No Mither Rework Idea

With Dead Hard and WGLF both having good effects, David only has one other perk that needs tweaks.

No Mither

Go on out kid, it's just a scratch.

After taking a protection hit, No Mither activates for the next 60 seconds.

While No Mither is active:

  • You leave no pools of blood.
  • Grunts of pain while injured or dying is reduced by 0%/25%/50%.
  • Killer pallet stun duration is increased by 50%.

Quick Note: The extra 50% stun duration equals 3 seconds, which is equal to that of Head On. If the Killer is running Enduring, the stun is reduced to 1.5 seconds.

Since protection hits are required for WGLF stacks and leave you injured, this perk synergizes with both of David's perks in being an "aggressive and confrontational playstyle." You can also use it with Mettle of Man or Blood Pact for maximum efficiency.


  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I'd maybe add back in its other two caveats:

    • You suffer from the Broken status effect while No Mither is active
    • While No Mither is active, you can fully recovery from the dying state into the injured state

    Otherwise this sounds like a pretty good suggestion for improving this "handicap" perk to be less of a joke.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    No Mither is supposed to be hard mode. Changing pretty much everything it can do along with its design philosophy makes me question why this wouldn't just be a separate perk altogether.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    See, that was my original idea. It used to work like this:

    It was meant to work for as long as you were Broken, so it synergized with perks like For The People and Deliverance. But my feedback proved that it would be too strong on its own. I resorted to protection hits since it’s simpler and it’s a mechanic in the game that could use some more love in the first place.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I simply refuse to believe that No Mither is meant to be a joke. No perk in this game should be designed to punish you for equipping it (and render other perks useless).

    If anything, we can have an offering that will give you No Mither’s effect if you really want to torture yourself.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Its not a joke perk, its simply there for survivors who want more of a challenge (Which comes with its own Solo Q problems). While I agree it shouldn't be designed the way it is, it is designed that way.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Which is why it should be changed. It shouldn't be designed that way. Perks have been overhauled before (Prove Thyself, Mettle of Man, etc.) and No Mither shouldn't be excluded because it was designed poorly and remained unchanged since its release. It's a joke of a perk. It's only used for meme builds and provides no advantages or gimmick or synergy whatsoever.

    If anyone wants a challenge, just don't heal. Or, like I said, we create an offering that grants the effect and extra bloodpoints perhaps. Then you have an appropriate challenge with an appropriate reward. We shouldn't be wasting perk slots (and teachable perks at that) for such an unwanted effect.