Prestiging with Discontinued Items/Add-Ons

I really want to prestige but I also don't like losing items in games that are no longer available like moon bouquets, gateaux, etc. So, maybe those could be the only addons or offerings you keep after prestiging. (Maybe with a downside or something if necessary.)
They will never implemeted something like this sadly. I also have plenty of event items and also splinters too. I won't prestige them.
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I miss the splinters. There was a bug where it would literally unlock the character for you and that's how i got myers to lvl 50. Also, i got like 3 Black Splinters on Myers somehow.
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What bug was that?
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idk after the match with a splinter it would just go to the menu and i had myers. I'd assume the same with pig, bubba, and freddy when you use their splinter offferings.
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Well I never used them because I had all Killers, but idk why they removed them, was a cool way to let players test the Killer before purchasing them.
Maybe because they tought they would play with the splinter and perform bad and affect the decision of the player of buying it, so they will end up losing money. For example, famous DLC Killers which are licensed like Demogorgon and Pyramid, fanbase of the series would play with the Splinter, perform bad and lose the interest.
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I mentioned it in another comment. I think they removed them because of the bug i encountered where it would give you the killer basically for free.
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I remember prestiging my dwight who had a common map offering from when I played a free weekend back in like 2017
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I don't believe they removed because of the bug. I mean, I'm an DEV myself and, an easy logic fix for it is just some lines like: -> User left the end game screen -> Goes to the main menu -> Killer tab opens, check if player has the specific DLC killer enabled on his Steam or if he purchased it in-game store(they probably have this saved in your save file on their databases) -> if they don't have, just automatically select the default Killer like Trapper.
I agree there's a lot of useless things in the Bloodweb, but splinters were very rare to appear and they're not useless. Again, another easy fix with some code when generating the Bloodweb: New bloodweb is being generated -> Splinter for X killer has been choose to spawn in the bloodweb -> Check if the player already has the specific X killer enabled -> if yes, select another offering.