Releasing the madmen and murderers back to earth

What would happen (lore wise) if the killers find themselves back on earth and what would they do individually?
(to those who are wondering why I didn’t submit this to the lore discussion is because I was not able to access that option)
I guess Trapper would fall to his knees, relieved. He would becone good again and helo take care of Killer problem.
I say this cause he refused to play with Entity originally...
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They would return to their lives as they were prior to the Entity.
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We all know what Myers, Freddy, Bubba etc would do. Go back to doing their thing like they do in the movies.
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Trapper, Wraith, Huntress would be "normal"
Nurse would start "normal" but as soon as she sees someone injured... she'll relapse into killing (sadly)
Hillbilly would... kill the first person who pointed at him (PTSD... LOL)
The licensed killers are easy... they'd all go back to what they did before (except for Pig... cause she'd dead... She'll return as a survivor though)
Plague would become a survivor
Spirit would find out her father killed himself and live a "normalish" student life until she graduates and become a cop... oh wait she's dead too umm She'd become a survivor
Doctor would be the one to get caught and sent to prison... but end up killing all of the prisoners (shockingly... -_-)
Deathslinger would return to bounty hunting... bringing back outlaws dead or alive till he gets killed by a gang
Oni.... Dead and I doubt he'd be a survivor
Hag... would become an urban legend... Oh her and hillbilly might find each other ( I should write that story)
Ghostface would go back to doing his thing ( A new scream movie would cover that)
Legion... would grow up to become: A lawyer, A doctor, A parent, A high school teacher... guess who does what ( have fun cause I don't know either)
Blight... would end up going insane
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assuming they age as well? yeah laurie gonna die
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Are you supposing they go back earth on normal form or killer one?
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It would be pretty important whether they were sent back to the time and place they were taken from or present day.
I´m quite sure Kazan would pay the town of that trashtalking lord another visit. In present day he´d completely lose his mind, smash some people and get shot down by law enforcement pretty soon.
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I was generally thinking about their killer form on earth which would allow more possibilities to arise
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Oh (bad Word) I'm gonna have to rewrite my whole comment.... (Bad Word)
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Wow, that’s exceptionally unfortunate for Rin. She’d be laying there on the floor of the house of her dead mother and deranged father, in pieces, covered in glass an drained of blood😔
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Trapper goes to Burger King and orders a Whopper. Gastro intestinal distress shoot up his chest and he collapses onto the floor.
The world of the entity was sterile despite all its cruelty. He takes one last gasp before reaching up for a hand full of chicken fries before finally dying.
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I think eventually everyone would get caught and investigated.
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That means the entity would have to hold authority over Earthrealm.
Without her power inside them, those killers wouldn’t stand much of a chance against a mob of citizens in front of them, armed with semi-automatic weapons that would cut them to pieces... not to mention a lethal dose of bombs, missiles an nukes from any military outfit, especially the US, considering they’d be attempting a killing rampage that could be considered a national threat.
Jus doesn’t seem probable
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Wait can I write out a "aftermath" for this... I has a lot of ideas
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They wouldn't believe it. They'd think it was just a new trial from the Entity and continue to try to hook everyone.
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True... lol
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you could do it any other way then this besides these are good answers
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I am a better storyteller then an artist
I can make a few changes to at least have some story for all killers
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theres only one killer you left out, what do you think happens to the clown?
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Oh (Bad Word)
Clown- ummm....... He becomes a Youtuber playing Minecraft doing drunk streams (has 1 mill subs)
But he still kills people close by to collect his fingers... Traps his house with his bottles to avoid being caught
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And I don’t mean to be a bother but.... what about huntress? (Sorry, I can’t get enough of this)
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Either she'd be "normal"- Returns to her forest to live out her days
Or She'd be convinced to form a group with Trapper and Wraith and they go on a journey (maybe meeting or of the killers)
Can I add survivors?
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It really depends on where and when the Killers are deposited.
If they're returned at the moment they left - exactly as they were before they left, a lot of them would probably die or be captured.
Clown was old and had nowhere else to go; Deathslinger, Plague, Pig, Spirit, Hag, Oni, Blight, and Nurse would all die from their various wounds; Ghostface was trying to disappear from the law; Trapper would be arrested and executed (the time period) for his mass murder; Legion would almost certainly all go to jail - probably for life (Susie might be able to get off with a lighter sentence if she tried to, since she was forced to participate in the killing - Julie and Joey might be able to pull off the same if they lie about what happened to save themselves, but they're all pretty under Frank's thumb - they might be willing to go to jail with him); Doctor would probably be disposed of by government agents - having proven himself more dangerous than valuable; and Wraith would probably either turn himself in or get arrested for having turned a blind eye to his boss's criminal activity for years. Ripping the man's spine from his body probably wouldn't help his case, even though his boss was a dangerous psychopath who murdered someone in front of him.
