New Killer (The nosferatu)

sorrowen Member Posts: 742

This killer is of the fog and drains life from survivors,he is quiet tall however given his vampire abilities he can turn into a slightly green tinged fog. His power is vampires bite for each bite the survivor gets weaker and weaker until the finally expire and turn. SC can lesson its affects to a degree but eventually it will have its way with survivors. Dead survivors wake anew in the match with a thirst for blood and have dark eye's and dead looking skin. However they can look and play like survivors doing gens and sabotaging. Flashlights particularly higher rarity kill them with a couple of flashes however their master is immune too light. This ability is a passive. He is dressed in pure black with a deathly white face and bat like fangs and animalistic ears and long claws

His perks include
My Love(survivors bitten receive healing penalty's upon a bite) 12/15/30% healing penalty
Impaler(survivors suffer from lethal bleeding upon attack and the Master can track their blood) bleed out rate is 9/15/35%
Hypnotic(Hex) survivors are cursed with decreased reflexes and skill check reaction penalty is 5/12/25%