!
We'll always have you no matter what you do, we don't depend on addons or perks ! !🤣
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DS is not getting nerfed (though it should) because of a few threads comparing it to pop. It and NOED has endured so much criticism and they're still here.
DH is strong and technically a crutch but it's not that big of a deal.
Do comps then.
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Could be. I don't play clown too often so i might be missing out something. But i do know that if i am in a good swf, no m1 killer really stands a chance. Yes people tend to make lots of mistakes just for underestimating, so it could be related to that as well. I also don't see this game as a 1v1. Clown might get people on chases, but the overall match is really difficult for him. And if you are facing a good team, they'll pre drop pallets and do gens
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I have that done comp. This I'd referring to normal pubs because of one simple fact:
Not every one is comp. Using that as a point in an argument makes no sense.
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I finally wish object of obession was finally reworked into something different or Nerfed
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What are you rambling on about? DS isn't getting changed.
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I was joking shouldda added /s I guess.
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The clown, like plague, like the doctor needed be nerf. Bottles everywhere, electroc choc.. OP
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Absolutely. I play none of the "top tier" Killers, the best in my roster tier-wise would be Oni and even he isn´t exactly great against the actual top teams.
Clown can really throw off the usual gameplay though, given the right circumstances.
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Clown's issue is he doesn't have lasting cumulative effects from his gas. Once you're out of his gas, the effects dissipate. If they made his power more like Plague or Doctor he'd be much more imposing. I'm hoping that's what his upcoming changes will amount to.
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No it is a dev said it and the community backlash of pop is going to get the perk changed.
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I´d love that. At this rate they would be able to still utilise the already existing base mechanics of the bottles.
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Oh my bad it's hard to tell in text lol.
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Thats fair object is objectively op in a swf. Get it? Objectively hahaha.
I'll leave now.
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Can you link me where the dev said that?
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DS needs a rework so it can stop being the key to the second chance meta. UB definitely needs looked at just because it's completely free, maybe just having a small prerequisite like healing, picking up or safely unhooking another survivor. Or even doing a totem, though that one would be a bit wierd. OoO needs to be reworked, because even for solo players that's a ridiculous amount of info with very little downside. Iron Will needs a bug fix so that it allows breathing but mutes grunting. Medkits might need some small tweaking in the speed department, ever since their buff last year I've low-key feared them. Adrenaline needs to have a different effect that isn't a free heal, because it negates late-game map pressure. And keys, because they are literally as strong as they have ever been with the new hatch offerings.
That's it as far as pure nerfs, at least as things stand. The lists of buffs or reworks would be a lot longer, but that's not what this thread is about.
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I would assume it's getting change sometime in the very LATE future, otherwise it would of been listed. DS is a bs perk, it does need to exist but is way to unfair when used aggressively. Sure you might not use it like that but a lot of people do and it's about as fun as a first hook mori tunneled right off the unhook.
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If you don't mind, would you be willing to link me that dev post? I would like to read it.
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Ironic you say Nurse is fine when shes the strongest killer in the game.
Oh wait thats because nobody plays her anymore, and even then its only for daily challenges and they arent very good Nurses.