What Happened?


I’m a level 9 killer rank. I play killer 100% of the time and lately the survivors have been completing gens way too fast. Impossible to even get two kills let alone one. I was once able to get at least 2 -3 kills, even 4 on certain good days. Maybe I’m the only one but if this game keeps going like this I’m going to have to stop playing. It’s not a challenge anymore for survivors. Which makes it no fun to me as a killer. I at least want a fair shot. Are there new add ons for survivors that are OP?? Oh and another thing, What is up with that stupid perk where a survivor heals magically after the last gen is completed? After I’ve been running my but off trying to catch them and I finally get close but BAM healed. That is not cool. I worked hard to bloody up that survivor and they miraculously heal? Devs, Get rid of that please. It’s making me sick.

P.S, survivors, please stop the tea bagging. It’s ridiculous. It’s a game meant to have fun. You aren’t making money off of this like a professional athlete so stop the stupid virtual trash talk of tea bagging and just run out the gates and be done.


  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Adrenaline is the perk you're talking about and it does need to be changed to not work on downed survivors, but I don't know about being fully removed (making it not able to trigger if you have Exhaustion active would also go a long way to help tone it down).

    Other than that, no it's just how strong toolboxes still are when stacked with the right add-ons and stacking two Survivors on a generator shaving off 30 seconds of repair time immediately.

  • Zippy
    Zippy Member Posts: 38

    Ok got ya. Yeah it shouldn’t work when they are down. Well right after I posted that, I got a 4 kill so I don’t know. Lol. It just seems like if all 4 survivors are perfectly balanced, the killer has no chance and I feel like there should always be a chance. One match the generators were being repaired so fast I wanted to log off.

    also, shout out to those survivors who don’t rage quit and stay to the end. I appreciate that. 👍

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I don't mean to be rude, but it sounds like you are just a little inexperienced and don't know much of how to pressure survivors (get them off of generators; map pressure). To pressure survivors, hook and slug. If gens are being done at lightspeed, go ahead and do your best to hook a survivor. Afterwards, find another survivor and down them, but not hook them. Unless the survivors are coordinated, you should be able to go back to the hook by the time another survivor gets saved. This is the time to strike because unless the survivors are very efficient, you should have 3 different survivors pressured. During this time however, you need to act fast. If you know the unhooked survivor doesn't have Borrowed time or Decisive strike, go ahead and hook them again. Play in a way that would make entitled survivors upset, camp a little if you need to, slug a bit and hopefully (depending on what killer you are, what perks you have, what perks you are going against, etc) you should pressure survivors off of gens giving you time. Btw, look up how to mindgame as killer and how to chase tiles effectively by PainReliever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jrv7TQYg5U

    PS: Adrenaline, the perk that heals survivors and gives them a 5 second speed burst is strong, but not overpowered.

  • Zippy
    Zippy Member Posts: 38

    Good advice, thank you. I do a lot of those things but I need to get better at slugging them.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Tbh, it just shouldn't do a heal and sprint burst at the same time.

  • Zippy
    Zippy Member Posts: 38

    I Agree Milo