On getting hit through pallets

This is just feedback and does not include a fully planned out suggestion.
I am much more okay with the hit through the pallet in the video below than any hits through pallets on live currently.
So, maybe this is something whose positive aspects you should consider? Maybe not forcing the killer back so quickly when a pallet is thrown to show survivors that the killer did end up very close?
This is from someone with a low framerate on PC, btw.
How old is this gameplay god damn
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Did you just revive a 2015 post or is this one recent?
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It seems like it was posted September 29th but this footage is older than my great grandparents
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No perks shown. Papa Trapper at his prime in his mid-thirties. Built-in Unrelenting. Grab animation of seven minutes. Good times.
Y'all wondering where today's potatoes came from, here's footage of their parents frolicing about the only map they could get.
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Beta stuff in 2016, from HybridPanda. I miss him...
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I have some pretty COOL idea, and thinking about the algorithm of it would be easy to implement. When a Killer would get stunned by a Pallet but he managed to hit a survivor within 0.X seconds, instead of pushing the Killer all the way back, make some special animation like:
While the pallet is getting throwned and it reachs where the Killer is, the Killer will kinda cover his side where the pallet is coming from to defend themselves and then break it somehow(with a punch, their weapon, maybe thrown the pallet on the ground and smash it, but it needes to cover the stun duration). So instead of just stunning the Killer and teleporting him behind, you will suffer the hit from where the Killer hit you, and he will just break the pallet in the time he would have been stunned.
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white Claudette?
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that would be cool because with myers you could have him walk through the pallet
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Its alpha and also not from hybrid panda.
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My bad it was the vid after that
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this is what I would love (I doubt it'll ever get implemented), but mainly, it was to try and figure out why I would feel better about getting hit like that than I do now.