Killer tier list based on how much they tunnel.

From my survivor experience at least, lol. What killers tunnel you the most?
Poor Demo, Blight and Bubba with their odd white borders....😟
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Unfortunately I´ve gotten tunneled by Myers players more than any other Killer. In my experience they tend to use NOED as a staple, too, which was always weird to me. Propably bc he´s so popular among the newcomers and the casual crowd.
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Eh, the only tunneling Myers I see are the tombstone Myers, but they seem to play pretty fair, especially the P3 myers.
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But Demodoggo's a good guy :(.
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I mean Hag doesn’t really count.
Once she sets up her traps, she’ll hit anyone unlucky enough to step on one. It’s not really tunneling if you aren’t even aware of who stepped in the trap before you teleport and hit them.
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Yeah, but from my experience, they set up like 5 traps around the hook, and specifically go for the unhooker, or they just use mint rag.
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This feels weirdly accurate actually. I'd maybe move Ghost Face up a tier based on my own experiences against him, but I don't really disagree with the other placements.
Not that people ALWAYS tunnel with the killers higher on this list, obviously. But I wouldn't feel super surprised if a tunnel-y player just happened to be playing one of those killers.
Big props to all the Pig and Demogorgon mains that usually seem to abide by the fictional "good sportsmanship code" regardless of how the match is going.
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I think I would have moved ghostface up, I just didn't want tunnels a lot to be bloated, I also might have moved PH up to top tier.
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Same here, Myers and Ghostface are the biggest offenders in my list followed closely by Hag, Spirit, Deathslinger and PH.
Which is sad because I play Myers the most and I almost never ever tunnel anyone, especially not after an unhook (I cant remember the last time I ate a Decisive/slugged someone offhook unless the Survivor jumped in front of me to distract me from their mates).
P.D. I also find other Myers with super weird builds like NOED, Haunted Grounds, BBQ or stuff that is either redundant or doesnt help him at all.
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I disagree with clown kinda, because from my experience I don't tend to tunnel unless its an accident and I find the injured survivor before the rescuer. But for hag, and spirit I 100% agree
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Looks pretty accurate to my experiences for the most part. Mikeys and Demos are usually the nicest of the bunch.
I've had many Pigs tunnel though, even when you have a trap on your head!
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Yeah, but most clowns I come across use the annoying exhaustion add-ons, and tunnel all the time, they also gas me while I'm on the hook for some reason.
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You've obviously didn't see me when I play hard tunneling pig. It's the meanest playstyle since no one can escape pig who decides to tunnel them unless they're extremely lucky.
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spirit, deathslinger, trapper, wraith and freddy all come to mind.
I think spirit and DS take the top spot. As soon as you unhook a survivor whoosh along comes a craptastic spirit for the tunnel. Every single time.
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For some reason I don't understand why you would need to do that, I don't tend to run exhaustion add-ons that much for not every survivor has them but I do run flash of bleach mostly, but I get what your saying, I don't face many clowns its like I face one every once in a while
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Oh, I'm fine with clowns running it, it's just the clowns who run it, who like to BM on hook. I ha da match recently, where he just gassed me constantly on hook, and tunneled as well.
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The only one in good guys for me is Demo and Plague. I'd put Pig, Myers, Oni and Billy straight into the tunnes a lot.
Just happy to see the scumbag at the top is where she belongs.
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I feel offended as nurse player, i have to step up my tunneling by alot.
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The hag doesn’t have to tunnel when she camps from halfway across the map. One of the lowest skill killers. I can’t take hag players seriously. Spam traps. Place trap at loop. Wow, IQ 200. 😴
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Pig tunnels the most.
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surprised by where you put Piggy.
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I don't tend to do that because it wastes your bottle for something that may not help at all
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I'd move Ghostface down with Myers and Pig, but other then that- yeah, accurate.
(I might just be lucky with my Ghostfaces though- all the ones I get generally don't tunnel and are just chill.)
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When they spend the game tunneling the one person that isn’t trying to work on generators 😂 classic Pig
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My experience is that this kind of thing is extremely bs. No character is more likely to use undesirable tactics than another. Hopefully people will just take this as the fun little thing I hope it is intended to be... But at the end of the day, it's shaming character mains for things that they don't do whilst praising others for things they also don't do and will be used like that because people are extremely stupid, as was the last several threads I saw with a similar theme.
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These threads are just for fun, and from personal experience.
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Aren't Pigs notorious tunnelers tho?
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In my experience they are. Even with a trap on your head.
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The 'tunnels a lot' category is actually extremely accurate, I would just add Legion to it. Though I've been tunneled by every killer in the game.
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i usually defend Spirit in those eternal discussions about her being OP/balanced, but the mediocre and bad Spirits tunnel a lot. I mean, she is kinda designed to favour this playstyle, primarily able to detect injured survivors while phasing. Well, #noteveryspirit, but a lot especially in violet/green ranks tend to just proxy camp and phase back to hook right after unhook.
Luckily i don't come across Hags (and also Spirits) a lot, but yes those 2 tend to play the most "scummy" imo. But i've come across a lot of hard tunnelers and a lot of "i don't wanna tunnel even if it costs me the game" killers, using any kind of character. A Demo can play super "unfair" and a Bubba can play super "fair", although i don't think those terms fit in the game, as you have to get a sacrifice as killer at some point in the game, if you want to win. Which sometimes mean you have to tunnel the just unhooked survivor if he is the only one on death hook.
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pig should be higher up wym
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Tunneled for me tends to be Wraith. I face a few that hook me, cloak and just wait for someone to make the save.
Now if there was a chart for face camping, for me it's Bubba. 100%.
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Freddy in Hag Tier.
Clown and Bubba in Meh. Bubba is just a face camper and most clowns aren't try hard.
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When you tunnel the No Mither.
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Pigs are Hag tier or not at all. If you can count your IQ with both hands, tunnel. If you actually realise what a survivor with a trap means, you only SLUG them if you bump into each other.
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New Pigs and smooth-brains are. Pigs who actually know how to play never do.
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Bubba should also have his own tier. 4/5 games against bubba they are camping/tunneling with insidious,whispers, and/or franklin's.
Pyramid head is one I've been seeing a lot of lately. But they never seen competent enough to pull it off correctly. Like chasing someone for 4 mins while we complete all the gens and open both gates.
Otherwise agreed.
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Demo bois are probably the most fair killers I've played against
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Lol, like everyone else is saying Pig is notorious for being a bad killer to vs. when it comes to tunneling, but I like the rest of the list.
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Dirty Defiling Bubbas
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I play Spirit and I don’t tunnel...
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I'm grouped with bubba as doc? Really? I would of put myself above him.
I don't camp... but if a team doesn't even bother to protect their unhooks, I have no reason to not down the slob.
Ain't my fault their teammates are trash...
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Of course they go after the person who unhooked them. Any smart player would no matter which killer they are playing. Otherwise they run the risk of the survivor using DS. As for putting 5 traps around the hook I have never seen that. I play the Hag frequently and I usually put 1 the most I have done is up to 3 if they terrain necessitates it but that doesn't happen very often.
As for the Hag tunneling considering how the Hag's abilities work I am not sure it really can be classified as tunneling per se when comparing it to the tunneling done by the other killers.