Make killer more fun? Why I think its boring.

WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
edited September 2020 in Off-topic

I mean I play on PS4, so it’s a bit different from PC but now that I see PC players... I’m starting not to enjoy killer anymore... Not because they beat me. I have more of a fair time fighting PC players, but because their skill shows. So much so you see PC players with a variety of builds.

So the main reason...? Well..! I realized survivors have a wider variety of builds and everything else that they can collectively use in a single trial against any killer and win (Although some survivors play toxic to win SOMETIMES). Whereas the killers MUST play a certain way to even get what is considered a “win” against competent survivors. Having a less variety of useful perks, and builds to use to boot. 16 perks with items vs 4 perks and a few power altercations... As I kept getting to red rank as killer I felt as if it’s a huge chore. Just BP farming and dealing with toxic players sometimes. When I want to win I play doctor with MYC, Unrelenting (Reduces ridiculous aim assists), PGTW, and Distressing. As killer I don’t feel like a monster/mastermind terrorizing the people I play with (Unless I play Blight). I feel like a parent grown tired of my bad *** kids. Some killers can’t even function properly without perks like Corrupt.

I feel that killer aspect needs a huge overhaul. I feel like The Entity perks like Corrupt, Thrilling Tremors, Blood Favor, Whispers, Blood Warden, Dead Man Switch, Cruel Limits, etc should literally be the killers interactions controls to help them under certain circumstances. Say you use “Entity Tokens” to call The Entity for help, and the max tokens is 8. By hooking survivors you gain tokens since you gain The Entities favor. You can use offerings to increase (As Killer) or reduce (As Survivor) the max tokens a killer can accumulate in a single trial. The greater the impact “Entity Call” has on the trial the more tokens are required. Meaning if survivors collectively reduce the maximum tokens with offerings that means the killer can’t call the entity to do certain things to help them that round. Like covering gens for set time, or blocking the exit.

This isn’t too outlandish. Look at the survivor controls compared to the killers. On console the survivors have twice as many controls as the killer. Which makes me think the killer isn’t implemented correctly due to trying to maintain “balance”. All those extra controls could be the inputs for “Entity Calls”. Then you can set it up how you want it.

All those old “Entity” Perks can be replaced/reworked as something potentiality useful. As opposed to wasting perk slots. If calling the entity was a separate function that was balanced it would allow killers to run the variety of perks they DO have as opposed to the same humdrum stuff needed for a simple 4K.