The others would probably just go back to their "normal" lives.
Leatherface and Michael would follow their movie timeline.
Freddy would probably try to kill Nancy and Quentin again. Maybe he'd succeed or maybe they'll find a way to stop him.
Pyramid Head would probably go back to cutting birthday cakes.
Demogorgon would do whatever it was doing around the Upside Down before the Entity snatched it.
Hillbilly would probably get drunk (Thompson's Moonshine) before doing what he usually did - roam his family farm killing wild animals and lost humans. Eventually probably getting shot by some angry farmers or the police as his antics become more well known.
Huntress would probably keep killing soldiers until the war ends. Maybe she'd finally find a daughter tough enough, physically and mentally, to survive with her in the inhospitable Russian wilderness. Eventually though, she'd get old and either die peacefully at home or out hunting.
If the Killers are all just thrown into the world together at some random time, who knows what they'd get up to.
I think they'd either all try to kill each other (either Huntress or Oni would win)
...or they'd jointly start a nightime baking business, selling delicious loaves of bread, sweet cakes, and cute cupcakes.
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The image of the Entity just watching Demo for a while and then finally picking him up and going "you're mine now" made me cough on my soda.
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If I had time I'd type out a small "aftermath" for all killers under the assumption that some would return human and others would have their killer appearance remain
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That depends was she taken dying or mid attack a copy of her soul was made hurt but not as bad as her body ended up she could be returned and a new family could be in there that gets her medical attention
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You forgot Demogorgon
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YES :)
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Me too, this is a story worth writing about
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Is this the right moment to shamelessly self-promote a fanfic concerning exactly that for Deathslinger? (it's rated E for reasons, though (violence and such))
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Have the thread with the link then:
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Depends, do they magically get treated for the horrific torture, mutilation and psychological conditioning? Because the majority of the killers didn't want to be killers. They were made that way by the entity. They're... Basically freaking nuts.
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Demo would go back to the Upside Down...
Unless you want a different outcome...
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Wow, I sure hope so...
those were some serious wounds😟
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They would just keep killing people
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So would people want a short story for all killers???
I'll start typing if so...
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Some killers would die/be greatly weakened (Deathslinger, Spirit, Wraith, Nurse), while others would be just fine, although only slightly weakened (Everyone else), as every killer was strengthened by their connection to the entity.
Trapper might be in serious condition based on the metal in his body.
Wraith might be fine, but unable to cloak (as that was given by the entity).
Billy would be fine.
Nurse would die from all the pain accumulated within the game (ripping herself apart and putting herself back together to blink).
Myers would be fine, his power didn't come from the Entity.
Hag would be gravely injured due to being flayed alive before the Entity saved her. Her power is also given by the Entity (although the archives disputes this to a degree, although we do not know the origins of the symbols, one could say that it could be from the Entity).
Doc would probably die, as the device on his head would probably kill him.
Anna would be fine, her skill and strength came from before her arrival to the fog.
Bubba would be fine.
Freddy would be fine, although he would struggle to regain relevance to his world, as they would forget him in his absence.
Pig would be dead.
She was saved from a Buckshot trap in SAW III. Assuming she would go back to that time, the trap would kill her.
Clown would be fine, although as fine as a fat alcoholic is.
Spirit was chopped to pieces and dying when found by the Entity.
Legion would be fine.
Plague would be dead from her illness.
GF would be fine. Might be better since he wont have a TR anymore, and can do what he does best.
Demo would probably become better, as they can eat their fill properly and possibly become stronger.
Oni might be fine, I'm not sure what would happen to him.
Deathslinger would be gravely injured.
Executioner would be fine. His power comes from Silent Hill, not the Entity.
Blight... I don't know if withdrawal from the serum would kill him like a heroin withdrawal would, but the symptoms cannot be good for him.
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The blight flowers come and go once in a while so at some point maybe the serum would wear off and painfully return back to his normal self but of course he’s going to crave for the flower but at some point he might stop and return to his old roots
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Amanda was shot and bleedout on the floor
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So she would just be dead. Ok then.
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Yea... RIP
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It would be a very nice ending if wraith and nurse found each other on earth (that is if they can find each other or can keep the relationship going)
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(I might need to update this conversation when 2 new killers are released)
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Nea would return to her killing spree