Nerf to Survivor's Top Teir Perks

I know, another Killer Main complaint; but here me out! This game is very unbalanced and feels on both side abit too quick and favoring one side, depending on the broken map sizes, the time it take for one Survivor to fix a gen (Genrush), and how most killers are not very capable against very strong swf teams!
But I feel most of the Devs decisions is too lean towards Survivor sided and not considering all the frustrating killers have to deal with! More specifically, having to deal with 4 Survivor running these meta perks!
*Exhaustion perk; mostly Dead Hard
*Unbreakable/Borrowed Time
These perks are the kinda of Survivor perks Killer mains like us, have to be cautious and frustrated about; as it allows experience Survivors get away with just about alot of things!
Genrushing is so easy to do, that completely all 5 gens is possible for Adrenaline to trigger and give a passive effect of instant healing and speed boost!
DS is might as well be a "I am Invincible and immune to you, dumb Killer; what are you going to do about it" as they hid in a locker or do a generator in front of my face!
Unbreakable makes it way to easy to get up and/or be picked up faster by other Survivors! Make 30 Seconds last then 20; making slugging impossible, aa they can used their one time used to get up and help the others whom do not have this perk!
Borrowed time makes them very cocky and go for Saves in front of my face without punishing them! It just very easy to do basement saves and make it difficult to be such a scary place!
I suggested the Devs please in The next update, after the Mid Chapter update; to please evaluate these Survivor perks and understand why it is very strong and frustrating to play against for killer! Thes perks also have terrible side effects of creating Toxic Gamers and making Survivor have this mindset that bully the killer and get away from alot of mistakes that killers cannot punished!
Suggestions Nerfs:
*Adrenaline: Should be a Exhaustion perk, that will only grant one effect at a time, when last gen is done! If Healthy state, you can have a speed boost. However, if injured or down, you recover one Health state and gain no speed boost along with it! Any effect will be normal consumed as a exhausting effect; plus; you do gain the effects while exhausted before the last gen! This perk only works if you have your exhausting effect ready, and doesn't pair well with any exhausting perks like Sprint Burst or Dead Hard!
*Dead Hard: Has this hidden special effect in which you avoid triggering bear traps; which in turn counters the trapper killer! Like they did with Slippery Meat, there should not be a Survivor perk that allows you to avoid a Trapper's power! If they can make Dead Hard through traps not possible, then we are fine!
*DS needs to be nerf again, as it hard it hard for killer to punished a Survivor that isn't Tunneled, yet gets in the way or forced the killer to eat the DS by doing actions in front of their face! (Jumping through a Locker, Doing Generator, or even going down faster by intents and let the killer pick them up)! Plus the time it takes to wear off is way too long and inconvenient to be considered "tunneling" yet the killers get DS! I say reworked the tunneling conditions! Make it so that you have 30 Seconds of the ability to used DS, after being unhooked and that you must not do any actions that revolves around Hiding in lockers or doing gens! You will loose the perk if the Survivors take the time heal or not do stuff in front of the killers face like Jumping in lockers or doing gens! However, if you are truly are being chase by the killer and tunnel by the killer; then the timer for DS last for quite a while, if not paused! This will discourage Killers from Chasing recently hooked Survivor, but will not gives Survivor a chance to get 60 of invincible from the Killer's grasp when not in a chase!
Borrowed time; is hard to really nerf down! But, if I were to change it abit, I would make it so Basement are not effected by Borrowed Time at all, or something better! If the Rescuer Survivor using Borrowed Time, only attempt to safe the Survivor in the Killer's Terror Radius, as long as the Killer isn't directly looking at them! This will punished Face Camping killer, but also punished Cocky Survivor mains whlm thinks it is safe to unhooked a Survivor in front of a Killer's field of view! Basically, unhooked while in the Terror Radius while the killer isn't looking at them! And buff the Basement a bit!
I do loves all the Changes to Pop Goes the Weasel and some minor to useless perks getting buffs or reworks; but I still feel the game isn't going to better; if we not talk about what Survivor are more then capable!
It really hard to nerf SWF team or Genrushing, because it will make the game boring; but i really want to make playing as Killer less frustrating to play!
Please tell me your opinion, and suggestions, and please be reasonable! And let's not do "Whataboutism"! I like to hear some changes to killers you dislike!